Matthew 6, What a nightmare on national TV yesterday!!

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can you point out the thread name and the post in which i called cute widdle girl toucher 'biden' a pedo OldLady !!
Jesus God, Pismoe, get some glasses, wouldja? I was replying to Doc.
Does not apply here.

It sure does.
If you think the Church is controlling the US government, you have really big issues with reality.

No but Politics have invaded the Church, never have I ever heard politics in the RCC, but in Evangelical and in most Protestants churches its rampant. Then again in the RCC we have a 10-15 min sermon, not hours of it.
Who is your God?

The GOD of the RCC is a trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. You know the Holy Ghost that rapes all the women, and men have to be worried about. Not only did he impregnate the Virgin Mary, but the innocent men who assaulted the many women in the US are non existent. I only have to submit that all these fake accusations were done by the Holy Ghost.

Lol. You're very troubled.

Well it seems all the mortal men are innocent. What are we to think, all the women are lying?

Oh I're being facetious.
can you point out the thread name and the post in which i called cute widdle girl toucher 'biden' a pedo OldLady !!
Jesus God, Pismoe, get some glasses, wouldja? I was replying to Doc.
----------------------------------------- but 'biden' , yeah , he has some strange leanings and i'd keep him away from MY little girls . Thanks for the mention of 'joe biden' the widdle girl toucher in this thread OldLady
A lie has negative value, even if your lie promotes Winning for your cause
you will be judged as a one who lies.
---------------------------------------- can You PROVE who it is that is lying Satre ??

Oh stop, surely you learned by now that the Left NEVER has to actually prove anything....the accusation is enough.
Right, the same way you are calling Joe Biden a "pedo" in another thread. Right now.









You also don't know Scripture. Who made a whip and beat the money changers, destroyed the temple, and ran everyone out? Who yelled "Lazarus, Come forth".

The money changers was righteous indignation for the money changers fleecing the Jews of their money inside the temple.

Lazarus was a demonstration of his Father’s power it wasn’t done for political purposes.
The point is praying out loud is perfectly scriptural. Your opinion of what is political doesn't matter.

Neither does yours.
I gave you Scripture, not my opinion.

You didn’t quote anything, you gave me your interpretation of what you believe it says. You gave no actual scripture. Just as I gave you my interpretation of scripture.
Now you're lying. Matthew 27 and Luke 23, Jesus cried out from the cross.
A lie has negative value, even if your lie promotes Winning for your cause
you will be judged as a one who lies.
---------------------------------------- can You PROVE who it is that is lying Satre ??

Oh stop, surely you learned by now that the Left NEVER has to actually prove anything....the accusation is enough.
Right, the same way you are calling Joe Biden a "pedo" in another thread. Right now.

That's because the pics don't lie, you do. The fact that you can't denounce his actions reveals much about your lack of character and morality.
A lie has negative value, even if your lie promotes Winning for your cause
you will be judged as a one who lies.
---------------------------------------- can You PROVE who it is that is lying Satre ??

Oh stop, surely you learned by now that the Left NEVER has to actually prove anything....the accusation is enough.
Right, the same way you are calling Joe Biden a "pedo" in another thread. Right now.











She doesn't care, in fact I think she likes the pictures in some perverse way.
A lie has negative value, even if your lie promotes Winning for your cause
you will be judged as a one who lies.
---------------------------------------- can You PROVE who it is that is lying Satre ??

Oh stop, surely you learned by now that the Left NEVER has to actually prove anything....the accusation is enough.
Right, the same way you are calling Joe Biden a "pedo" in another thread. Right now.









-------------------------- love it , thank you !!
One wonders if his TV doesn't have an off switch or can change channels.
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Unless the economy crashes in the next few years, no one is going to beat Trump in 2020.
The money changers was righteous indignation for the money changers fleecing the Jews of their money inside the temple.

Lazarus was a demonstration of his Father’s power it wasn’t done for political purposes.
The point is praying out loud is perfectly scriptural. Your opinion of what is political doesn't matter.

Neither does yours.
I gave you Scripture, not my opinion.

You didn’t quote anything, you gave me your interpretation of what you believe it says. You gave no actual scripture. Just as I gave you my interpretation of scripture.
Now you're lying. Matthew 27 and Luke 23, Jesus cried out from the cross.

You did not quote the scriptures, you just spout opinion and your interpretation.
The point is praying out loud is perfectly scriptural. Your opinion of what is political doesn't matter.

Neither does yours.
I gave you Scripture, not my opinion.

You didn’t quote anything, you gave me your interpretation of what you believe it says. You gave no actual scripture. Just as I gave you my interpretation of scripture.
Now you're lying. Matthew 27 and Luke 23, Jesus cried out from the cross.

You did not quote the scriptures, you just spout opinion and your interpretation.
I gave you the Scripture references, Matthew 27 and Luke 23. Read them yourself. Liar.
GOD fooled you gipper You received instead the crookedest POS to ever step into our WH Makes Ponzi seem like a child
To think Trump more crooked than Crooked Hillary, is to not think.

Why do you believe the D Party? You would never believe the R party.
Hillary survived 11 straight hours of investigation calm cool and collected The pos Kavanaugh cried and whimpered like a baby Hill showed her taxes Trump who probably paid very little if any, was afraid to do the same. Trump is making billions on the back of his Presidency and collusion with the Russians is just around the corner,,,and obstruction will bite him in his fat ass

Hillary survived 11 straight hours of investigation calm cool and collected

and set a new record for, 'I don't recall/I don't remember'

The pos Kavanaugh cried and whimpered like a baby

because he was being attacked, on baseless accusations, in an attempt to ruin his name, his reputation, and his family.

by another woman that couldn't seem to remember.
Will, I don't think the accusations were baseless, but I do think it was wrong for the minority party to base their case on these quasi-ancient accusations. His in-your-face demeanor was what turned me off, and his hair-trigger anger, and then he tops it off by spouting the old party line about conspiracies and weeping over his victimhood.

We will never know what Kavanaugh's fellow justices think of his performance since none of them has ever spoken critically of another justice. They all have too much class to get into the down & dirty publicly. But I have read that there are continuing accusations against Kavanaugh and Roberts has assigned a slightly lower court to address them.
------------------------------------- and PROBABLY assigned them to a lower court simply because its the only way to LEGALLY address the Specious or TRUTHFUL Accusations B.W. .
We shall see, but I am beyond caring.
We shall see, but I am beyond caring.

I'm surprised by this, that you don't care. For weeks, the alleged rape train parties supposedly organized by Kav and his friend Judge were considered to be the height of importance.

Isn't it important to resolve this issue?
Hillary survived 11 straight hours of investigation calm cool and collected The pos Kavanaugh cried and whimpered like a baby Hill showed her taxes Trump who probably paid very little if any, was afraid to do the same. Trump is making billions on the back of his Presidency and collusion with the Russians is just around the corner,,,and obstruction will bite him in his fat ass

Hillary survived 11 straight hours of investigation calm cool and collected

and set a new record for, 'I don't recall/I don't remember'

The pos Kavanaugh cried and whimpered like a baby

because he was being attacked, on baseless accusations, in an attempt to ruin his name, his reputation, and his family.

by another woman that couldn't seem to remember.
How did Bill Clinton react when he was attacked over and over again by republicans I'd say he was 3 times the Man Trump could ever be even with his faults

He lied, remember?

Stood there on tv, shook his finger in our faces, and stated he did NOT have sex with Monica
And yet today's daily lies are an accepted norm. Lies about jobs coming back, lies about NK doing the de-nuke thing, lies about tariffs, and least of all...even lies about how he didn't have sex or even know 'that woman'. We seem to have evolved.
---------------------------------------- Thats the thing , who actually KNOWS what lies are being told eh . In my 70 years the Government has probably told thousands upon thousands of lies since the Founding . Who knows what the lies are . And no one cares anyway as they live a pretty good life here in the USA .
Pis, in your 70 years, do you remember the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, "I did not have sex.."? Those lies cost, mainly because the men who made them 'manned up' when caught instead of doubling down and pointing to someone else as the villian. Heck, even Gingrich and Hastert lost their jobs for fudging truth, not to mention Spiro Agnew. I'm pretty sure there are other examples.

No, my friend, I hope those days when lying doesn't pay return, but in the meantime, mainly only since 2016 does no one care, as you say.
Unless the economy crashes in the next few years, no one is going to beat Trump in 2020.
Democrats will certainly try to make that happen.
--------------------------------- its what they , dems and rinos are trying to do now as they try to hurt TRUMPS Deals with the Arms Deal that the Saudis and USA have arranged .
Did you know it is said those deals were arranged since before the Trump admin? And I hear they are more like letters of intent rather than actual agreements.
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