Mattis Resigns

"Our failure was in not grovelling hard enough" - Mattis basically said in his letter
"Mattis has been the adult in the room when it comes to national security policy and I find his impending departure alarming. For the last two years he has been a buffer between the chaos of the White House and our military." - Ted Cruz
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February
Trump should have picked stronger ideological people to fill his cabinet. The Democratic Party surely would. But President Trump is an outsider. Time for some steel nuts and put real conservatives in office not this wishy washy Ivy League crap. Common, working class Americans are behind Trump. We want him to stop being a pussy.
Mattis made it clear

He can’t stand Trumps military strategy
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Notice how libstain scum cries out loud over being in these wars and when Trump tries to end it, guess what? More sissies crying.
Of course the two clowns(Pelosi and Schumer) try to capitalize out of Mad Dog retiring. Jokes on them when it's clear that him and Trump left on good terms. If not great. But of course the grandstanding to gaslight by the swamp DNC happens.
18 years folks...longest conflict in American history.

Don't be an idiot..........18 years in Afghanistan.......and we're STILL there; 16 years in Iraq....and we're still there.......

This latest fuck up was over Syria..........Do you have a map?
18 years folks...longest conflict in American history.

Don't be an idiot..........18 years in Afghanistan.......and we're STILL there; 16 years in Iraq....and we're still there.......

This latest fuck up was over Syria..........Do you have a map?
what a pos you are. Trump is pulling us out and all you America hating trash are still crying.
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18 years folks...longest conflict in American history.

Don't be an idiot..........18 years in Afghanistan.......and we're STILL there; 16 years in Iraq....and we're still there.......

This latest fuck up was over Syria..........Do you have a map?
Hey they had to break the record of Vietnam being our longest war, well it wasn't really a war....Just looked like one....
I'd like to see President Trump name fellow WWE Hall of Famer Sergeant Slaughter to the post. A lot of military officers have become Secretary of Defense,but not so many enlisted men. I still remember Slaughter standing in a tank proclaiming "Peace is for Pansies" circa 1990.

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