Mattis Resigns

Look at all of the caterwauling over removing just 2000 troops that aren't even allowed to leave their base...from the Syrian civil war....its unbelievable.....we don't belong there...
Spec Ops and assistance to help coordinated air strikes in the region.

This TDS function is about politics.........not getting our people back home............A complete change in policy from Obama who was openly stating that Assad must be removed..............Our mission was to kill ISIS.......let them do with that cursed desert as they please after we are gone.

If this is the kingdom of heaven let god do with it as he wills.
Look at all of the caterwauling over removing just 2000 troops that aren't even allowed to leave their base...from the Syrian civil war....its unbelievable.....we don't belong there...
Spec Ops and assistance to help coordinated air strikes in the region.

This TDS function is about politics.........not getting our people back home............A complete change in policy from Obama who was openly stating that Assad must be removed..............Our mission was to kill ISIS.......let them do with that cursed desert as they please after we are gone.

If this is the kingdom of heaven let god do with it as he wills.

And the president says we have accomplished time to come home...we can do everything we are doing on that base from Florida....if needed....
Look at all of the caterwauling over removing just 2000 troops that aren't even allowed to leave their base...from the Syrian civil war....its unbelievable.....we don't belong there...
Spec Ops and assistance to help coordinated air strikes in the region.

This TDS function is about politics.........not getting our people back home............A complete change in policy from Obama who was openly stating that Assad must be removed..............Our mission was to kill ISIS.......let them do with that cursed desert as they please after we are gone.

If this is the kingdom of heaven let god do with it as he wills.

And the president says we have accomplished time to come home...we can do everything we are doing on that base from Florida....if needed....

My last comments were not for staying................It was mocking the dang region with the scene from the movie.........

If you look at DOD news they reported that ISIS is remnants are living in caves..........what is left of them.........Then you look at the War Hawks complaining about leaving........saying 30,000 ISIS is remaining.......yet for a time now the military have stated they are all but defeated,..........

Complete opposite all of a sudden.............All for politics..............
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars
I hear that..but what is the right way?....Trump has been talking about bringing the troops home from Syria for over a year...the people may not know that because the media talks only of Trump scandals and not his America first policy beliefs.....
Mattis resigns

He was not fired, he did not retire, he resigned because of Trump and the sinking ship in the White house

Mad Dog Mattis must be apart of the deep state...

We shall see who is right...Trump or Mathis. It could be that Trump prefers the CIA to kill Muslims...without regard to innocent lives lost. No more ROE...just find them and kill them. Satellites to find...drones to kill. No mercy. I admire Mathis...but it's time to kill and be feared.
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars
I hear that..but what is the right way?....Trump has been talking about bringing the troops home from Syria for over a year...the people may not know that because the media talks only of Trump scandals and not his America first policy beliefs.....
Well, the right way would be to ensure that the Kurds are taken care of and protected against Turkey. How that comes about, I don't know. But the Kurds have been our most loyal allies in the entire adventure and we need to be a loyal friend to them.
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
Mattis joins the ranks of the disgraced. His service forever sullied, and his honor completely gone. May we never hear from him again.
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars
I hear that..but what is the right way?....Trump has been talking about bringing the troops home from Syria for over a year...the people may not know that because the media talks only of Trump scandals and not his America first policy beliefs.....
Well, the right way would be to ensure that the Kurds are taken care of and protected against Turkey. How that comes about, I don't know. But the Kurds have been our most loyal allies in the entire adventure and we need to be a loyal friend to them.
I do agree with that Darkwind....the Kurds will still need our drone strikes and air support...but fighting with us has proven very dangerous for them...the translators are the first to be shot by Isis and retribution is brought against their as long as we will still be able to support them from the air I'm okay with removing 2000 ground troops that are not even allowed to leave their base....
Read James Mattis’ full resignation letter
Politics Dec 20, 2018 6:21 PM EST
Defense Secretary James Mattis submitted a letter of resignation to President Donald Trump on Thursday, writing that the president deserves “the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours.”

Trump announced Mattis’ resignation on Twitter, saying that Mattis would retire “with distinction” in February after leading the Department of Defense for two years.

“During Jim’s tenure, tremendous progress has been made, especially with respect to the purchase of new fighting equipment,” Trump said, adding that Mattis “was a great help to me in getting allies and other countries to pay their share of military obligations.”

Trump said he would name a replacement for Mattis soon, but did not offer a timetable.

In his resignation letter, Mattis, a former four-star Marine general, appeared to point to his policy differences with Trump, who has frequently clashed with U.S. allies.

“We must do everything we can to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values and we are strengthened in this effort by solidarity of our alliances,” Mattis wrote in the letter.

“Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position,” Mattis said.

Mattis joins several other senior administration officials who have recently resigned or announced plans to leave their jobs.

In October, in the run up to the 2018 midterms, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced that she would resign. Last week Ryan Zinke resigned as secretary of the Interior Department amid several ethics investigations. Earlier this month Trump announced that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly would resign, and later named Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, as his replacement.

Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............

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