Mattis Resigns

Mattis Mattis Mattis!

we like you but....

do not tell us you are part of the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us all!

so sad if you belong with that scum.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
That isn't an answer.................specifics............I asked you about Turkey and the problem with the Kurds........One is NATO and the other is fighting with us...........Turkey can't stand the Kurds.......

Give me the solution to that............without the lame we need allies BS...........Because that is the situation..........
I've already stated that I don't have an answer, but I do know that a precipitous pullout harms our most loyal friends in this struggle. It isn't enough to say, "Well, they'll just have to go it on their own as we cannot be responsible for what Turkey does."

That kind of attitude ensures that when we do have a need for allies, we'll find we have none.
So you don't have an answer to the problem...............That's the PROBLEM...........There is no good answer there...........

I'll put it plain to you...........we'd have to choose between the Kurds and Turkey on this issue............

We can pressure Turkey to back the hell off..........if they don't.........they are part of NATO and we have a base there............

You are screwed either way............that's the POINT.
Don't be an idiot..........18 years in Afghanistan.......and we're STILL there; 16 years in Iraq....and we're still there.......

This latest fuck up was over Syria..........Do you have a map?

Its all the same conflict Nat....the war against Muslim extremism....either win it fast and decisively or come home....we only have 2000 troops in Syria...we may as well have none there...those 2000 troops are stuck on base doing nothing...its ridiculous....

The relatively small presence of U.S. troops is far from "symbolic".....providing a needed ally to the Kurds (who were the REAL successful opponents of ISIS)....

Also, we provided support to the French troops there AND vacating our base in Syria will make it a hell of a lot tougher for us to return if "dormant" (not defeated) ISIS rears its ugly head again.

Want to save a few dollars?.......
Bring back home those 6000 troops from the Mexican border.
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
That's the problem no one there are really our friends...the only people in the region that are worth defending are the Kurds...but most Kurds live in Northern Iraq not Syria...and those two tribes of Kurds (the Syrian and The Iraqi Kurds) don't really get along all that now what?...we are wasting lives blood and wealth in Syria...let them all works things out on their own..that's the one thing we never try....if Russia goes rogue we can deal with that with sanctions and the do nothing UN....lets try putting the American cities and states and people and infrastructure first....for a change....

get it?:wink_2:
The relatively small presence of U.S. troops is far from "symbolic".....providing a needed ally to the Kurds (who were the REAL successful opponents of ISIS)....

Also, we provided support to the French troops there AND vacating our base in Syria will make it a hell of a lot tougher for us to return if "dormant" (not defeated) ISIS rears its ugly head again.

Want to save a few dollars?.......
Bring back home those 6000 troops from the Mexican border
More than symbolic maybe but that does not make it a good idea to remain in you know how many nations we have troops deployed in?....Whatever we are doing with 2000 men and women in Syria we can do from here....
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Notice how libstain scum cries out loud over being in these wars and when Trump tries to end it, guess what? More sissies crying.

You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
That isn't an answer.................specifics............I asked you about Turkey and the problem with the Kurds........One is NATO and the other is fighting with us...........Turkey can't stand the Kurds.......

Give me the solution to that............without the lame we need allies BS...........Because that is the situation..........
I've already stated that I don't have an answer, but I do know that a precipitous pullout harms our most loyal friends in this struggle. It isn't enough to say, "Well, they'll just have to go it on their own as we cannot be responsible for what Turkey does."

That kind of attitude ensures that when we do have a need for allies, we'll find we have none.
So you don't have an answer to the problem...............That's the PROBLEM...........There is no good answer there...........

I'll put it plain to you...........we'd have to choose between the Kurds and Turkey on this issue............

We can pressure Turkey to back the hell off..........if they don't.........they are part of NATO and we have a base there............

You are screwed either way............that's the POINT.
I'm not a professional diplomat. Given what Turkey has been in the past and what it is right now NATO or not, I'd be inclined to side against them and their genocidal tendancies toward the Kurds.

Simply because you or I can't articulate an answer on an internet forum, does not mean that there isn't an answer. Hell, the answer may be one neither of us can agree to, but that does not mean that I will change My mind on the issue.

When it comes to brass tacks, I don't allow others to decide what I think is right and wrong.

We need to leave Syria, but we need to do so in a way that protects the friendships of the people who have bled for us.

That is a value I hold to as dearly as I cling to My guns and God.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
That isn't an answer.................specifics............I asked you about Turkey and the problem with the Kurds........One is NATO and the other is fighting with us...........Turkey can't stand the Kurds.......

Give me the solution to that............without the lame we need allies BS...........Because that is the situation..........
I've already stated that I don't have an answer, but I do know that a precipitous pullout harms our most loyal friends in this struggle. It isn't enough to say, "Well, they'll just have to go it on their own as we cannot be responsible for what Turkey does."

That kind of attitude ensures that when we do have a need for allies, we'll find we have none.
So you don't have an answer to the problem...............That's the PROBLEM...........There is no good answer there...........

I'll put it plain to you...........we'd have to choose between the Kurds and Turkey on this issue............

We can pressure Turkey to back the hell off..........if they don't.........they are part of NATO and we have a base there............

You are screwed either way............that's the POINT.
I'm not a professional diplomat. Given what Turkey has been in the past and what it is right now NATO or not, I'd be inclined to side against them and their genocidal tendancies toward the Kurds.

Simply because you or I can't articulate an answer on an internet forum, does not mean that there isn't an answer. Hell, the answer may be one neither of us can agree to, but that does not mean that I will change My mind on the issue.

When it comes to brass tacks, I don't allow others to decide what I think is right and wrong.

We need to leave Syria, but we need to do so in a way that protects the friendships of the people who have bled for us.

That is a value I hold to as dearly as I cling to My guns and God.
There are NEVER good answers in the middle east..............EVER...........that is the problem...........that problem I just laid out.........we are damned if we do and damned if we don't...........either way we are damned................

We can't stay there forever..........we can't create a Kurdistan.........and we can't change the fact that the region is ruled by Religion that is in a Civil War with itself.............

Sometimes we have to let the Civil War play out for better or are screwed either way there.
More than symbolic maybe but that does not make it a good idea to remain in you know how many nations we have troops deployed in?....Whatever we are doing with 2000 men and women in Syria we can do from here

Let me make it real simple for your folks......

Yes, we have troops in over 150 foreign countries; it would be easier to count the countries where we don't have bases........HOWEVER,

In Syria we are in the same soil where RUSSIAN and IRANIAN troops are based, and who are cheering that we are vacating.

We are BETRAYING the Syrian opposition to Assad AND, most of all, we are betraying the Kurds who would never fight along side US troops as long as the orange moron is in the oval office.
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February
I’m starting to think this guy leaving and Kelly leaving might have something to do with Syria.
Mattis was fired. Anyone who looks at this beyond the surface should clearly see that.
I haven’t been paying close attention but I would assume anyone leaving trump quit. I’d be embarrassed to be fired from this shit show.

What did he do to get fired? Probably told trump no.

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