Mattis Resigns

We can't stay there forever......

The fucking HYPOCRISY of you Trump ass kissers is so damn evident when I well remember you dimwits bitching at Obama for pulling out our troops from Iraq.
The military waned Obama on Iraq and what could happen.............They were right.......

He went cold turkey there..........didn't leave intel and spec ops to make sure they would lose the region after we were gone...........

The military warned not to release the prisoners in Boko............Iraq didn't listen.............paid for it......

We needed a longer time frame in there because of ISIS........who had substantial numbers then..........They don't now..........and they are mostly gone.......still being hit by us, the Kurds, Syria, Russia and the remainder of Syria the Centcom report I posted said about 2000 the MERV area..........not exactly an army left there with so many closing in on them.........
Has anyone read Mattis' resignation letter. Defense Secretary James Mattis' resignation letter

He doesn't say a word about Trump. Not one fucking word how he was proud to serve with Trump. Of course he wouldn't. He knows that Trump is a disaster for the nation and is not fit to lead this nation.
I read it.................and there is disagreement.........and it came right after Trump is pulling out of Syria.............

It also said about NATO allies.........which would probably be Turkey...............

So I'd say they had a serious disagreement on policy in Syria..............yet the Centcom reports show ISIS pretty much gone there.......which was the mission...........unless you want to go back to OBAMA'S MISSION to REMOVE ASSAD...........which ended when he left.
Mattis was fired. Anyone who looks at this beyond the surface should clearly see that.
I haven’t been paying close attention but I would assume anyone leaving trump quit. I’d be embarrassed to be fired from this shit show.

What did he do to get fired? Probably told trump no.

He probably called trump an Orange Dumb Ass
Just reported on CNN...

No link yet.

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. Mattis was forced out - same as fired.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February

"General Jim Mattis will be retiring, with distinction, at the end of February, after having served my Administration as Secretary of Defense for the past two years," Trump tweeted."

As usual, you are gulping the Kool Aid.

James Mattis to Depart as Defense Secretary Over Order to Pull Out of Syria

U.S. defense chief Mattis quits after clashing with Trump on policies | Reuters

When are you going to fucking give up????
Good riddance if he doesn't want to support the President's policies. Trump has too many generals in his administration, as far as I'm concerned.
There is no reason for us to be in Syria and Afghanistan
Is that the conclusion of your team of experts? :rolleyes:

Of course not. President Pussyboy said it, so now you regurgitate it. If he had said we need to stay there another two years, you would be throwing your usual little hissy fit right now, saying we need to stay there two more years.
Trump has that. Great acknowledgment towards our President standing strong against Fake News and their bots.
He called Trump a pussy with Russia and China and a moron for destroying our alliances

So you want world war 3? Wow! The enabling doesn't end for dopey posters like you. Am I right?
Trump has upset the balance of power and made Russia and Chins stronger

Actually, he has surrendered the middle east to Russia and Iran. I assume he is still carrying out Putin's agenda.
It's clear.

Trump works for Putin.


How many of these so-called "contacts" where spies sent by Obama?

So if anyone who ever knew trump ever talked to a Russian, then they are an "associate with Russian contacts." Do you realize what a paranoid conspiracy theory dumbass you are?
Mattis was fired. Anyone who looks at this beyond the surface should clearly see that.
I haven’t been paying close attention but I would assume anyone leaving trump quit. I’d be embarrassed to be fired from this shit show.

What did he do to get fired? Probably told trump no.

Was Mattis pushed or did he jump? Both. Since Trump ignored Mattis' military advice and expertise - he effectively fired Mattis. As widely reported, this has been brewing for months.
There is no reason for us to be in Syria and Afghanistan
Is that the conclusion of your team of experts? :rolleyes:

Of course not. President Pussyboy said it, so now you regurgitate it. If he had said we need to stay there another two years, you would be throwing your usual little hissy fit right now, saying we need to stay there two more years.
Na, not really
The Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement have made our military anemic
There is no reason for us to be in Syria and Afghanistan
Is that the conclusion of your team of experts? :rolleyes:

Of course not. President Pussyboy said it, so now you regurgitate it. If he had said we need to stay there another two years, you would be throwing your usual little hissy fit right now, saying we need to stay there two more years.
Na, not really
The Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement have made our military anemic
Hmm. Okay.
Generals Mattis and Kelly are gone

Who is going to babysit Trump?
no more unnecessary wars ....wars that go to the pocket of the military industrial complex ....NO MORE!

Mattis freaked out over the idiotic Syria withdrawal...and he's gne.

Kelly's gone.

Who's left? John fucking Bolton and Steven Miller?
The bad news is all the adults are leaving. That leaves someone that acts like a petulant 2 year old child in charge. We are in deep doo-doo.
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February

He chose to resign, LIAR. Your own fucking link doesn't support your LIE.

Just reported on CNN...

No link yet.

Trump is in full hysterical meltdown. Troops out of Syria. Troops will be coming out of Afghanistan. Mattis fired. Shutting down the gov't because he FUCKING LIED about the wall and where the money is coming from. ("Who's going to pay for the wall?" "Mexico!!!" "That's right!") . FUCKING LIAR.

Any of you idiot goons still think he's MAGA?

Fake news, liar. MAGA

Google it, asshole.
And CNN is reporting it live, too.

Does CNN have an article on how much private funding has been raised for a wall?

Or are they still rolling with their fake polls on how Americans don't want a wall?
What amazes me is that right wingers on the USMB can read this resignation and not see it as a stinging rebuke. It's like their noses need to be brutally rubbed into turds to recognize them as turds. And even then............
It's a true mystery.

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