Mattis Resigns

Russia and China are certainly not our friends.

Mattis excoriated Trump
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February

Secretary Mattis quit- retired. Working 2 years for Trump is like working 8 years for a low energy boss. Mattis came out of retirement to serve.

I'd like to see another great military leader taking the seat. B-1 Bob Dornan would be great in the job, so would Colonel Oliver North.
/——/ Where is General Patton when we need him?
What amazes me is that right wingers on the USMB can read this resignation and not see it as a stinging rebuke. It's like their noses need to be brutally rubbed into turds to recognize them as turds. And even then............
It's a true mystery.
They support America First

Even if it makes us more vulnerable
The America FIrst movement of the 1930s from which Trump got that name was a nationalist movement that supported Hitler and fascist dictators around the world.

Do you sense the theme?
Mattis has yet to learn that war is always about the State.

I suspect James Mattis has a far better handle on the nature of war than Donald Trump does, after all, he's a career warrior and generally speaking those are the people that abhor war more than most and thus are willing to do whatever is necessary to avoid it but when it's not avoidable they're also the ones you want calling the shots.

Personally, if I had to pick someone to work to keep us out of war and to lead the fighting if there's no other way out, I'd pick James Mattis over Donald Trump 8 days a week.
The America FIrst movement of the 1930s from which Trump got that name was a nationalist movement that supported Hitler and fascist dictators around the world.

Do you sense the theme?

The America First Committee was founded in 1940 and was opposed to intervention in WWII, they weren't "pro-Hitler" at all.

Their members included arch-liberals like Sergeant Shriver who was later a chief crony of George McGovern and 'Kennedy inlaw, as well as radical Abortionist Potter Stewart who was key in starting the entire anti-life movement in Roe v Wade.

BTW, the committee ceased business after war broke out between America and the Axis after Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor Job on America, and coincidentally, a place called Pearl Harbor.
Mattis has yet to learn that war is always about the State.

I suspect James Mattis has a far better handle on the nature of war than Donald Trump does, after all, he's a career warrior and generally speaking those are the people that abhor war more than most and thus are willing to do whatever is necessary to avoid it but when it's not avoidable they're also the ones you want calling the shots.

Personally, if I had to pick someone to work to keep us out of war and to lead the fighting if there's no other way out, I'd pick James Mattis over Donald Trump 8 days a week.
Your belief hasn’t worked very well these past several decades. We have had nonstop wars since 9/11. Huge numbers of civilians were murdered or displaced, and for what?

More war aboard means less freedom at home. This has been true since the beginning of civilization.

As bad as Trump is, his best quality MIGHT be ending and preventing war.
Mattis has yet to learn that war is always about the State.

I suspect James Mattis has a far better handle on the nature of war than Donald Trump does, after all, he's a career warrior and generally speaking those are the people that abhor war more than most and thus are willing to do whatever is necessary to avoid it but when it's not avoidable they're also the ones you want calling the shots.

Personally, if I had to pick someone to work to keep us out of war and to lead the fighting if there's no other way out, I'd pick James Mattis over Donald Trump 8 days a week.
Your belief hasn’t worked very well these past several decades. We have had nonstop wars since 9/11. Huge numbers of civilians were murdered or displaced, and for what?
We haven't had a career warrior in charge of the DoD for the past several decades, what we've had are politicians & career bureaucrats running the show that had no frame of reference and a lot of self delusion regarding the subject.

It's just been a series of dumb downed McNamara clones in the DoD since George C. Marshall left office UNTIL James Mattis.

More war aboard means less freedom at home. This has been true since the beginning of civilization.
You're right, that's why I'd prefer someone in charge that has a solid understanding as to what it takes to avoid them rather than someone that has no experience, training or insight into the specifics of the nature and causes of war.

As bad as Trump is, his best quality MIGHT be ending and preventing war.
Possibly but I suspect the best chance of that actually happening just resigned. IMHO appointing James Mattis was one of the smartest things Donald Trump has done since taking office, allowing the circumstances to get so bad that Mattis chose to resign is one of the dumbest.
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February
I would suggest someone along the lines of this resume...
Mattis has yet to learn that war is always about the State.

I suspect James Mattis has a far better handle on the nature of war than Donald Trump does, after all, he's a career warrior and generally speaking those are the people that abhor war more than most and thus are willing to do whatever is necessary to avoid it but when it's not avoidable they're also the ones you want calling the shots.

Personally, if I had to pick someone to work to keep us out of war and to lead the fighting if there's no other way out, I'd pick James Mattis over Donald Trump 8 days a week.
Your belief hasn’t worked very well these past several decades. We have had nonstop wars since 9/11. Huge numbers of civilians were murdered or displaced, and for what?
We haven't had a career warrior in charge of the DoD for the past several decades, what we've had are politicians & career bureaucrats running the show that had no frame of reference and a lot of self delusion regarding the subject.

It's just been a series of dumb downed McNamara clones in the DoD since George C. Marshall left office UNTIL James Mattis.

More war aboard means less freedom at home. This has been true since the beginning of civilization.
You're right, that's why I'd prefer someone in charge that has a solid understanding as to what it takes to avoid them rather than someone that has no experience, training or insight into the specifics of the nature and causes of war.

As bad as Trump is, his best quality MIGHT be ending and preventing war.
Possibly but I suspect the best chance of that actually happening just resigned. IMHO appointing James Mattis was one of the smartest things Donald Trump has done since taking office, allowing the circumstances to get so bad that Mattis chose to resign is one of the dumbest.
Can’t agree. mattis loves NATO and thinks Russia and China are enemies. Dumb. Glad he is leaving. Warriors often want war and often are owned by the MIC, just like scummy politicians.
Mattis has yet to learn that war is always about the State.

I suspect James Mattis has a far better handle on the nature of war than Donald Trump does, after all, he's a career warrior and generally speaking those are the people that abhor war more than most and thus are willing to do whatever is necessary to avoid it but when it's not avoidable they're also the ones you want calling the shots.

Personally, if I had to pick someone to work to keep us out of war and to lead the fighting if there's no other way out, I'd pick James Mattis over Donald Trump 8 days a week.
Your belief hasn’t worked very well these past several decades. We have had nonstop wars since 9/11. Huge numbers of civilians were murdered or displaced, and for what?
We haven't had a career warrior in charge of the DoD for the past several decades, what we've had are politicians & career bureaucrats running the show that had no frame of reference and a lot of self delusion regarding the subject.

It's just been a series of dumb downed McNamara clones in the DoD since George C. Marshall left office UNTIL James Mattis.

More war aboard means less freedom at home. This has been true since the beginning of civilization.
You're right, that's why I'd prefer someone in charge that has a solid understanding as to what it takes to avoid them rather than someone that has no experience, training or insight into the specifics of the nature and causes of war.

As bad as Trump is, his best quality MIGHT be ending and preventing war.
Possibly but I suspect the best chance of that actually happening just resigned. IMHO appointing James Mattis was one of the smartest things Donald Trump has done since taking office, allowing the circumstances to get so bad that Mattis chose to resign is one of the dumbest.
Can’t agree. mattis loves NATO and thinks Russia and China are enemies. Dumb. Glad he is leaving. Warriors often want war and often are owned by the MIC, just like scummy politicians.

FYI Mattis and Trump were in agreement on NATO, they both have been very vocal about members meeting their defense spending commitments.

What they don't appear to agree on is how one should treat ones allies and how one should treat ones adversaries and which countries fall into which category.
Great story about General Mattis

Did Gen. Mattis pull duty on Christmas so a Marine could be with his family?

I wish the General a Merry Christmas and best of luck in his future endeavors.
If he takes a million dollar job with a big defense contractor, as has been done a thousand times before, we will know the fix is in. Sadly, some Americans have never learned from this corruption, in the past.

Just an FYI: He resigned from the job. He's still in the Marines.
This argument is about the SDF and Turkey after the fall of ISIS........that is what I believe this is about.

It's also about idlib and what to do with those there.....where Turkey.......Syria and Russia are at the point of barrel down the gun discussions..............

When the policy changed from removing Assad to killing ISIS and leaving was a major policy shift from Obama to Trump.......and Turkey most definitely wanted Assad gone............hell I still believe they funded terror groups in hopes Assad would go under.
Mattis was FIRED.

Gawd, but that's stupid.

"Responding" to my prior argument, you delivered a devastating hit, making ingenuous use of the "funny" button.

Since you don't seem to know what you're doing, let me walk you through this:

1. You're taking away Mattis's agency. Since he was "fired", he had no choice. With that, he's just another Trumpeteer who clung to the job until the Trumpy had enough - You're fired! With that, you took away how Mattis distinguished himself by resigning, that is, standing up for what he believed by stepping down. That is, you are dishonoring Mattis.

2. Since he was fired, you are opening yet another can of worms with your "argument" (in reality, you have none, since neither the event, nor the language in which it was described, support your judgment). In case "fired" takes hold, Sanders stands ready to dismiss Mattis's resignation letter as the work of yet another "disgruntled former employee who was fired from a job he was desperate to keep", as she usually does. That is, you've pulled every last tooth the resignation letter ever had.

I mean, come on, venturing outside reality to arrive at the conclusion you desperately want to draw is pretty stupid in its own right. In so doing to make the argument for the other side, is stupider still.
Good, if he did not agree with Trump's foreign policy he had no business being Secretary of Defense
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February
You changed the title of your post. Anyway its not easy to "push" out someone like Mad Dog he's a hoorah, Chesty Puller type, Jarhead. If he says he resigned and going to retire that's what happened.

Nope, I didn't change the thread title. Some mod did. Mattis was FIRED.
Mattis himself stated that he resigned and is going to retire so ...

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