Mattis Resigns

Heres the whole letter. Why anyone would ignore it, I have no idea.



Thanks for showing a letter of Mad Dog officially retiring. Where does it say Trump, though?

Have you read it? Mattis lays out his belief in treating allies with respect and the advancement of international order. He lays out his belief in strong, unambiguous opposition to those nations that oppose us. He lays out the belief in our strength being derived from our partnerships and alliances. And then drops this....

"Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position..."

That's a fairly straight forward rebuke of Trump on the issues of alliances, respect to our allies, international order and unambiguous opposition to those nations that oppose us.
If you read my signature...which is at least eight years old...we need to kill...and kill massively from Home and from airspace. Use weapons not riflemen. There will always be a place for the footsoldier...and I salute them and admire them. But we have the weapons to slaughter the enemy in the middle of the night...and from thousand of miles away. We may kill some grandpas and Grandmas and children and goats...but Allah will get the message. Don't fuck with The Donald.
Did you see the part in Mattis resignation where he talked about his accomplishments with Trump during the last two years?


Neither did I.
I like General Mattis...he is a great American...but he is part of the military industrial complex.....people are sick of the it and come American even the General should tolerate an 18 year war against 12th century throwback Muslims....Its embarrassing....

I agree!

The military Industrial complex sad.... the warmongers .... the neocons...... always wanting to keep a war going somewhere on this earth... the money wars generate .....beyond disturbing and sad....

America deserves better.
In the past, when people leave an office like this, they summarize their time in office.

You know,

stuff like, working together we did this, we did that. We accomplished our goals.

Mattis did none of that. He rebuked the president. He made Trump out an incompetent.
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
Mattis resigns

He was not fired, he did not retire, he resigned because of Trump and the sinking ship in the White house

Mad Dog Mattis must be apart of the deep state...

We shall see who is right...Trump or Mathis. It could be that Trump prefers the CIA to kill Muslims...without regard to innocent lives lost. No more ROE...just find them and kill them. Satellites to find...drones to kill. No mercy. I admire Mathis...but it's time to kill and be feared.
I agree, Obama had great success with his drone program.
Read his resignation letter. Not a word about the "honor" of serving for the Liar in Chief. The letter was a great one and leaving the liar's name out of it probably burned trump's orange ass....
Mattis resigns

He was not fired, he did not retire, he resigned because of Trump and the sinking ship in the White house

Mad Dog Mattis must be apart of the deep state...

We shall see who is right...Trump or Mathis. It could be that Trump prefers the CIA to kill Muslims...without regard to innocent lives lost. No more ROE...just find them and kill them. Satellites to find...drones to kill. No mercy. I admire Mathis...but it's time to kill and be feared.
I agree, Obama had great success with his drone program.

Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro had great success in killing civilians with his drone program.

In that we can agree,
In the past, when people leave an office like this, they summarize their time in office.

You know,

stuff like, working together we did this, we did that. We accomplished our goals.

Mattis did none of that. He rebuked the president. He made Trump out an incompetent.

trump is the most corrupt, incompetent, dumbest, human being that ever sat in the Oval Office. If Whitaker does not release Mueller's report to Congress and to the Public, the outrage will be deafening...
"fight with a happy heart and strong spirit" - Mad Dog
Trump has that. Great acknowledgment towards our President standing strong against Fake News and their bots.
He called Trump a pussy with Russia and China and a moron for destroying our alliances

So you want world war 3? Wow! The enabling doesn't end for dopey posters like you. Am I right?
Trump has upset the balance of power and made Russia and Chins stronger
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February
"fight with a happy heart and strong spirit" - Mad Dog
Trump has that. Great acknowledgment towards our President standing strong against Fake News and their bots.
He called Trump a pussy with Russia and China and a moron for destroying our alliances

So you want world war 3? Wow! The enabling doesn't end for dopey posters like you. Am I right?
Trump has upset the balance of power and made Russia and Chins stronger

Actually, he has surrendered the middle east to Russia and Iran. I assume he is still carrying out Putin's agenda.
Mattis wants us to remain in a state of war....Trump disagrees with that....Trump does not want to be the worlds policeman...and I believe the majority of Americans feel the same way.....

18 years folks...longest conflict in American history....and most costly financially by far.....the swamp is fine with never ending wars....the people are not fine with that....
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
That isn't an answer.................specifics............I asked you about Turkey and the problem with the Kurds........One is NATO and the other is fighting with us...........Turkey can't stand the Kurds.......

Give me the solution to that............without the lame we need allies BS...........Because that is the situation..........
In the past, when people leave an office like this, they summarize their time in office.

You know,

stuff like, working together we did this, we did that. We accomplished our goals.

Mattis did none of that. He rebuked the president. He made Trump out an incompetent.

trump is the most corrupt, incompetent, dumbest, human being that ever sat in the Oval Office. If Whitaker does not release Mueller's report to Congress and to the Public, the outrage will be deafening...
Just reported on CNN...

No link yet.

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. Mattis was forced out - same as fired.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February

"General Jim Mattis will be retiring, with distinction, at the end of February, after having served my Administration as Secretary of Defense for the past two years," Trump tweeted."

As usual, you are gulping the Kool Aid.

James Mattis to Depart as Defense Secretary Over Order to Pull Out of Syria

U.S. defense chief Mattis quits after clashing with Trump on policies | Reuters

When are you going to fucking give up????
Yes, but there is a right way and a wrong way to bring our troops home. This isn't the right way.

Although I find it amusing that the left, who constantly scream about endless wars, are rushing to defend policies that keep up in endless wars.
Reports for a long time have stated ISIS is gone...........what's left of them are in caves hiding coming from DOD and CENTCOM..............

And now all of a sudden it's 30,000 of them they are still fighting all of a sudden.......Are they lying now or were they lying then.........Suddenly it's without War ISIS will suddenly be bad ass again........even though they have been driven and killed across the deserts over there.....

Geesh........Politics and BS go hand in hand.
You misunderstand. I don't care about the false reports of 30k ISIS fighters or 8. The time has come to leave this conflict, but there are right ways to do this and wrong ways to do this. Just pulling out without so much as a tit grab isn't the right way.
There is no easy or right way to pull out of the middle east..............This place has caused every leader Hell forever............because the region is ruled by religion................and unless we are willing to basically go to War with Turkey over the's a shitty situation..........

How do we deal with that.............hmmmm.........I don't like it.......but we can't stay there forever and don't need a War with Turkey over it........I doubt Syria will be that big of a threat to the Kurds.............Turkey is the problem..............
When you abandon enough friends, you'll find that when you actually need them in the future, they won't be there for you.
That isn't an answer.................specifics............I asked you about Turkey and the problem with the Kurds........One is NATO and the other is fighting with us...........Turkey can't stand the Kurds.......

Give me the solution to that............without the lame we need allies BS...........Because that is the situation..........
I've already stated that I don't have an answer, but I do know that a precipitous pullout harms our most loyal friends in this struggle. It isn't enough to say, "Well, they'll just have to go it on their own as we cannot be responsible for what Turkey does."

That kind of attitude ensures that when we do have a need for allies, we'll find we have none.
"fight with a happy heart and strong spirit" - Mad Dog
Trump has that. Great acknowledgment towards our President standing strong against Fake News and their bots.
He called Trump a pussy with Russia and China and a moron for destroying our alliances

So you want world war 3? Wow! The enabling doesn't end for dopey posters like you. Am I right?
Trump has upset the balance of power and made Russia and Chins stronger

Actually, he has surrendered the middle east to Russia and Iran. I assume he is still carrying out Putin's agenda.
It's clear.

Trump works for Putin.



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