Mattis Resigns

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced his resignation on Thursday, citing differences over policy with Donald Trump, a day after the president abruptly called for the withdrawal of American forces from Syria

Mattis informed the president of his decision in a meeting earlier in the afternoon in which the two discussed policy differences that have included the president’s decision to pull out of Syria, said a White House official. Mattis’s departure didn’t cause the president to rethink his decision on Syria, the official added.
The Mattis resignation letter has been in draft for some time based on its clarity of thought and eloquence.
Okay, that was funny. Many people have very clear thoughts and principles. They have no need to draft them months in advance. This guy isn't a progressive.
Don't be an idiot..........18 years in Afghanistan.......and we're STILL there; 16 years in Iraq....and we're still there.......

This latest fuck up was over Syria..........Do you have a map?

Its all the same conflict Nat....the war against Muslim extremism....either win it fast and decisively or come home....we only have 2000 troops in Syria...we may as well have none there...those 2000 troops are stuck on base doing nothing...its ridiculous....
I love it when the Fake News bots enable all sorts of idiotic conclusions. Another day Trump proving the Fake News wrong.
Just reported on CNN...

CNN's Barbara Starr is currently reading his resignation letter. No matter how they spin it, Mattis was forced out - same as fired. Scary...

Washington (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down from his position early next year, President Donald Trump announced Thursday evening.

Trump announced Mattis' exit a day after his plans to withdraw troops from Syria became public, a decision that Mattis and the President's other top national security advisers opposed.

It was not immediately clear whether Mattis was ousted or whether he decided to retire, but his relationship with the President has frayed in recent months.

Trump announces Mattis leaving in February
Trump should have picked stronger ideological people to fill his cabinet. The Democratic Party surely would. But President Trump is an outsider. Time for some steel nuts and put real conservatives in office not this wishy washy Ivy League crap. Common, working class Americans are behind Trump. We want him to stop being a pussy.

A Marine General who served in the Persian Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan is 'wishy washy Ivy league crap'?
I don't see the story on

Axios is saying that Mattis will retire at the end of February.

Defense Secretary James Mattis to retire in February
Is that what they call it these days? Retiring?

Wow, Trump is going to have to get someone else.

Perhaps Vladimir has a few suggestions for US Sec. of Defense?
Someone from FOX news?

Will Hannity be the next Secretary of Defense?

Nope... your next Sec. of Defense.

i am deeply impressed by Mad Dog's patriotism and his fervent desire to see the vets live a decent honorable life
I like General Mattis...he is a great American...but he is part of the military industrial complex.....people are sick of the it and come American even the General should tolerate an 18 year war against 12th century throwback Muslims....Its embarrassing....
I don't see the story on

Axios is saying that Mattis will retire at the end of February.

Defense Secretary James Mattis to retire in February
Is that what they call it these days? Retiring?

Wow, Trump is going to have to get someone else.

Perhaps Vladimir has a few suggestions for US Sec. of Defense?
Someone from FOX news?

Will Hannity be the next Secretary of Defense?

Nope... your next Sec. of Defense.


Not enough Cheetos dust on his nose.
In his letter they simply DISAGREE on strategy..........and the harsh language to NATO......

And this happens right after we are announcing leaving's possible over the kurds.........

Without a crystal ball who knows..............Our mission in Syria was to kill ISIS.......most are dead...........Let the Syrians and Russians finish them off........We don't want or NEED that real estate..................We sure as hell don't need groups like El Nusra in charge over Assad..............We don't like Assad but he's the better shit sandwich to swallow to stop the vacuum cleaner sells in the region...................Best stability we can get and get our people out............

It's their cursed desert and they can have it................If you people feel differently I hear their is cheap property there..........go build a house there and settle in.........if that is what floats your boat.
Look at all of the caterwauling over removing just 2000 troops that aren't even allowed to leave their base...from the Syrian civil war....its unbelievable.....we don't belong there...
Heres the whole letter. Why anyone would ignore it, I have no idea.


this humble man has walked the path of mortal combat with the most barbaric evil of our time, radical terrorism!
Best part is Trump can find someone refreshing for our great military. I honor the fact Mad Dog did this right before the new year.
Mattis made it clear that he doesn’t agree with Trumps destruction of global alliances and lack of respect for our allies and is leaving because of it

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