Maxine Waters to Kanye: Don't Talk 'Out of Turn'

Even for Maxine Waters, this was an absolutely stunning admission of what the left thinks today. We already know they tell white people (men in particular) to sit down and shut up. But when someone who should be part of the collective based solely on the color of his skin steps out of line, he's "talking out of turn." Apparently people need permission from the government to talk now? Someone tell the first amendment about this, he'll be surprised.

It's perfectly illustrative of the idea that the collective is more important than the individual. As soon as the needs of the collective is more important than the needs of the individual, then the individual is entirely and justifiably expendable. Kanye West is the next in a long line of individuals purged from the collective. Thank god they don't have the power to actually purge their lives, Stalin-style.
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now wasnt it Maxine that fell for a prank phone call about the Russians invading Limp Popo?

Dont forget Korea.

so what ever happened to Korea? is that the nation between north and south Korea?

Thanks to Trump it may become one country again.

what will it be next week,,,,Maxine will be concerned over Putin invading Georgia? I dont think Atlanta is prepared for the worst
""Kanye West is a very creative young man who has presented some of the most revolutionary material in the African-American community," Waters told Politico. She added: "But we also think that sometimes
Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts."

Maxine Waters to Kanye: Don't Talk 'Out of Turn'

I keep hoping I'll wake up one day and the American people will have realized how their being treated by these egotistical, narcissistic pieces of shit.


Kanye is an attention seeker and nothing else. He'll say things "revolutionary" because he thinks people will look at him doing it.

Maxine is a condescending, narcissistic racist piece of shit. It's enlightening that you admire her.
Whenever I turn on TV and have the misfortune of seeing the Honorable Maxine Walters, I immediately think of what Oliver Cromwell told the members of Parliament:

"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. ... In the name of God, go."
Kanye is an attention seeker and nothing else. He'll say things "revolutionary" because he thinks people will look at him doing it.
So, why the hell is Maxine Waters telling him to shut up and get to picking that cotton?

Because the best thing for people's ears is that Kanye shuts the fuck up.
""Kanye West is a very creative young man who has presented some of the most revolutionary material in the African-American community," Waters told Politico. She added: "But we also think that sometimes
Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts."

Maxine Waters to Kanye: Don't Talk 'Out of Turn'

I keep hoping I'll wake up one day and the American people will have realized how their being treated by these egotistical, narcissistic pieces of shit.


Kanye is an attention seeker and nothing else. He'll say things "revolutionary" because he thinks people will look at him doing it.

Maxine is a condescending, narcissistic racist piece of shit. It's enlightening that you admire her.

Admire her?

Where does it say I admire her?
""Kanye West is a very creative young man who has presented some of the most revolutionary material in the African-American community," Waters told Politico. She added: "But we also think that sometimes
Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts."

Maxine Waters to Kanye: Don't Talk 'Out of Turn'

I keep hoping I'll wake up one day and the American people will have realized how their being treated by these egotistical, narcissistic pieces of shit.

Creative you say...hmmmm....Interesting..
Janelle Monae goes off on MAGA Kanye. "I'm a free thinker and here's a free thought: If free thinking is rooted in the oppression of minorities, black people, the LGBTQIA people, of immigrants, of women...then I don't f**k with your free thoughts."

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