Maxine Waters will be the chairwoman of the committee on financial services

You, Deanrd, are the most typical Maxipad Waters supporter of rage-filled mindless violence I've ever seen. I was wrong when I thought you were honestly just mentally ill and needed help; you're a full-blown psychopath beyond any help at all (including an exorcism).
The last time democrats had a shot at ruining the economy was when Barney Frank had the job and he pushed Fannie Mae over the edge while he told America that Fannie was sound. I expect republicans are paying better attention these days and that Ms Maxie will just be another colorful character in the democrat party's slide to oblivion.

When Bush warned of the coming collapse of Fannie and Freddie Barney frank said that Bush didnt like black people.

Watch barney Frank say "Twee Bwush Aminstwation kept putting in bad stuff but I was in the minoriwuty and the Repouwicans didnt do anything"

Count how many times he admits to being stupid but says "Bwut I was in thwee minowity in congwess". better get pen and paper. he sounds like rdean.

Maxine Waters will be the chairwoman of the committee on financial services.

The Republicans worst fears are coming true.

The United States House Committee on Financial Services (also referred to as the House Banking Committee) is the committee of the United States House of Representatives that oversees the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking, and housing industries.


And “low IQ” Maxine is going to be in charge of that committee.

Fuking hilarious!

No wonder Trump is sh!tting his depends.

Imagine trump having to explain to Maxine!!!!


" We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.” Maxine Waters

LOL. Ouch. Brilliant financier. Anything to say rdean?

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Wow, that’s reaching back really far. The bottom fell out of the financial market, because Republicans repealed regulations and protections. It’s already been established. In other words “we know”.

hey rdean..forget for a second your brilliant new chair of the financial committee. And watch Democrats pile on Bush for saying that a housing and mortgage crisis is looming. Particularly youll note Barney frank, the then Banking Queen, attack the Republicans for fear mongering on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In fact he made the same claims you do...that anyone who wanted a sound fiscal policy just didnt like black people.

Maxine Waters will be the chairwoman of the committee on financial services.

The Republicans worst fears are coming true.

The United States House Committee on Financial Services (also referred to as the House Banking Committee) is the committee of the United States House of Representatives that oversees the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking, and housing industries.


And “low IQ” Maxine is going to be in charge of that committee.

Fuking hilarious!

No wonder Trump is sh!tting his depends.

Imagine trump having to explain to Maxine!!!!

It’s not hilarious.

It’s fucking terrifying!
There has been zero congressional oversight with one party in control. I think we will start to see some much needed oversight. I do hope the can any ideas of impeachment unless real cause emerges. They need to to do their job and at least try to propose and pass some legislation. Like on infrastructure.

It is much better when control is divided.
Maxine Waters will be the chairwoman of the committee on financial services.

The Republicans worst fears are coming true.

The United States House Committee on Financial Services (also referred to as the House Banking Committee) is the committee of the United States House of Representatives that oversees the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking, and housing industries.


And “low IQ” Maxine is going to be in charge of that committee.

Fuking hilarious!

No wonder Trump is sh!tting his depends.

Imagine trump having to explain to Maxine!!!!
You, Deanrd, are the most typical Maxipad Waters supporter of rage-filled mindless violence I've ever seen. I was wrong when I thought you were honestly just mentally ill and needed help; you're a full-blown psychopath beyond any help at all (including an exorcism).

If you support Trump, you support what he says. "I like people who weren't captured" being the worst thing he's said................I.................hope. I don't know how, but there could be worse.
This is great news, I was worried they would put a Democrat that actually knew what they were doing, now with Waters the chairperson She will botch up a lot.
This is great news, I was worried they would put a Democrat that actually knew what they were doing, now with Waters the chairperson She will botch up a lot.

Exactly she is so fucking stupid..
Why? Because she’s black? Or because she’s a woman? As far as I know she hasn’t gone bankrupt six times.

I don't know if you are black, man, woman, green, purple or blue, however I know you are stupid. Stupid is as stupid does.

Trump loses it when he sees Vlad in France. The video is hilarious. Trump bites his lip. Acts like he's really hot. Puts his hands all over Vlad.

Trump loses it when he sees Vlad in France. The video is hilarious. Trump bites his lip. Acts like he's really hot. Puts his hands all over Vlad.

Putin and Trump are the only 2 world leaders there who have a genuine love for the country they lead. The last dunce couldn't even tell how many state we have even rounded to the nearest 10!

Trump loses it when he sees Vlad in France. The video is hilarious. Trump bites his lip. Acts like he's really hot. Puts his hands all over Vlad.

Putin and Trump are the only 2 world leaders there who have a genuine love for the country they lead. The last dunce couldn't even tell how many state we have even rounded to the nearest 10!
If Vlad loves his country why is he ripping off its people and killing so many?

Or perhaps that’s just normal behavior for your kind.

Trump loses it when he sees Vlad in France. The video is hilarious. Trump bites his lip. Acts like he's really hot. Puts his hands all over Vlad.

Putin and Trump are the only 2 world leaders there who have a genuine love for the country they lead. The last dunce couldn't even tell how many state we have even rounded to the nearest 10!
If Vlad loves his country why is he ripping off its people and killing so many?

Or perhaps that’s just normal behavior for your kind.

And by "my kind" you mean humans who aren't a homunculus like yourself?
these cities run by blacks are shitholes--
again--WTF are you babbling about?
you never have any proof/explanation
every time I see your threads, I know they will be crap
I’m sure Maxim is already hard at work getting all those subpoenas ready.
these cities run by blacks are shitholes--
again--WTF are you babbling about?
you never have any proof/explanation
every time I see your threads, I know they will be crap
And Appalachia covering tens of millions of white Americans is one of the biggest shit holes in the world.

Imagine, in this day and age, in America, all those white people and many don’t even have electricity or running water or any kind of health care.

They have a rising infant mortality rate And falling life expectancy.

It’s like the Republican Party just wants their votes and then sh!ts all over them.

How do you explain that? Give us your explanation.

Trump loses it when he sees Vlad in France. The video is hilarious. Trump bites his lip. Acts like he's really hot. Puts his hands all over Vlad.

Putin and Trump are the only 2 world leaders there who have a genuine love for the country they lead. The last dunce couldn't even tell how many state we have even rounded to the nearest 10!
If Vlad loves his country why is he ripping off its people and killing so many?

Or perhaps that’s just normal behavior for your kind.

And by "my kind" you mean humans who aren't a homunculus like yourself?
Oh come on. When I say your kind you know what I mean. Your kind. You only have to read your posts and everyone knows exactly what your kind it is. Separate from normal people. Separate from people with traditional American values. You know your kind.
Can’t wait for Trump to testify in front of Maxine

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