May jobs report U.S. added 390,000 new jobs. Bully.

Good news on the economy
The downside here is that we need less pressure. The economy is very hot right now, so the Fed is really walking a tightrope between increasing rates to slow down inflation, and killing the economy.

The Fed can't do anything about supply chains, and my guess is that that's why they were so late on inflation.
The downside here is that we need less pressure. The economy is very hot right now, so the Fed is really walking a tightrope between increasing rates to slow down inflation, and killing the economy.

The Fed can't do anything about supply chains, and my guess is that that's why they were so late on inflation.

You now get paid to make excuses for a failing economy?
This is golden!
The downside here is that we need less pressure. The economy is very hot right now, so the Fed is really walking a tightrope between increasing rates to slow down inflation, and killing the economy.

The Fed can't do anything about supply chains, and my guess is that that's why they were so late on inflation.

Inflation has nothing to do with supply chains. The FED pumped 9 trillion to the banks and wall street during the O years. That money didn't move, no volatility hence no inflation. Fast forward to 2020 and trump and biden pump another 5 trillion straight to the public. There's your inflation.
This number is way off and will be revised by the end of the week....
If jobs are being filled its because retired folks have to go back to work to buy gas and food....
The number will take at least 2 more weeks to be somewhat verifiable, if true at all.
I apologize for the above sentence as the BLS is always full of shit.
God forbid!; are you still an economic advisor?? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
No, a 21+ year CFP/CLU/ChFC/7/63/65. Analyzing and acting on this stuff every day.

And you're just another ignorant, arrogant Trumpster.

I'm pretty comfy with that.
On that we agree. It's basic stuff. Supply & Demand, the most fundamental of all economic theory.

What's causing our inflation right now is massive FED pumping straight to the public. What happens when you give everyone a billion dollars? How much does you house cost now? Simple question. Come on mac, you're slipping on us.


Well the economy keep growing and the raising of interest rates hasn't hit the jobs market.

The Biden economy just keep growing.
LOL you're about to get kicked in the teeth. I see we have another peon grunt worker who doesn't know how any of this works.

Jobs are the last of the last of the indicators.

German Inflation Hits Fresh Record

Hungary Inflation Rate Climbs Higher in Broad-Based Price Surge

  • Core inflation rose to an annual 9.1%, highest in 21 years

Sweden Inflation Surge Piles Pressure on Riksbank to Tighten

French Inflation Hits Another Record, Feeding Rate Debate


Damn you, BIDEN!!!
No, a 21+ year CFP/CLU/ChFC/7/63/65. Analyzing and acting on this stuff every day.

And you're just another ignorant, arrogant Trumpster.

I'm pretty comfy with that.
Unlike you - I make money. So I don't give a shit if you think you're an analyst lol.
LOL you're about to get kicked in the teeth. I see we have another peon grunt worker who doesn't know how any of this works.

Jobs are the last of the last of the indicators.
When we obliterate Dems in Nov and they are powerless, then we reverse Roe they are going to freak out. lol
What's causing our inflation right now is massive FED pumping straight to the public. What happens when you give everyone a billion dollars? How much does you house cost now? Simple question. Come on mac, you're slipping on us.

View attachment 653629View attachment 653630
The Fed's been doing that since 2009. The NY Fed added another couple of trillion to unfreeze short term credit markets in 2019 for icing on the cake.

And, the global supply chain collapse that began in April 2020 triggered the inflation.

Believe it, don't believe it, I don't care. I'm done burning time on economics with you people.

German Inflation Hits Fresh Record

Hungary Inflation Rate Climbs Higher in Broad-Based Price Surge

  • Core inflation rose to an annual 9.1%, highest in 21 years

Sweden Inflation Surge Piles Pressure on Riksbank to Tighten

French Inflation Hits Another Record, Feeding Rate Debate


Damn you, BIDEN!!!

G, we didn't want to see you.
G, we didn't want to see you.
Why, when we agree for once?

Read my posts on the first page of that topic.

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