Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

So if both parties have gone more extreme.....?

You may consider the Dems extreme, but they are not crazy.....(referencing Benedict Donald).

Both sides have their crazies.

The Dems, however it happened, avoided their "extreme" candidate (Sanders) and the Republicans, somehow, ended up with theirs.


Electing Trump was getting even of the liberals electing their extreme Obama


Obama wasn't extreme. Not by a long shot.

But it was easy and effective to paint him so - especially for those who were already intimidated by the black man.

Of course he was extreme , to far left un experienced compared to hilary

Ya think Hillary would supported gay being married on her own? Or chix with dix in little girls bathrooms ?

You would of never heard of ISIS if she won in 2007.


Is this where you support Hillary for Pres in 2020? :badgrin:

Obama was a moderate.
So Trump supporters cheer the idea that Trump's biggest accomplishment has been to piss off Democrats.

Are these the same people who believed that Obama was despicable for being what they thought was a 'divider'?

Everyone know that Repubs hated Obama because he was a "Darkie."

Make America Great Again actually means, Make America White Again.

By "everyone", does that mean your pockets a filled with turds?

You're so full of horseshit that I have to hold my nose to read your comments.

Your totally bat shit crazy and a rabid racist.

it's so cute when racists call normal people "racist".

nutter butter.

Fuck You Jillian!!!!

You don't know me so you haven't a clue about what I am, or am not.

We can meet somewhere and I'll have you kiss my rosey red ass. BITCH!

Ok folks. First time ever on a message a person (****) has pissed me off.

/end of rant

Have you heard some of the Trump supporters' comments?

Have you seen the Trump haters shooting congressmen?

Here is your party in action:


Those are the crazies in action. No elected member of the Democrat party are endorsing that behavior, unlike the Tweeter-in-Chief quoting shit by Alex Jones.

They are crazies, they are also mainstream democrats.

As for quoting Alex Jones, it could be FAR worse...


Have you heard some of the Trump supporters' comments?

Have you seen the Trump haters shooting congressmen?

Here is your party in action:


Those are the crazies in action. No elected member of the Democrat party are endorsing that behavior, unlike the Tweeter-in-Chief quoting shit by Alex Jones.

They are crazies, they are also mainstream democrats.

As for quoting Alex Jones, it could be FAR worse...


Uncensored "I'mnotangry" 2008.....

After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

Not quite true.....they said blocking hilary ......and for me...the Supreme Court....and the fact that he is actually keeping his promises....for all of it....not withstanding congress, is just icing on the cake.
The courts - not just the Supes - will be the one lasting legacy of this, for sure. There's nothing the Dems can do about that.

Well........if they get the House and the Senate, I wouldn't put it past them to try to impeach every last judge and Justice he appoints...especially the Supreme court justices, they will say he didn't have the right to appoint them because of Garland, the Russians or some other made up excuse...

How would they do that?

The opposition party needs to win 24 seats to take control of the House in 2018. Understandably, operatives and handicappers have focused on the 23 districts that Republicans hold, which voted for Hillary Clinton last year. But some of the incumbents are very popular, with brands that are distinct from Trump’s, and they are unlikely to lose no matter how bad the headwinds become.

In other words, it’s inconceivable that Democrats run the table in those 23 districts. Even if they did, they’d still be one short. And Democrats must defend 12 seats in districts that Trump carried in 2016.

Third Way did a deep dive to try to understand what the 2018 playing field will look like. The center-left think tank focused on 65 “Majority Makers,” the battlegrounds where a majority would most likely be won.]

Brutal: Democratic 2018 Hopes Get Another Punch To The Gut From Left-Leaning Think Tank

The chance of the fascists taking the Senate are even lower, since there are no vulnerable GOP seats up for reelection in 2018.
You may consider the Dems extreme, but they are not crazy.....(referencing Benedict Donald).

Both sides have their crazies.

The Dems, however it happened, avoided their "extreme" candidate (Sanders) and the Republicans, somehow, ended up with theirs.


Electing Trump was getting even of the liberals electing their extreme Obama


Obama wasn't extreme. Not by a long shot.

But it was easy and effective to paint him so - especially for those who were already intimidated by the black man.

Of course he was extreme , to far left un experienced compared to hilary

Ya think Hillary would supported gay being married on her own? Or chix with dix in little girls bathrooms ?

You would of never heard of ISIS if she won in 2007.


Is this where you support Hillary for Pres in 2020? :badgrin:

Obama was a moderate.

Why would I supported the corrupt Hillary now?

Lol Obama was a pinko socialist at heart and so.wanted to make America like Europe.

Moderates decide every presidential election, or, to be precise, moderates decide who wins the popular vote.

Where the moderates vote directly correlates to how the candidates finish.

So if both parties have gone more extreme.....?

You may consider the Dems extreme, but they are not crazy.....(referencing Benedict Donald).

Both sides have their crazies.

The Dems, however it happened, avoided their "extreme" candidate (Sanders) and the Republicans, somehow, ended up with theirs.


Electing Trump was getting even of the liberals electing their extreme Obama


Obama wasn't extreme. Not by a long shot.

But it was easy and effective to paint him so - especially for those who were already intimidated by the black man.

That you would make such an absurd statement only demonstrates how extreme you are.
We got Trump cuz our politics is broken.

Our politics is broken cuz government is too big.

Dems gave us big gov.

So, Dems gave us Trump.

Have you heard some of the Trump supporters' comments?

Have you seen the Trump haters shooting congressmen?

Here is your party in action:


Those are the crazies in action. No elected member of the Democrat party are endorsing that behavior, unlike the Tweeter-in-Chief quoting shit by Alex Jones.

They are crazies, they are also mainstream democrats.

As for quoting Alex Jones, it could be FAR worse...


Uncensored "I'mnotangry" 2008.....


Oh, I'm enjoying the complete unraveling of the fascist democrat party.

Y'all went crazy in 2000, but that passed to a certain extent. The left is utterly out of control now and keeps reminding America why you must NEVER be allowed in power again. Keep your brown shirts on the streets with the democrat Kristalnachts just so no one fails to grasp what your party is all about.

Have you heard some of the Trump supporters' comments?

Have you seen the Trump haters shooting congressmen?

Here is your party in action:


Those are the crazies in action. No elected member of the Democrat party are endorsing that behavior, unlike the Tweeter-in-Chief quoting shit by Alex Jones.

They are crazies, they are also mainstream democrats.

As for quoting Alex Jones, it could be FAR worse...


Uncensored "I'mnotangry" 2008.....


Oh, I'm enjoying the complete unraveling of the fascist democrat party.

Y'all went crazy in 2000, but that passed to a certain extent. The left is utterly out of control now and keeps reminding America why you must NEVER be allowed in power again. Keep your brown shirts on the streets with the democrat Kristalnachts just so no one fails to grasp what your party is all about.

Here it is, the traditional "your political party is finished" speech! Along with the ever-present Nazi comparison! Thank you, Uncensored "Libertarian" 2008.

It was stupid when liberals said it to conservatives when Obama was elected, too. Just in case you think I can't see it from both sides.

Happy Fourth!
Have you seen the Trump haters shooting congressmen?

Here is your party in action:


Those are the crazies in action. No elected member of the Democrat party are endorsing that behavior, unlike the Tweeter-in-Chief quoting shit by Alex Jones.

They are crazies, they are also mainstream democrats.

As for quoting Alex Jones, it could be FAR worse...


Uncensored "I'mnotangry" 2008.....


Oh, I'm enjoying the complete unraveling of the fascist democrat party.

Y'all went crazy in 2000, but that passed to a certain extent. The left is utterly out of control now and keeps reminding America why you must NEVER be allowed in power again. Keep your brown shirts on the streets with the democrat Kristalnachts just so no one fails to grasp what your party is all about.

Here it is, the traditional "your political party is finished" speech! Along with the ever-present Nazi comparison! Thank you, Uncensored "Libertarian" 2008.

It was stupid when liberals said it to conservatives when Obama was elected, too. Just in case you think I can't see it from both sides.

Happy Fourth!

Yeah, why would anyone say that your party is reminiscent of 1925 Berlin?


It's so unfair.....
conservatives who opposes Trump: shape up or get out of the way

liberals who oppose Trump: suck it up and move on
Yeah, it's the same mindset that Mac1958 criticizes daily on this forum as he claims dominion over his spot at the top of the hill in the middle of the road. :rolleyes-41:

Moderates are necessary for political process. Otherwise, all you have are two extremes fighting for absolute victory. Governance by whiplash as we swing back from one extreme to another.

Moderates decide every presidential election, or, to be precise, moderates decide who wins the popular vote.

Where the moderates vote directly correlates to how the candidates finish.

So if both parties have gone more extreme.....?

A plurality of American voters identify themselves as Moderates. In reality Moderates as a whole are left of center, but they are the swing vote. A Democrat has to win the Moderates by at least 10 points to win the popular vote.

That formula shows up in every election we have exit polls of.

Here are the numbers - off the top of my head - showing the correlation:

2004 - Kerry wins Moderate vote by 9 points - narrowly loses the election
2008 - Obama wins Moderate vote by 20 points - beats McCain by 7 points
2012 - Obama wins Moderate vote by about 15 points - beats Romney, but by narrower margin
2016 - Clinton wins Moderate vote by 11 points - just beats Trump in the popular vote.

Remarkable correlation.
You really believe those NUMBERS are off the top of your head you are crazy?
Why do you need to lie about something like that? Makes you feel better? Off the top of your head my ass!
Now using the below sources which legitimate scholarly people attribute not dumb liars like you!

How Groups Voted in 2004 - Roper Center
How Groups Voted in 2008 - Roper Center
How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center
How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

I think you are really despicable trying to impress people with "off the top of your head"! But that's what pompous arrogant butts do!
Which is better?

A government uncontrolled by any law, or to burn it down?
Look, asshole, that is what you are getting with the fat senile old orange clown. Both wishes. What foolish little fucked up cocksucks you people are.
I'm correct, then?
If that makes you feel better. Will that make you sleep at night? Do you think that Washington is on your side at the end of the day? Are you that worried about them getting metaphorically blown up?
You could just say "yes".

Are you going to argue against anything I said, or are you just going to passive aggressively pout? Cos you haven't argued against my multi post rebuttal to a tizzy of an OP.
Now, what are we waiting for? Drain the swamp!
Don't hold your breath!
He is not going to drain the swamp. He is going to make it bigger.

Only if the American people don't stand behind him.
Did you stand behind him when he selected Tillerson to run the State Dept.? Is that your idea of draining the swamp?
Compared to Hillary and Kerry, Tillerson is a saint.
Pay money, any money, to a terrorist regime to recover illegally held individuals is a ransom , no matterhow you try to slice it.

So did you feel that way when Ronnie Ray-gun paid the Iranians to get hostages out of Beruit?

Obama's comment was viewed as a declaration that the Trayvon shooting was strictly a racial crime. He said this before he knew that Martin was the attacker.

It was a racial crime. Zimmerman is a racist POS. Also a wife-beater and child molester, but digress.

An unknown man appearing to be trying to force his way into a house is all the justification they needed. Again, Obama gave it a racial component.

Except he wasn't unknown when he was arrested. They had established it was his house, and the cop arrested him because he didn't like being talked back to.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People! How dare Obama get all uppity and think a distinguished professor should be safe in his own home?

Typical Left-wing elitist charge. Dissing the working class as you have been is one of the reasons you have lost over a 1000 seats, including the 2016 Presidential Election, in the last 8 years.

Naw, dude, that was Russian cheating... But you know what, Demographics is not your friend. There aren't enough angry old white people to sustain your stupidity forever.

You're done after 2018. Deal with it.

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