Maybe it is the scary looking gun

What “sport” are they used for ?

You gun nerds failed to answer .

Millions of people use them for target practice and shooting matches every weekend

Hundreds of thousands use them to hunt small game

A fraction of a fraction of s percent of people kill people with rifles
It’s a gang problem. As long as we have cities it will be a problem regardless of race. Remember the Italian mob? All our inequality gives them plenty to prey on.
You have correctly identified a superficial problem (gangs), but ignored the underlying problem. Democrats.

Until most people start rejecting the GOP and DNC, we will continue to have these problems. Reject the duopoly.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:
When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?
When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?
Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?
Not between those two events.

Correlation can be drawn to one event.

From 1945 to 1995 there were three mass school shootings. From 1995 until today, there were 35 mass school shootings. What happened in 1995? Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

It was never enforced, in fact, it's enforcement was constantly blocked by Democrats. Dare to ask and I'll explain.

How about some stats on AR ownership in that time frame ?

there are literally millions of people who own Ar frame rifles

The AR frame 5.56 mm semiauto is the single most popular rifle in the civilian market because it is light, easy to use accurate and fun
We don't have a gun problem. We have a Negro and Hispanic problem.
That's some bullshit, right there.

We don't have a "Negro" or "Hispanic" problem. They just seem to be the victims of the larger problem. We have a Democrat government replacing parents for generations upon generations problem.
We have a mental illness, gun, poverty, and drug problem. Those blacks Etc are fighting each other over who sells drugs to the whites LOL.
It’s a gang problem. As long as we have cities it will be a problem regardless of race. Remember the Italian mob? All our inequality gives them plenty to prey on.
You have correctly identified a superficial problem (gangs), but ignored the underlying problem. Democrats.

Until most people start rejecting the GOP and DNC, we will continue to have these problems. Reject the duopoly.
Well both parties are a problem that’s for sure. But inequality is what makes gangs thrive.
Maybe we can't see the forest for the trees.

Maybe one of the unfortunate reasons "assault style weapons" are used in many gun violence circumstances is the style. If video games and movies can be blamed for gun violence, why not the 'style' of weaponry? Are violent criminals drawn to the menacing look of these weapons more than the technical aspects of firing systems and round speed and lethality of sporting style weapons? Could similar cultural aspects attract those who watch violent movies and play violent video games to violent looking weapons?

Is it just cooler to carry a gun with a long magazine projecting from it? A gun that's all black and blinded up with military styling?

Gun lovers would agree that other sporting style weapons are just as, or more, deadly? Yet we don't see that many mass shootings committed with those sporting style weapons. If they are just as effective for self defense and a military style weapon, why have the military style weapon around?

As gun violence increased, could a corollary be seen in the increase of popularity of military style weapons, the "scary looking" guns?

I may be wrong, but I never heard this point of view proffered.
Although I do think gun nuts are impressed by the looks, they are deadlier than most other guns. To say they aren'tv is just stupid.

No to say that the AR 15 that shoots a 5.56 mm cartridge is more deadly than any other rifle that shoots the same cartridge is stupid

OK, so if the ability to shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger with a large capacity magazine is as good as a single shot that shoots the same caliper.

You people are sooooooooooooooo smart.
then what is your answer?

limit the mag to 10 rounds? make it a fixed mag that can't be swapped out?

great. they have speed loaders that will reload the fixed mag faster than swapping the mag to begin with.

and it's caliber unless you're working on your brakes. it's kinda a good idea to be correct when insulting peoples intelligence.
Ban the semi-automatic rifle that accepts large magazines. Like was done before but your party refused to renew it - killing all those children. NRA money is so wonderful.

Ban large magazibes

There has never been a ban on semiautomatic weapons there has only been a ban on one specific type of semiautomatic weapon and it was allowed to expire because it did nothing to lower the crime or the murder rates

In fact during that ban the wackos from Columbine had no trouble shooting up their school did they?

And FYI the FL wack job was using 10 round magazines hardly high capacity
Although I do think gun nuts are impressed by the looks, they are deadlier than most other guns. To say they aren'tv is just stupid.

No to say that the AR 15 that shoots a 5.56 mm cartridge is more deadly than any other rifle that shoots the same cartridge is stupid

OK, so if the ability to shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger with a large capacity magazine is as good as a single shot that shoots the same caliper.

You people are sooooooooooooooo smart.
then what is your answer?

limit the mag to 10 rounds? make it a fixed mag that can't be swapped out?

great. they have speed loaders that will reload the fixed mag faster than swapping the mag to begin with.

and it's caliber unless you're working on your brakes. it's kinda a good idea to be correct when insulting peoples intelligence.
Ban the semi-automatic rifle that accepts large magazines. Like was done before but your party refused to renew it - killing all those children. NRA money is so wonderful.

Ban large magazibes

There has never been a ban on semiautomatic weapons there has only been a ban on one specific type of semiautomatic weapon and it was allowed to expire because it did nothing to lower the crime or the murder rates

In fact during that ban the wackos from Columbine had no trouble shooting up their school did they?

And FYI the FL wack job was using 10 round magazines hardly high capacity

And those previously banned guns have been used in our worst mass shootings.
But inequality is what makes gangs thrive.
No, allowing people to rely on government to feed, clothe, and otherwise raise their kids creates children without direction. Government is the shittiest parent there is.

That's why I think abortion should be legal until 144 months (you heard me right). And, we should have ZERO restrictions on firearms.
Mental illness plus scary styled super soldier military weapons equal insane mass shootings.
Those scary looking weapons just cause people to go batshit crazy and start shooting people?

They sure kill a lot of people really fast when a crazy gets one.
So can a big ass 4x4 with an 8 foot steel plow

Roads can be blocked. You want all mass killing options available?
They sure kill a lot of people really fast when a crazy gets one.
Because they are scary looking?

Because they are semi auto with high capacity magazines.

yes average everyday commonplace semiautomatic rifles that have been available in the civilian market for over 100 years and FYI 20 and 30 round magazines are standard capacity not high capacity
They are used for mass killing.
You're missing a point. AR is not military style gun. It just looks like it is.

Now that we cleared that up, if there are guns just as, if not more effective, why gun grabbers are pursuing to ban ARs? Shouldn't they go after those more effective first?
I'm afraid you're missing the point.

My argument is that perhaps the very styling of the gun is what makes it more attractive as a weapon with which to commit a gun massacre.

If other weapons are just as effective in terms of rate of fire and lethality of round trajectory, why aren't those weapons used as often as the military style weapons?

If cultural aspects like video games and movies can bear blame, why not cultural aspects like the style of the weapon itself?

It seems that there are unfortunate people much more interested in protecting guns than protecting the public against lunatic gunmen.

Your assertion is wrong

The AR frame is not the most popular rifle in the country because of the way it looks

It is the most popular rife frame in the country because it is light, easy to handle, infinitely customizeable accurate and just plain fun to shoot.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:

When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?

When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?

Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?

There are 8 million AR-15 civilian rifles, some say even more......and recently, 6 have been used...about that anyway...for mass shootings...while the other 8 million in private hands were not used to commit any crime....
We all know that more crimes are committed that just the 6 mass shootings as you claim.
about 2% of all murders are committed with rifles of any kind that means an even smaller percentage are killed with the black one that you are so scared of
I'm afraid you're missing the point.

My argument is that perhaps the very styling of the gun is what makes it more attractive as a weapon with which to commit a gun massacre.

If other weapons are just as effective in terms of rate of fire and lethality of round trajectory, why aren't those weapons used as often as the military style weapons?

If cultural aspects like video games and movies can bear blame, why not cultural aspects like the style of the weapon itself?

It seems that there are unfortunate people much more interested in protecting guns than protecting the public against lunatic gunmen.

Your assertion is wrong

The AR frame is not the most popular rifle in the country because of the way it looks

It is the most popular rife frame in the country because it is light, easy to handle, infinitely customizeable accurate and just plain fun to shoot.
I entered first grade in the autumn of 1963. I graduated high school in 1975, got my degree in 1979. There were no school shootings during my matriculation.

Three questions:

When was the AR-15 introduced to the American consumer market?

When did the plague of current mass shootings begin?

Can any correlation be drawn between those two events?

There are 8 million AR-15 civilian rifles, some say even more......and recently, 6 have been used...about that anyway...for mass shootings...while the other 8 million in private hands were not used to commit any crime....
We all know that more crimes are committed that just the 6 mass shootings as you claim.
about 2% of all murders are committed with rifles of any kind that means an even smaller percentage are killed with the black one that you are so scared of

And the black one owns the worst mass killings.

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