McCain Compares Sarah Palin To Ronald Reagan. (He Is So Right)

Give me a break. Reagan was the best Pres since WW2, possibly of the 20th Century. He always had a cause larger than himself, and brought Communism to its knees in a way that no one predicted could happen so quickly.

Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

Here's a poll that ranks Reagan #18 (and Clinton higher). I agree with this one.....

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst - US News and World Report

Here's one that ranks Reagan #10......

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Another one with Reagan at #18 (and George W Bush in the bottom 5)......

Obama No. 15 in presidential rankings -

Another one that has Reagan at #18 (and Clinton higher)

TaxProf Blog: U.S. Presidential Rankings: Roosevelts 1, 2, Obama 15, George W. Bush 39

Bottom Line? Reagan was mediocre at best.
Actually Reagan was a very good charismatic speaker as long as he had a teleprompter.

btw I grew up with a guy that became one of Reagans teleprompter operators.

Have you ever seen any video of Reagan when he didn't think he was "on"? It's like a switch going off and the lights dim.....
Give me a break. Reagan was the best Pres since WW2, possibly of the 20th Century. He always had a cause larger than himself, and brought Communism to its knees in a way that no one predicted could happen so quickly.

Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

Here's a poll that ranks Reagan #18 (and Clinton higher). I agree with this one.....

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst - US News and World Report

Here's one that ranks Reagan #10......

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Another one with Reagan at #18 (and George W Bush in the bottom 5)......

Obama No. 15 in presidential rankings -

Another one that has Reagan at #18 (and Clinton higher)

TaxProf Blog: U.S. Presidential Rankings: Roosevelts 1, 2, Obama 15, George W. Bush 39

Bottom Line? Reagan was mediocre at best.
You don't think Reagan was great for bringing the Soviets to their knee's?
Give me a break. Reagan was the best Pres since WW2, possibly of the 20th Century. He always had a cause larger than himself, and brought Communism to its knees in a way that no one predicted could happen so quickly.

Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

Here's a poll that ranks Reagan #18 (and Clinton higher). I agree with this one.....

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst - US News and World Report

Here's one that ranks Reagan #10......

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Another one with Reagan at #18 (and George W Bush in the bottom 5)......

Obama No. 15 in presidential rankings -

Another one that has Reagan at #18 (and Clinton higher)

TaxProf Blog: U.S. Presidential Rankings: Roosevelts 1, 2, Obama 15, George W. Bush 39

Bottom Line? Reagan was mediocre at best.
You don't think Reagan was great for bringing the Soviets to their knee's?

You sound so naive.....

I believe the Soviets were destined to go to their knees no matter who was POTUS. Reagan was just in the right place at the right time.
Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

how little is going on in your brain that you need a survey to figure out who was a good President?

first you quote some random author about Sarah Palin, then you point to some surveys, what's the matter, does the union not allow you to think for yourself?
Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

how little is going on in your brain that you need a survey to figure out who was a good President?

first you quote some random author about Sarah Palin, then you point to some surveys, what's the matter, does the union not allow you to think for yourself?

Just because you're getting your ass handed to you doesn't mean you should be trying to change the subject to unions. :tongue: All I did was post the truth that few people REALLY believe that Reagan, who had one of the most corrupt administrations, was even great, let alone one of the greatest. :uhoh3:

I believe the Soviets were destined to go to their knees no matter who was POTUS.

Yes, Jimmy Carter did a great job fighting Soviets. They were so terrified of him, they invaded Afghanistan.

Stop trying to revise history. Carter wasn't "fighting the Soviets" and the Soviets got their asses handed to them (kinda like what's happening to you right now).
Give me a break. Reagan was the best Pres since WW2, possibly of the 20th Century. He always had a cause larger than himself, and brought Communism to its knees in a way that no one predicted could happen so quickly.

Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

Here's a poll that ranks Reagan #18 (and Clinton higher). I agree with this one.....

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst - US News and World Report

Here's one that ranks Reagan #10......

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Another one with Reagan at #18 (and George W Bush in the bottom 5)......

Obama No. 15 in presidential rankings -

Another one that has Reagan at #18 (and Clinton higher)

TaxProf Blog: U.S. Presidential Rankings: Roosevelts 1, 2, Obama 15, George W. Bush 39

Bottom Line? Reagan was mediocre at best.
You don't think Reagan was great for bringing the Soviets to their knee's?

He didn't. Afghanistan broke up the Soviet Union. It was their Vietnam. Reagan just got Congress to waste alot of money on defense spending we didn't need.

Besides, if we won the Cold War, why do people like you still talk about Russia as if it's a threat?
McCain is dead on. Sarah Palin like Reagan is a true patriot who wants America be exceptional and strong on defense. Peace throught Strength was Reagans motto and it worked. Palin like Reagan wants a strong Military with first rate technological military hardware far superior to other nations that will make us a dominate superpower. Palin wants less government and corrupt politicians put in jail. She did that as governor in Alaska including putting members of her own party in jail. That is a rarity in todays politics. Yes, she does remind you of Reagan when she speaks of American liberty and prosperity and that we should strive to be the best we could be. That is the traits of a true patriot who loves her country. Do you ever see or hear Obama telling the American people to show their patriotism like Palin does and Reagan did? No. Palin is just as divisive as Reagan was and that is what got Reagan elected. The people liked his straight talk to addressing the problems in America without the political correctness that grips America today. Palin is the same way. She tells it like it is to get to the reality of the situation. Palin ignoring the political correctness when addressing issues is what we need as president. We can't hold back offending certain people anymore when addressing issues at hand.

McCain compares Palin to Reagan – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


isn't he the guy who the cons claim ended the cold war?

and supposedly "brought down" the soviet union?

where-upon we started giving the russians billions of our tax dollars?

which they used to rebuild their country, military and government...

and are now allies with china

so essentially reagan started the funding of russia to rebuild them into an antagonistic power that is allied with the chinese?

thanks ron!
McCain is dead on. Sarah Palin like Reagan is a true patriot who wants America be exceptional and strong on defense. Peace throught Strength was Reagans motto and it worked.
....Yeah, with a significant-dose o' genocide.

Whatta shame all o' that is about to be revealed.....since Obama pried-off the lid Lil' Dumbya put on least, that's what Uncle DICK told him they were.



"The Genocide case, filed in 1999 by Rigoberta Menchú Tum and other survivors, is an international human rights case being heard in the Spanish National Court against eight senior Guatemalan government officials, including three former heads of state, Efraín Ríos Montt, Fernando Romeo Lucas García and Óscar Humberto Mejía Victores. The defendants are charged with genocide, state terrorism, torture, and other crimes against humanity."


<Say Buh-Bye to ReRon's Legacy.......>​
Really? How many movies has Sarah starred in?

In politics sure she's a pseudo-conservative, lying, two faced weasel, just like Raygun, so I agree with John.
Exactly what has Palin lied about?

Ah so many lies to choose from.....hummm how about when she mischaracterized the "$1200 check" given to Alaskans as the permanent fund dividend check; in fact, that fund had yielded $2,069 per person, and she claimed otherwise to obscure the fact that Alaskans also received a $1200 rebate check from a windfall profits tax on oil companies - a tax widely criticized by Republicans.

Or when she claimed to have tried to divest government funds from Sudan; in fact, her administration openly opposed a bill that would have done just that.

Then there is the time she claimed to have said, "Thanks, but no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor.

The permanent fund varies year to year in the amount. If you lived there you might know something about it.

as for your and rikules other claims, some proof would be nice to see.
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McCain is dead on. Sarah Palin like Reagan is a true patriot who wants America be exceptional and strong on defense. Peace throught Strength was Reagans motto and it worked. Palin like Reagan wants a strong Military with first rate technological military hardware far superior to other nations that will make us a dominate superpower. Palin wants less government and corrupt politicians put in jail. She did that as governor in Alaska including putting members of her own party in jail. That is a rarity in todays politics. Yes, she does remind you of Reagan when she speaks of American liberty and prosperity and that we should strive to be the best we could be. That is the traits of a true patriot who loves her country. Do you ever see or hear Obama telling the American people to show their patriotism like Palin does and Reagan did? No.

McCain compares Palin to Reagan – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I agree too!! Especially when I see interviews like this.

She and Reagan sound a lot alike!!!!!
That was edited by CBS to show her in a bad light. Anyway, that is nothing compared to Obama's flawed interviews and gaffes which is tons of it.

the comparison was between Reagan and Palin.
She may show early signs of Altzheimers.
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Give me a break. Reagan was the best Pres since WW2, possibly of the 20th Century. He always had a cause larger than himself, and brought Communism to its knees in a way that no one predicted could happen so quickly.

Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

Here's a poll that ranks Reagan #18 (and Clinton higher). I agree with this one.....

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst - US News and World Report

Here's one that ranks Reagan #10......

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Another one with Reagan at #18 (and George W Bush in the bottom 5)......

Obama No. 15 in presidential rankings -

Another one that has Reagan at #18 (and Clinton higher)

TaxProf Blog: U.S. Presidential Rankings: Roosevelts 1, 2, Obama 15, George W. Bush 39

Bottom Line? Reagan was mediocre at best.
You don't think Reagan was great for bringing the Soviets to their knee's?

He didn't.

The cost of the Soviet space program destroyed the Soviet Union. Sarah Palin said so the other day.

Unless of course you think she's full of shit.
"Not since the days of the Roman emperors&#8212;and never in the history of the United States Presidency&#8212;has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation's affairs of State."
(Joan Quigley - Reagan astrologer)
McCain Compares Sarah Palin To Ronald Reagan. (He Is So Right) - I didn't know $arah Palin consulted with astrologers!

If McCain had consulted with Joan Quigley, he might have selected a better VP candidate.
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"Not since the days of the Roman emperors—and never in the history of the United States Presidency—has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation's affairs of State."
(Joan Quigley - Reagan astrologer)

Joan Quigley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
McCain Compares Sarah Palin To Ronald Reagan. (He Is So Right) - I didn't know $arah Palin consulted with astrologers!

If McCain had consulted with Joan Quigley, he might have selected a better VP candidate.

yeah, maybe someone like Slow Joe Biden.:lol:
McCain Compares Sarah Palin To Ronald Reagan. (He Is So Right)

Yes...the current level of brain activity is the same...

Ronald Wilson Reagan (Feb. 6, 1911 - Jun. 5, 2004)
She has lied about the Bridge To Nowhere. She ran for office favoring it, wore a sweatshirt defending it, and only gave it up when the federal congress, Senator McCain in particular, went ballistic. She kept the money anyway and favors funding Don Young's Way, at twice the cost of the original bridge.

- She has lied about her firing of the town librarian and police chief of Wasilla, Alaska.

- She has lied about pressure on Alaska's public safety commissioner to fire her ex-brother-in-law.

- She has lied about her previous statements on climate change.

- She has lied about Alaska's contribution to America's oil and gas production.

- She has lied about when she asked her daughters for their permission for her to run for vice-president.

- She has lied about the actual progress in constructing a natural gas pipeline from Alaska.

- She has lied about Obama's position on habeas corpus.

- She has lied about her alleged tolerance of homosexuality.

- She has lied about the use or non-use of a TelePrompter at the St Paul convention.

- She has lied about her alleged pay-cut as mayor of Wasilla.

- She has lied about what Alaska's state scientists concluded about the health of the polar bear population in Alaska.

The Twelve Lies Of Sarah Palin - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Give me a break. Reagan was the best Pres since WW2, possibly of the 20th Century. He always had a cause larger than himself, and brought Communism to its knees in a way that no one predicted could happen so quickly.

Why don't you give the rest of us a break and qualify that statement with "In my opinion" or back it up.

Here's a poll that ranks Reagan #18 (and Clinton higher). I agree with this one.....

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst - US News and World Report

Here's one that ranks Reagan #10......

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking - C-SPAN

Another one with Reagan at #18 (and George W Bush in the bottom 5)......

Obama No. 15 in presidential rankings -

Another one that has Reagan at #18 (and Clinton higher)

TaxProf Blog: U.S. Presidential Rankings: Roosevelts 1, 2, Obama 15, George W. Bush 39

Bottom Line? Reagan was mediocre at best.

Actually Reagan was a very good charismatic speaker as long as he had a teleprompter.

btw I grew up with a guy that became one of Reagans teleprompter operators.

Have you ever seen any video of Reagan when he didn't think he was "on"? It's like a switch going off and the lights dim.....

There doesn't seem to be a shortage of Reactionary Far Rightwing Loonies. There's one at my church, absolutely hates Obama. He gets incensed at any mention of Bush, says that "Bush has gone home, he's not the problem now." He's totally anti-Muslim. He thinks the world started as soon as Obama got sworn in. Has no facts, he keeps saying "Obama will destroy everything...wait and see."

I beat him in every debate on politics, he just starts screaming "Obama's the biggest liar ever." He has no facts. It reminds me of the majority of the Far RW reactionaries on this board.

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