McCain Confirms Hero Status-Takes on Trump-Promotes American Values

Anyone who criticizes your guy is attacking him and a POS in your world. Wrong or right makes no difference. Trump, according to a top aide, is always 100% right and should never be questioned. His cult followers believe that nonsense.
McTurchute has been a POS for a couple decades now. Being a leading advocate for international warmongering at the drop of the hat firmly cements him onto that position.
Which war did his start and how did he do that?
You mean promote the establishment which is the complete opposite of American values.
Name one.
Name one what ?
Name one opposite American value that McCain is promoting.

How is someone that is self serving a hero. He passed a bill to make sure he could stay an incumbent, had his bill not of passed the Citizens United ruling would have never come down.

He was a hero, since then he is a self serving SOB, he has no credibility with me and never will. He and his fellow cronies can't leave office fast enough.
He's become irrelevant and his popularity is dwindling. Sad that he has started pandering to The Left to keep his face in the news.

He used have a lot more respect until he went full RINO.
He's become irrelevant and his popularity is dwindling. Sad that he has started pandering to The Left to keep his face in the news.

He used have a lot more respect until he went full RINO.
His popularity is surging as he gets that "irrelevant" front page, top of the news coverage on a global scale. He has become one of the most sought after reasoned adult voices representing America. To all but the rabid trump cult followers, he represents the sane voice coming out of the USA.
He's become irrelevant and his popularity is dwindling. Sad that he has started pandering to The Left to keep his face in the news.

He used have a lot more respect until he went full RINO.
His popularity is surging as he gets that "irrelevant" front page, top of the news coverage on a global scale. He has become one of the most sought after reasoned adult voices representing America. To all but the rabid trump cult followers, he represents the sane voice coming out of the USA.
Remember when he was evil in 2008 ? According to Liberals.
Dear dummy. His popularity is declining among his own base.

It is improving among The Flag Burners, Illegals, and Felons on the Left and on that I will agree with you.

You can have him. McCain is done as a Conservative.

Only 6% of Americans trust the Main Stream Media.

Now that's irrelevant and now McCain has joined in with that den of vipers.
What American values? Are you talking about the media? If so, where was McCain when the Justice Dept was trying to arrest Fox reporter James Rosin when the Obama administration didn't like his story about N.K.? Where was McCain when Barry Hussein was trying to force talk radio to spout left wing propaganda under the ironically named "fairness doctrine"? Where was McCain when Obama constantly complained about Fox news and named Hannity and Limbaugh?
What American values? Are you talking about the media? If so, where was McCain when the Justice Dept was trying to arrest Fox reporter James Rosin when the Obama administration didn't like his story about N.K.? Where was McCain when Barry Hussein was trying to force talk radio to spout left wing propaganda under the ironically named "fairness doctrine"? Where was McCain when Obama constantly complained about Fox news and named Hannity and Limbaugh?

McCain imo is not a Conservative, and neither is he a Patriot. He may care about Veterans Issues, but he is

1.) A War Hawk and part of the Military Industrial Complex.
2.) He is part of The Establishment on The Right which should be as feared as The Establishment on The Left. Both are corrupt and Trump needs to slowly clean out Washington of as many as those guys he can get rid of on both sides of the isle.
3.) He is really a Liberal in Sheep's clothing so you can't trust a damn thing he says.
John McCain is certainly right on foreign policy. The fact is that we have not been led into any wars. War has been forced on us by a event that was called 9/11. You might have heard something about it. McCain came up with the idea of the surge that ended active operations in Iraq. McCain is a adult and Trump is not. McCain recognizes the fact that we are facing evil in this world. First China in Southeast Asia and Putin who is aligning himself with a state sponsor of terrorism called Iran and attempting to dominate the Mideast, trying to take over governments in Europe and of course our own elections. They are putting our troops in danger in Afghanistan by undermining our mission there.

At the NATO Summit Gen Mattis sounded more like McCain than Trump. He spoke out against Putin and said there can be no cooperation with Russia because of their expansionist policies.
McCain's a corrupt old nutter. And now the Democrats are in love with him again. But remember when he was a 'Crazy Racist Coward' back when he ran against their Hopey Changey Messiah? Now he's criticizing Trump, so they're in love again.

It's like their bizarre love affair with Hugo Chavez. They adored the man for insulting George Bush. But they quickly fell out of love with him when he called their Hopey Changey Messiah a 'Poor Ignoramus.' McCain's no 'Heroic Maverick.' He's just a corrupt self-serving nutcase.
John McCain is certainly right on foreign policy. The fact is that we have not been led into any wars. War has been forced on us by a event that was called 9/11. You might have heard something about it. McCain came up with the idea of the surge that ended active operations in Iraq. McCain is a adult and Trump is not. McCain recognizes the fact that we are facing evil in this world. First China in Southeast Asia and Putin who is aligning himself with a state sponsor of terrorism called Iran and attempting to dominate the Mideast, trying to take over governments in Europe and of course our own elections. They are putting our troops in danger in Afghanistan by undermining our mission there.

At the NATO Summit Gen Mattis sounded more like McCain than Trump. He spoke out against Putin and said there can be no cooperation with Russia because of their expansionist policies.
The man who originally created this whole Middle Eastern mess we have today is none other than Jimmy Carter.
McCain 'attacked' the President while abroad.
He's a POS.
Anyone who criticizes your guy is attacking him and a POS in your world. Wrong or right makes no difference. Trump, according to a top aide, is always 100% right and should never be questioned. His cult followers believe that nonsense.

questioning and undermining are two quite different things. Challenging truthfully and lying are also different things.
How is McCain undermining the President? McCain is by nature and the constitution an adversary in a separate but equal branch of our government. It is a Senator's from the legislative branch job to question or criticize the Executive branch of government.

If you have to ask that, there is nothing I can say that would educate you. I suggest a refresher course in American history. In the 1700s what McCain did would have been called treason.
How is what McCain did different from what Trump did to Obama?
Attacked? Never realized Trump is such a pussy

What Trump is or is not has nothing to do with McCain attacking the US President while abroad. He's a POS for doing so.

What does Trump being abroad have to do with people criticizing him
US Politicians / EX-Presidents who are in other nations should not attack the US, policies, the President, etc...not Trump being abroad.
You mean like republicans did with Obama?
Or like Trump himself did?
Vietnam War Hero Senator John McCain is confirming his courage and patriotism by standing up to the rhetoric of the new President and standing up for American values and principles.

Nobody has more of a right to express opinions than those who served and sacrificed for their country the way Senator John McCain has.

Senator McCain is once again earning his status as a hero by putting country first and protecting American values and principles.
What? Spineless McCain and cross dressing Graham are going on tour together? Again
Spineless? McCain is spineless after being a POW for 5 years as opposed to Donnie Littlefingers who got out of the draft for bone spurs?
You deplorables are fucking idiots.

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