McCain in Munich implies assassins are needed for Trump

<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 31132" data-quote="Lakhota" data-source="post: 16609987" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609987" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609987">Lakhota said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting... </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Is Ted Nugent an elected official?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 55587" data-quote="Tom Horn" data-source="post: 16610133" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610133" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610133">Tom Horn said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25493" data-quote="kiwiman127" data-source="post: 16610082" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610082" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610082">kiwiman127 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn&#039;t someone you worship, like you do with Trump? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Trump was on Russian TV?......gotta link? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Here you go!<br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy</a></div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> McCain is just another washed up politician who has been infected with Liberal ideologies...he&#039;s the wolf in sheeps clothing and no one takes him serious anymore. Toeing the line is what confused political pussies do.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 56028" data-quote="Lucy Hamilton" data-source="post: 16610202" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610202" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610202">Lucy Hamilton said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> I see no reason why John McCain should not be arrested when he arrives back in Washington DC, he&#039;s suggesting that President Trump should be assassinated and also his comments are Sedition, the slug is an American Traitor, he should be dealt with like one and also made an example of as a warning to other Traitors.<br /> <br /> Throw McCain in Gitmo. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Old folks home for the senile would be sufficient.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 27324" data-quote="whitehall" data-source="post: 16610143" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610143" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610143">whitehall said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> McCain is chairman of the Armed Services committee and yet he called a successful mission a failure because he hates the President. It&#039;s ironic that he calls himself a hero for being captured and collaborating with the enemy in LBJ&#039;s war but he apparently refuses to use the same word in referring to the Navy Seal who was killed in the mission he called a failure. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> He&#039;s also on the Veterans Affairs committee and has sat on his thumb while the VA hospital here in Phoenix is the worst in the country. The MSM has been calling him a lunatic for years but suddenly he spews hatred for Trump and becomes a good guy......I wouldn&#039;t show the old fool another piece of classified material....the NYTimes would have it in 15 minutes.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 55587" data-quote="Tom Horn" data-source="post: 16610193" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610193" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610193">Tom Horn said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 20112" data-quote="bodecea" data-source="post: 16610166" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610166" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610166">bodecea said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> equate a country with a religion.......ok. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> I know Israel isn&#039;t Baptist....go shave your pits. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Bibi often refers to Israel as &quot;The Jewish State&quot;, he even put forward a law to declare it as such.<br /> <br /> <span style="font-size: 22px"><b>Netanyahu pushes to define Israel as nation state of Jewish people only</b><br /> </span><br /> <span style="font-size: 15px"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Netanyahu pushes to define Israel as nation state of Jewish people only</a><br /> <br /> This is also from The Jerusalem Post, where Bibi doesn&#039;t even mention Israel, he refers to it as &quot;The Jewish State&quot;<br /> </span><br /> <b><span style="font-size: 22px">NETANYAHU: TRUMP ‘FEELS VERY WARMLY ABOUT THE JEWISH STATE’<br /> </span></b><br /> <span style="font-size: 15px"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Netanyahu: Trump ‘feels very warmly about the Jewish state’</a></span><br /> <br /> <span style="font-size: 15px">Again this time from RealClearPolitics.</span><br /> <b><br /> <span style="font-size: 26px"><span style="font-size: 22px"><b>Netanyahu: No Greater Supporter Of Jewish People And Jewish State Than Donald Trump</b></span></span><br /> </b><br /> <span style="font-size: 15px"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Netanyahu: No Greater Supporter Of Jewish People And Jewish State Than Donald Trump</a><br /> <br /> This one is a video where Bibi mentions &quot;The Jewish State&quot;<br /> <br /> <span style="font-size: 22px"><b>Netanyahu: Palestinians must recognize Jewish state</b></span></span><br /> <br /> <span style="font-size: 15px"><span style="font-size: 15px"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Netanyahu: Palestinians must recognize Jewish state</a></span><br /> </span></div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 59652" data-quote="xyz" data-source="post: 16610190" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610190" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610190">xyz said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 46539" data-quote="Iceweasel" data-source="post: 16610072" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610072" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610072">Iceweasel said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> McCain is still pissed Hillary lost. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>He didn&#039;t vote for her, I think he wrote someone in. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>I think he donated to her campaign.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 55587" data-quote="Tom Horn" data-source="post: 16610288" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610288" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610288">Tom Horn said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 27324" data-quote="whitehall" data-source="post: 16610143" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610143" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610143">whitehall said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> McCain is chairman of the Armed Services committee and yet he called a successful mission a failure because he hates the President. It&#039;s ironic that he calls himself a hero for being captured and collaborating with the enemy in LBJ&#039;s war but he apparently refuses to use the same word in referring to the Navy Seal who was killed in the mission he called a failure. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> He&#039;s also on the Veterans Affairs committee and has sat on his thumb while the VA hospital here in Phoenix is the worst in the country. The MSM has been calling him a lunatic for years but suddenly he spews hatred for Trump and becomes a good guy......I wouldn&#039;t show the old fool another piece of classified material....the NYTimes would have it in 15 minutes. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> <b>&quot;MSM has been calling him a lunatic for years but suddenly he spews hatred for Trump and becomes a good guy.&quot;</b><br /> <br /> This is why the Leftist Maniacs now have a love-in with John &quot;Neo-Conservative Psychopath Warmonger&quot; McCain, because he hates Trump and is trashing him.<br /> <br /> McCain is jealous of Trump, because Trump won a Presidential Election and John McCain is a pathetic loser, he&#039;s also an American Traitor, not surprising as he already sold himself once to American enemies when he was staying in the Hỏa Lò Prison (Hanoi Hilton), so he&#039;s been an American Traitor for a long time.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 31132" data-quote="Lakhota" data-source="post: 16609987" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609987" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609987">Lakhota said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting... </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25493" data-quote="kiwiman127" data-source="post: 16610082" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610082" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610082">kiwiman127 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn&#039;t someone you worship, like you do with Trump? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> Give a link to your claim. And by all means tell me where and when Trump implied that Obama should be assassinated?</div>
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<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> <b><i>Junker </i>Junkpile<br /> </b><br /> The <i>von </i>in Kleist&#039;s name means he was HeirHead guillotine fodder. The narrative is that they opposed Hitler&#039;s xenophobic regime, when, if considered logically, they only opposed the fact that the war was hopelessly lost and they wanted to be reinstated into power by the Allies. Their conceited and naturally incompetent aristocracy was responsible for Germany losing the First World War, which led to the rise of Hitler. An interesting revelation about that was hinted at in the George Peppard/James Mason movie, <i>The Blue Max.</i></div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16610393" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610393" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610393">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 31132" data-quote="Lakhota" data-source="post: 16609987" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609987" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609987">Lakhota said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting... </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25493" data-quote="kiwiman127" data-source="post: 16610082" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610082" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610082">kiwiman127 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn&#039;t someone you worship, like you do with Trump? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> Give a link to your claim. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy</a></div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 20112" data-quote="bodecea" data-source="post: 16610130" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610130" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610130">bodecea said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 46539" data-quote="Iceweasel" data-source="post: 16610072" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610072" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610072">Iceweasel said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> McCain is still pissed Hillary lost. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Yeah...I heard that H. Clinton lost back in early November. This is mid-February now. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><b>Shlonged Eve</b><br /> <br /> November 7 was Groundhog Day for the Hillarodents.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">He is on Soro&#039;s payroll. That is all you need to know. We desperately need term limits for senators etc, but this will never happen.<br /> <br /> Too bad.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">McCain needs to be locked back up in a VC torture camp.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 25493" data-quote="kiwiman127" data-source="post: 16610424" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610424" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610424">kiwiman127 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16610393" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610393" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610393">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 31132" data-quote="Lakhota" data-source="post: 16609987" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609987" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609987">Lakhota said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting... </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25493" data-quote="kiwiman127" data-source="post: 16610082" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610082" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610082">kiwiman127 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn&#039;t someone you worship, like you do with Trump? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> <br /> Give a link to your claim. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Obama criticizes past presidents’ foreign policies. But how different is his?</a></div>
<div class="bbWrapper">OMG, will NaziCon country music stations stop playing McCain&#039;s hit song, <i>&quot;Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran&quot;</i> - like when they ostracized the Dixie Chicks?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 31132" data-quote="Lakhota" data-source="post: 16610689" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610689" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610689">Lakhota said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> OMG, will NaziCon country music stations stop playing McCain&#039;s hit song, <i>&quot;Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran&quot;</i> - like when they ostracized the Dixie Chicks? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><img src="/styles/smilies/cuckoo.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":cuckoo:" title="cuckoo :cuckoo:" data-shortname=":cuckoo:" /></div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 56028" data-quote="Lucy Hamilton" data-source="post: 16610177" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610177" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610177">Lucy Hamilton said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 20112" data-quote="bodecea" data-source="post: 16610121" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610121" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610121">bodecea said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 49659" data-quote="Stratford57" data-source="post: 16610087" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610087" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610087">Stratford57 said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> McCain appears to be just another Soros puppet.<br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 - Breitbart</a><br /> <br /> McCain sure worked side by side with Obama&#039;s administration and Soros to pull out a coup in Ukraine in 2014. He sure has a lot closer cooperation with Dems than with Republicans. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>&quot;Soros&quot; is Alt-right speak for &quot;Jews&quot;. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> You need reporting by everyone every time you pull this shit, it should be considering you Spamming and just Trolling threads. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote> you don&#039;t care for the truth? Why are you ashamed of it?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 56028" data-quote="Lucy Hamilton" data-source="post: 16610202" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16610202" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16610202">Lucy Hamilton said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="member: 25451" data-quote="tinydancer" data-source="post: 16609926" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=16609926" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-16609926">tinydancer said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It&#039;s time this crazy old bastard &lt;I used to be a hero but now I&#039;m just a hateful old man&gt; is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.<br /> <br /> Here&#039;s the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain&#039;s feet to the fire.<br /> <br /> He seriously needs to be rebuked.<br /> <br /> &quot;This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.<br /> <br /> In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.&quot;<br /> <br /> While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.<br /> <br /> &quot;What would von Kleist&#039;s generation say if they saw our world today?&quot; McCain asked. &quot;I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it.&quot;<br /> <br /> AND here&#039;s where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.<br /> <br /> &quot;They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.<br /> <br /> They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims,&quot; McCain said.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href=";ns_mail_job=1712560_02182017&amp;s=al&amp;dkt_nbr=lfwlr466" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">McCain Blasts Trump&#039;s Policies in Munich Speech</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> I see no reason why John McCain should not be arrested when he arrives back in Washington DC, he&#039;s suggesting that President Trump should be assassinated and also his comments are Sedition, the slug is an American Traitor, he should be dealt with like one and also made an example of as a warning to other Traitors.<br /> <br /> Throw McCain in Gitmo. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>You &quot;see no reason why John McCain should not be arrested&quot;.....sure, if you are an Alt-Rightie who hates our Constitution.</div>

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