McCain's "War Hero" Status in Extreme Doubt. Trump Was Right ?

Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.
You have it backwards. Swiftboating ended up being a term for using false information and lies to conduct a smear campaign. The swift boaters were discredited as the real veterans who served with Kerry came forward and backed him up. The swift boaters were forced to admit that they were not present at the events in question. The "service with Kerry" amounted to being in the same unit as him, but miles away and their stories were lies and speculations. They were funded by political groups and enjoyed all expense traveling and 15 minutes of fame as they got a taste of celebrity treatment at fund raising events.
In the end they were a terrible public relations step backwards for Vietnam Veterans and of course, Swift Boat veterans in particular. The rebound from that set back never occurred. The damage done by those liars for politics and profit was irreparable. Guys like you just reinforce that negativity.
Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.
You have it backwards. Swiftboating ended up being a term for using false information and lies to conduct a smear campaign. The swift boaters were discredited as the real veterans who served with Kerry came forward and backed him up. The swift boaters were forced to admit that they were not present at the events in question. The "service with Kerry" amounted to being in the same unit as him, but miles away and their stories were lies and speculations. They were funded by political groups and enjoyed all expense traveling and 15 minutes of fame as they got a taste of celebrity treatment at fund raising events.
In the end they were a terrible public relations step backwards for Vietnam Veterans and of course, Swift Boat veterans in particular. The rebound from that set back never occurred. The damage done by those liars for politics and profit was irreparable. Guys like you just reinforce that negativity.
^^^^ 100% bullshit
I was never in the military. comment on his validity. He was in....I for me it ends there. Others who served in the military can discuss this one.
Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.
You have it backwards. Swiftboating ended up being a term for using false information and lies to conduct a smear campaign. The swift boaters were discredited as the real veterans who served with Kerry came forward and backed him up. The swift boaters were forced to admit that they were not present at the events in question. The "service with Kerry" amounted to being in the same unit as him, but miles away and their stories were lies and speculations. They were funded by political groups and enjoyed all expense traveling and 15 minutes of fame as they got a taste of celebrity treatment at fund raising events.
In the end they were a terrible public relations step backwards for Vietnam Veterans and of course, Swift Boat veterans in particular. The rebound from that set back never occurred. The damage done by those liars for politics and profit was irreparable. Guys like you just reinforce that negativity.
^^^^ 100% bullshit
Projection again, saintmichael. Everyone knows what you are about and it is getting smelly.
Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.
You have it backwards. Swiftboating ended up being a term for using false information and lies to conduct a smear campaign. The swift boaters were discredited as the real veterans who served with Kerry came forward and backed him up. The swift boaters were forced to admit that they were not present at the events in question. The "service with Kerry" amounted to being in the same unit as him, but miles away and their stories were lies and speculations. They were funded by political groups and enjoyed all expense traveling and 15 minutes of fame as they got a taste of celebrity treatment at fund raising events.
In the end they were a terrible public relations step backwards for Vietnam Veterans and of course, Swift Boat veterans in particular. The rebound from that set back never occurred. The damage done by those liars for politics and profit was irreparable. Guys like you just reinforce that negativity.

Just another example of how there are certain Conservatives more than willing to attack combat veterans on their service records- in order to attack them politically- this thread shows how that is being done to McCain- and was done to Kerry- and of course others.
"there are no POWs who ever witnessed any torture to McCain"

Nobody witnessed the Earps killing the Cowboys behind Ford's Theater. Yet there were the bodies.

There was McCain's tortured and broken body.
I just want to know one thing about John McCain the hypocrite who's milking the government by claiming he is 100% disabled. Do you know how many disabled vets can't work because of their injuries and still they didn't get 100% disability rating? So why does McCain? He works. In fact he makes a decent living in the Senate. Not only that his wife is rich.

John McCain proves rich people are hypocrites and greedy. He should not be taking disability checks TAX FREE every month but he does.

In 2008 the 71-year-old pointed out he had recently hiked the Grand Canyon with a son and vowed to "out-campaign" them all.

Then he disclosed his taxes and we found out that he receives a pension income of $58,358 that went untaxed. This is on top of his Senator pay.

Monday, McCain’s staff identified the retirement benefit as a “disability pension” and said the candidate “was retired as disabled because of his limited body movements due to injuries as a POW.”

The Navy classified him as 100% disabled, which makes the pension taxfree.

As far as I am concerned- this is a legitimate (assuming your facts are correct) issue regarding McCain.

Attacking him for his military experience is not.
It is not legitimate. Military personnel could retire after 20 years of service when McCain was serving. Persons wounded and disabled were not and are not penalized for being wounded and unable to perform their military duties and reach retirement. They are allowed to retire as if they completed their full twenty years. The disability pension is like any pension. It does not mean you can not learn a new skill and earn money above and separate from your pension. McCain was a pilot. He was injured to the point that he could no longer be a pilot. The Navy said good bye, good luck, thanks for your service and fulfilled their contractual obligation of providing a full pension. People who want to change or break the contracts made with recruits when they enter the military need to push for new laws. Sounds like something for the Republican platform. Cut military benefits.

I don't want to cut their benefits. I want to know why McCain is labeled as 100% disabled when in fact he is not. He even hiked the Grand Canyon in 2008.

Guys with limbs blown off don't have 100% disability. Jessica Lynch didn't get 100%.

Just out of principal he should not accept it. He also gets senators pay and pension and he's a millionaire.

Plus he votes against the troops 80% of the time when dems vote for the troops 80%.
Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.
Nope, he was slandered and libeled by low lifes like you. Yes, he lost. There is no butt hurt. The American voters could not wade through the lies by the swift boaters.

The fact that they, the voters, realized they had been had was part of the reasons Obama beat our brains out in both national elections, thanks to you folks.
Actually bush stole Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. True story.
Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.

And McCain lost too.

And in both cases- Conservatives have lied about them to attack them.
Remember bush beat McCain by spreading a rumor he fathered that adopted black kid of his wife.
You don't like McCain, OK.

McCain met the requirements for the disability.

Vets who spent one day in-country in Nam and develop diabetes later get 100%.
You don't like McCain, OK.

McCain met the requirements for the disability.

Vets who spent one day in-country in Nam and develop diabetes later get 100%.
If you know the facts on how hard it is to get 100% disability you wouldn't say such a stupid thing. You would know his connections got him that 100% rating. And regardless, he should not be taking it. How many politicians say they'll work for free? McCain not only draws a Senator's pay and pension, he gets this money, and tax free? All while his wife's a millionaire? What a hypocrite. The typical Republican. Crys about the government then you find out he's sucking hard off the government tit.
Kerry had it coming.
Both McCain and Kerry were slandered and libeled.
In Kerry's case it isn't slander because it was true. He lied and was outed by his fellow veterans. Then he lost. Let the butthurt flow through you.

And McCain lost too.

And in both cases- Conservatives have lied about them to attack them.
Nobody lied about Kerry. He was called by his peers on his bullshit stories, not conservatives.
His peers in the boats overwhelmingly supported his story.

An alcoholic rear admiral many years later started the stories in revenge because Kerry kicked his ass in an officer's club in Vietnam.

I also take umbrage with asses, by definition, who say McCain was not a hero.
What a disgusting thread. Having had an uncle that was a pow in wwii, it disgusts me beyond belief. I bet you couldn't have made it 1 day. And yet you dare question someone who lived a hell you will never know, defending our country.
The August 10, 2015 issue of Globe magazine has a stunning headline on its front page.
It reads >> "TRUMP IS RIGHT! McCAIN US NOT A WAR HERO" Experts who have reviewed McCain's military record, have been saying the same thing for years. Some even accuse him of being a stool pigeon and blabbing military secrets to the North Vietnamese.

And it looks like the Globe has some strong sources to back up their claim.

1. Colonel David Hackworth, who earned more than 90 medals, including 10 Silver Stars while serving in World War II and Vietnam, said when McCain surrendered to the North Vietnamese in 1967, he told his captors he would provide them with "military information" if they took him to a hospital. Hackworth said "He provided aid and comfort to the enemy." He said also about McCain > "He signed a confession and declared himself a 'black criminal who performed deeds of an air pirate.'
These and other interviews were used as propaganda to fan the flames of the anti-war movement, which was blazing hot at the time. While McCain claims to have endured beatings, torture, and broken bones, during 5 years with the North Vietnamese, "no other POW was witness to these accounts", according to Hackworth.
Hackworth also said the refusal of an offer of early release was not a heroic action by McCain (as he has been lauded for). Actually, he was ordered to turn it down by his commander, and he just followed orders (2 ex-POWs told Hackworth)

2. Hugh E. Scott, a Vietnam vet and journalist, says McCain was nicknamed "Songbird" by his captors, because he sang like a canary, freely giving them information.

3. Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg claimed McCain "worked very hard to hide from the public, stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home." Schanberg also states that McCain got outrageous perks from his North Vietnamese captors including "a woman companion and all kinds if things like that." The Globe claims that the internet has lit up with posts supporting Trump for unmasking McCain. It ends it's article by saying > "Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything - he told the truth."

Not part of the Globe article, but I have read things saying that McCain's medals came to him only because of help from his father, who was a Navy admiral.

Front page Globe Magazine

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Conservatives do enjoy attacking Veterans.

Especially combat Veterans.
That's what liberals are doing right here on this page, And a guy with 90 medals including 2 Silver Stars. Clean own kitchen liberals. :biggrin:
How the hell do you know what McCain did ? Nobody knows except McCain and his captors. No POWs witnesses any of the stuff McCain claims. You're just taking his word for it. That's stupid.
We are taking the words of the people who know.

You don't, so we don't give you any cred, protectionist.

We all learned that about you a long time ago on the Boaerd.
His peers in the boats overwhelmingly supported his story.

An alcoholic rear admiral many years later started the stories in revenge because Kerry kicked his ass in an officer's club in Vietnam.

I also take umbrage with asses, by definition, who say McCain was not a hero.
The OP is correct in asking the QUESTION, since no one other than McCain and his North Vietnamese captors know the truth. Even McCain's fellow POWs who there there with him say they don't know, they didn't witness, but you come storming in here, without a shred of evidence, claiming that you know, You're an ass. :rolleyes-41:
We are taking the words of the people who know.

You don't, so we don't give you any cred, protectionist.

We all learned that about you a long time ago on the Boaerd.
NO, you are NOT doing that. As I just said in the previous post, they are on record as saying THEY DON'T KNOW, dum dum.
We are taking the words of the people who know.

You don't, so we don't give you any cred, protectionist.

We all learned that about you a long time ago on the Boaerd.
NO, you are NOT doing that. As I just said in the previous post, they are on record as saying THEY DON'T KNOW, dum dum.

Except you ignore the article I have posted where his fellow POW- in an article criticizing McCain- pointed out that he and McCain had both been tortured

But of course you don't believe what any of them say- since it doesn't go along with your agenda of attacking combat vets.

I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button Alternet

John's treatment as a POW:

1) Was he tortured for 5 years? No. He was subjected to torture and maltreatment during his first 2 years, from September of 1967 to September of 1969. After September of 1969 the Vietnamese stopped the torture and gave us increased food and rudimentary health care. Several hundred of us were captured much earlier. I got there April 20, 1965 so my bad treatment period lasted 4 1/2 years.
We are taking the words of the people who know.

You don't, so we don't give you any cred, protectionist.

We all learned that about you a long time ago on the Boaerd.
NO, you are NOT doing that. As I just said in the previous post, they are on record as saying THEY DON'T KNOW, dum dum.
They, closed to him, in the prison are on record saying they do know, with the guy you quoted saying he was tortured.

I am on record saying you don't know.

End of story.

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