McCarthy doesn't get it (yet)

Me too. I am hoping that Biden can break Trump's record of being impeached twice.

There should be plenty of time for the Repubs to impeach Biden at least 4 times
Finally something Republicans and Democrats can agree on.

You Republicans go ahead and impeach, impeach, impeach yourselves as crazy nutbags completely incapable of serious governing. What better use for your House majority could anyone ever imagine?
Yea that Trump fella sure knows how to get the votes...though usually it's against him.
Progs over the years have turned the House into a circus. It would be nice to see some reciprocation from the Republicans. Deplorables and Dregs the Republican voters are to the Propagandists and sell outs.
WTF, Jordan nominates McCarthy, then Gaetz nominates Jordan.

And why is there a democrat on the ballot? They can't get the speakers position because the democrats don't have the majority. They're just grand standing. The left loves to grand stand.
WTF, Jordan nominates McCarthy, then Gaetz nominates Jordan.

And why is there a democrat on the ballot? They can't get the speakers position because the democrats don't have the majority. They're just grand standing. The left loves to grand stand.
Takes 37 seconds to google the process to see why the democrats also have a nomination... if there were 3 parties with no majority this would be much more important.
Takes 37 seconds to google the process to see why the democrats also have a nomination... if there were 3 parties with no majority this would be much more important.

But it's not important. There is no 3 parties. It's all up to the GOP because the democrats don't have the majority. And they're not going to get any GOP votes.
I'll tell you. If the republicans don't elect a speaker and don't do shit and attempt one of their government shut downs during the 2024 election because they can't do anything then the democrats will kick their ass in historic terms.

I'll vote democrat
Me too. I am hoping that Biden can break Trump's record of being impeached twice.

There should be plenty of time for the Repubs to impeach Biden at least 4 times
You don't need to impeach Mr. Biden to put him out to pasture. He needs to be removed from office with the incompent mental state of his third stage dementia or Altzheimer's disease. He should first be approached to resign with dignity.

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