McCarthy Pathetically Desperate to be Speaker of House

Leo 123 and the rest of the anti-government/pro insurrectionists have reached the peak of their metamorphosis it seems. There is a reason they have turned their support to grifters, liars, authoritarians, Fascists, dictators, white supremacists, fake religion, and the like. We were once to believe that all these folks were supporters of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, We the People, the Declaration of Independence, the Civil Rights Act, voting rights, human rights, and so on. But, in fact, they were never for any of these things, ever. They've been playing along all this time, and now their temperments and intolerances have come home to roost. You see, in their minds, this is "THEIR" country. Not the blacks, browns, or native Americans. It's "THEIRS." When in fact, 250 years ago we declared it for "WE THE PEOPLE." They never really cared for any of those things. And now that they've become a minority, their facade over the institutions of this country have been exposed. These are people who care only for themselves. That's it. This is why we are seeing the total disintegration of the party. This is why we see no policies helping their constituents. They think, that by destroying the institutions and the 250 years it took to get here, the country goes back to them. That's what is eating at the gut of Leo 123. And now we know their strategy.
These people have been led by the nose by people they have chosen to trust, and it has been a long process, since the day Limbaugh went national.

I think that many, even most, of the rank & file are sincere, but have been terribly manipulated by pundits and politicians who have simply used them.

And now, with the elections of people like Boebert and MTG, we're seeing these people, these radicalized True Believers, ooze into our national politics.
Republicans would sell their soul for political power.

I think it is a disgrace that the power hungry, deep state aligned GOP get to run our country. These are the people that still cant even man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, how are they allowed to govern?

Anybody that desperate for power is suspect and possibly corrupt. McCarthy should be banned from power, not given more.

Frankly my dear I don't give a damn what you think.
We avoided the liar Jeffries. Liars should not have power

But you want Trump and the Republicans to have power. And they lie constantly because they have no platform other than Democrats are evil.

Democrats don't have to lie to win elections. Republicans don't have a platform, or even candidates reasonable people will vote for. All Republicans have is liars, haters and white supremacists. Reasonable, sane people have left the Republican Party, and everything it currently stands for.
But you want Trump and the Republicans to have power. And they lie constantly because they have no platform other than Democrats are evil.

Democrats don't have to lie to win elections. Republicans don't have a platform, or even candidates reasonable people will vote for. All Republicans have is liars, haters and white supremacists. Reasonable, sane people have left the Republican Party, and everything it currently stands for.

Think Pelosi without the evil intentions. Remember Truth Justice and the American Way? That's Republicans.

Truth?? What truth??? The election wasn't stolen.

Republicans are telling you Joe Biden is corrupt, dishonest, and crazy. These are the same people who suggested drinking disinfectants, and using UV lights to kill covid, and that the virus would disappear one day as if "by magic".

They've also told you that tax cuts will pay for themselves, and that they create jobs. They do neither.
Republicans are telling you Joe Biden is corrupt, dishonest, and crazy. These are the same people who suggested drinking disinfectants, and using UV lights to kill covid, and that the virus would disappear one day as if "by magic".

I'm telling you Joe Biden is corrupt, dishonest, and crazy.
And I've never suggested any of those other things.
But you want Trump and the Republicans to have power. And they lie constantly because they have no platform other than Democrats are evil.

Democrats don't have to lie to win elections. Republicans don't have a platform, or even candidates reasonable people will vote for. All Republicans have is liars, haters and white supremacists. Reasonable, sane people have left the Republican Party, and everything it currently stands for.
What did Trump lie about?
Truth?? What truth??? The election wasn't stolen.

Republicans are telling you Joe Biden is corrupt, dishonest, and crazy. These are the same people who suggested drinking disinfectants, and using UV lights to kill covid, and that the virus would disappear one day as if "by magic".

They've also told you that tax cuts will pay for themselves, and that they create jobs. They do neither.
No one has to tell anyone Biden is corrupt, dishonest and crazy it is more than evident. Nobody suggested drinking disinfectants and UV light does kill most pathogens. You are seriously misinformed or or just lying. Tax cuts create more revenue in the market, imbecile.

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