McCartney, Ringo Starr Rumored to Be on New Rolling Stones Album

The Rolling Stones were envious of the Beatles. I`m glad they`ve finally gotten past that.
I was hearing a podcast where Ringo Starr was talking about his pre-Beatles gig with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes (is that a great name or what!), and how they alternated sets with the Beatles in Hamburg, six sets a night each, twelve hours a night, seven nights a week—for months at a time!

That’s Fucking Work.

That’s how you build stamina. That’s how you learn how to perform. That’s how you learn each song’s effect on an audience. But it’s more than that.

Listening to records, no matter how many times, is one thing. Physically playing them over and over is another. The songs get into your bloodstream and muscle memory.
That’s one of the reasons the Beatles became such great writers. This was 1960 to 1962, and there just weren’t that many songs to choose from. They knew everything that got released. All ninety-nine bands in Liverpool were playing the same songs, which is why they stretched into obscurities like “Devil in Her Heart” and B-sides like “Boys.”

It’s also why when Lennon and McCartney started writing, they looked beyond the four or five chords of the pioneers’ songbook they had mastered so well. The incredibly inventive B-sections of verses and bridges of their earliest hit records, combined with their seemingly infinite wealth of great melodies, came from the intense repetition of those foundational songs, which transformed their influence from observance to DNA.

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