McCauliffe Refuses to Concede

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Look boy, after a fair trial and being found guilty. That's not murder, that's what all commie scum have coming to them. Now cry some more, traitor.
So you want to give all Dems a “fair trial” followed by hanging

biden is right wing? Oh man, this one is a dangerous one folks. These are the ones. Probably wearing his che t shirt right now and I will bet he even has the same hair. Probably has the song Imagine on his alarm clock and wearing red underwear.
It takes a special kind of stupid to claim Biden is rightwing with a straight face
They have long been done and he still hasn't conceded.
I wouldn't say it's been a long time...but certainly looking like he should....but whatever, Terry was one of the Dems that lead the challenges and refusal by Clinton, so not at all surprised by his actions
So you want to give all Dems a “fair trial” followed by hanging

No, hanging's too good, boy. Of course they have to be found guilty first, what are you, some kind of commie? Oh wait.

And guilty they are, along with a lot of so called republicans. Lock them all up and try them for treason. Now, eat shit and live, commie.
Why? Are you a racist? LOL earthquake. The polls before the election they were in a virtual tie.

Biden is right wing dumbfuck. Open a book.
The pattern is always the same. The last votes to be counted are in the 90%+ Black districts in the Democrat-controlled big cities. In this case, it is Richmond. The Democrats will stop at nothing to steal an election.

And, like Detroit, there are 5 times as many ballots as there are voters registered in those precincts, same here in Texas in both black and latino precincts.
Why arent "EARLY VOTING" ballots counted 100% prior to 7pm election night?

They are "EARLY" votes.
It's odd how Democrats weren't able to cheat to win this election but somehow they were able to cheat in multiple states to beat Trump.
Perhaps the dems realized if they rigged this election and got caught they would have a much harder time rigging the Midterm and Presidential elections.
Perhaps the dems realized if they rigged this election and got caught they would have a much harder time rigging the Midterm and Presidential elections.

You still can't concede Trump lost can you?
The rest of the world has been given good reason to doubt the result of this election, and any other election in America now. The 'stop the steal' nonsense has destroyed just too much of America's credibility of being a valid democracy.

Newly Revealed Call Details How Trump Pressed Georgia Investigator To Find Vote Fraud

America may be able to brush off that sort of criminal behaviour but the rest of the world isn't going to be so accepting.
Exactly how elections in America are supposed to work.
Imagine if McAuliffe had won. Does anyone think Youngkin or his orange fuhrer would have conceded as readily? Hardly. Claims of "stolen" elections with China-infused baboo polls would have been slung out by now.
Sounds like a good idea to me. I don't know you or even involved in that conversation but wow, you're a closed minded and angry little thing.

I'll gladly ignore you even if the other guy won't.
you either agree with him or you are a trumpster.

very binary.
Imagine if McAuliffe had won. Does anyone think Youngkin or his orange fuhrer would have conceded as readily? Hardly. Claims of "stolen" elections with China-infused baboo polls would have been slung out by now. will have to IMAGINE if McAwful won, because it sure as fuck isn't reality. ;)
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