McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

Ever hear of anyone on trial refusing to hear those who will prove his innocence? I haven't .Maybe you have Ever hear of an impeachment trial without witnesses?
When the prosecution cannot prove guilt the defense rests
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

How is it that so many adults dont know how trials work?

Dope addled illiterate Democrats whose lives are focused on meth and deviant porn.
Grab any snatch recently picaro your king has??

Are you bitter because women pepper-spray you before you get within arm's reach?
Trump has executive privilege and every right to invoke it
Ever hear of anyone on trial refusing to hear those who will prove his innocence? I haven't .Maybe you have Ever hear of an impeachment trial without witnesses?
When the prosecution cannot prove guilt the defense rests
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

How is it that so many adults dont know how trials work?
Yes Trials have witnesses 15 impeachment trials and this is the ONLY one with none

Wrong. Your owners have lied to you yet again, numbnuts.
Another case of "Hey, Look Over There".

It's actually a case where the impeachment articles are bogus because there was not any substantial proof of the charge. The commies know this quite well, but impeached him without the necessary information to do it properly.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trump won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:

I agree that we are a deeply fractured society, but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that Hillary didn't win as expected.

The liberal media, Democrats, and the "Deep State" concocted a phony Russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker.

And it's made you bitter and hate filled.

And it won't go away soo.n

Seek help babe! If you can overlook the obvious corruption in DC in the Republican party, that's on you! I personally don't GAF anymore! I'm old, retired, and will just observe as you fools destroy democracy as we know it! I don't need to care or live in a society that would condone taking immigrant babies out of the arms of the mothers only to put them in cages; some proved to have died! We have no high ground after that; totally blown off and not even acknowledged! That's a fk'n shame, but it goes on! Muslim travel bans are thwarted only by the courts since conservatives thinks that's how we should handle things with terrorist; "just stop all Muslims from traveling!" We're such a-holes and a reckoning will come! This kind of autocracy will blow up in all of your fk'n faces! Get ready for reestablishment of internment camps, experimenting on minorities, and in general being typical white supremacist a-holes! Have a great life if you survive this undermining of democracy! :113: :2cents: :dunno:

The Alzheimer's treatments not working, huh?
Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.
There have been 15 impeachment trials in the senate This is the FIRST one without witnesses
Not to mention that it's the first time that the accused didn't have his Due Process, you
forgot about that part, huh?
Well, the House had 17...maybe 18 witnesses, they should have subpoenaed any others that they wanted.Instead,
they wanted to end their proceedings early and get home before Christmas.
There was lots of testimony used in the Senate that the House provided.
Should have subpoenaed others ???The WH refused to let witnesses appear the WH refused to show documents A trial without witnesses is NO TRIAL at all And now the POS in the WH can strut around saying he's innocent??? Not by a long shot
That's what they got courts for, Ed. Exercise the three branches that's what they're here for.
No excuses for the democrats....and let's be honest, it wasn't about impeaching the president.
The democrats knew that wasn't going to happen from the get-go, they just wanted to smear Trump
in this election year. The dems know that their stable of mules couldn't win an election for an
environmental technician much less a president.
Maybe what we need meister is a game show host who went bankrupt 6 times and who no American bank will lend him a zoo,a liar and pervert I'll tell the DNC to start looking

You talk as though you mistakenly think that crop of wrinkled, half-senile, whiter-than-sour-cream socialists is somehow better.
Ever hear of anyone on trial refusing to hear those who will prove his innocence? I haven't .Maybe you have Ever hear of an impeachment trial without witnesses?
When the prosecution cannot prove guilt the defense rests
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

How is it that so many adults dont know how trials work?
Yes Trials have witnesses 15 impeachment trials and this is the ONLY one with none

How is that possible when there were only three successful impeachments in our country? If a President was not impeached in the House, then it never gets to the Senate. Speaking of which, the first impeachment in our country didn't have any witnesses at all in the Senate trial.

The article he's parroting included impeachments of lesser officials. It also lied, since Clinton's impeachment also included no live witnesses.
We proved it and would have proved it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt if the lying traitors in Repub senate weren't scared to death of the pig in the WH and allowed testimony from those under subpoena

How is it that so many adults dont know how trials work?

Dope addled illiterate Democrats whose lives are focused on meth and deviant porn.
Grab any snatch recently picaro your king has??
How odd to see the same anything-goes libertines who defended bill clinton suddenly turn into sexual prudes over donald trump
Mac Bill was impeached for lying about a BJ How many lies ,how many women mishandled , how many divorces does it take for republicans to understand the scum they're in bed with??

Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. How many times do leftists have to tell us "it's only bad when Republicans do it, not when we do" before they realize no one is listening to them anymore?

Be ashamed because YOU don't approve of something? I'd be ashamed of letting you think your approval mattered.
What now libtards. The vote is done no more witnesses. Take that and stick it where the sun don’t shine. Your losers and will continue to be losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry longo It's not over till I say it's over The liar trumps tax returns bs will be in SC soon and a vote before election day is coming Lets find out just how big a crook your king is

No, Chuckles, it's over. Your tantrums aren't actually extending anything except our enjoyment of how impotent and helpless you are.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trump won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:

I agree that we are a deeply fractured society, but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that Hillary didn't win as expected.

The liberal media, Democrats, and the "Deep State" concocted a phony Russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker.

And it's made you bitter and hate filled.

And it won't go away soo.n

Seek help babe! If you can overlook the obvious corruption in DC in the Republican party, that's on you! I personally don't GAF anymore! I'm old, retired, and will just observe as you fools destroy democracy as we know it! I don't need to care or live in a society that would condone taking immigrant babies out of the arms of the mothers only to put them in cages; some proved to have died! We have no high ground after that; totally blown off and not even acknowledged! That's a fk'n shame, but it goes on! Muslim travel bans are thwarted only by the courts since conservatives thinks that's how we should handle things with terrorist; "just stop all Muslims from traveling!" We're such a-holes and a reckoning will come! This kind of autocracy will blow up in all of your fk'n faces! Get ready for reestablishment of internment camps, experimenting on minorities, and in general being typical white supremacist a-holes! Have a great life if you survive this undermining of democracy! :113: :2cents: :dunno:
The travel ban thwarted by corrupt anti trump judges was later upheld by higher courts as were most trump executive orders

you guys are just sore losers who wish hillary were president instead of trump
I wish even humpty dumpty was president instead of this low life POS you gave America

All of your scum were in the loop Graham Pompeii Pence Barr Republicans are a den of snakes
I could say the same about democrats

and often have

the cultural and political divide in America is enormous

but it need not be is libs were not such sore losers

For starters, you party of the rump have proven you are extremely bad winners. That usually means when the time comes to lose you are going to be very, very bad losers. If you can't win gracefully, don't expect your enemy to treat you any better than you treat them. And, trust me, you got a lot of punishment coming.
We won as gracefully as the sore losers on the left allowed

your side has been spreading lies about trump since his first day in office

that makes trench warfare to only option
We said he liked grabbing pussies?? Thought he admitted it

You are REALLY bitter and fixated on the fact that men who aren't you get to touch women without being accused of assault, arentcha?
What now libtards. The vote is done no more witnesses. Take that and stick it where the sun don’t shine. Your losers and will continue to be losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry longo It's not over till I say it's over The liar trumps tax returns bs will be in SC soon and a vote before election day is coming Lets find out just how big a crook your king is

Right, like tax returns would make a difference to a voter. :laugh2:

The eddies of the world wouldn't even know how to read the short form, much less the stacks of forms Trump would have to file.

Puhleeze. The eddies of the world don't even TRY to read anything but their talking points memo from their owners.
If he ends up being Trump's opponent, then he will have a reason. Right now, and even back in July, he had no reason because Biden was not his opponent yet. It's a made-up lie by the Democrats. On the other hand, Trump was Hillary's opponent. Apples and oranges.

But as you pointed out, just because they aren’t on the same ballot, doesn’t mean they aren’t opponents. Remember, you claimed Obama was Trump’s opponent.

Show me where I said that. I said that Hillary was Trump's opponent, and DumBama had a stake in the election because Hillary would have protected his stupid healthcare law.

That’s where you said it. Just now. Trump too had a stake in preventing Biden from getting elected too. Does he not?

Oh, yeah, like that's a huge worry.

Apparently. Otherwise y’all wouldn’t be going to such lengths making fools of yourselfs to go after him.

Or we're not going to any lengths, and he and the other Dems are so corrupt it bubbles to the surface like a fart in a bathtub.

Only a leftist could be brain-damaged and delusional enough to come out of the last few months thinking it's the REPUBLICANS putting out huge efforts to destroy their opponents.
Cecille Did you know that KC was in Kansas too like the dumb ass in the WH does?
Get ready for ANOTHER rigging of our election thanks to republican cowards in the senate.... 75% of Americans wanted witnesses for a fair trial Hopefully the scum all get voted out

Our representatives don't act according to rigged polls, they conduct themselves by right or wrong. This phony impeachment was clearly wrong. A hundred more witnesses doesn't change that fact. They were not needed.

Phony is when the accused is innocent. And it's pretty apparent that Rump was born guilty and just gets guiltier every day by his own actions. So don't try that tired old argument. The General Public ain't buyin' it.

The accused is innocent because he broke no laws. Even if it could be proven that Trump did a quid pro quo to pressure Ukraine into investigating the Biden situation, there is nothing illegal about that. In fact, quid pro quo's have been used by most Presidents in the past.

It's impossible to prove motive, especially given the fact at the time of the call, the nomination was nearly a year away as to who Trump's opponent would be. So that negates this phony claim that Trump did it for personal reasons. Therefore, the impeachment and charge are totally bogus.
The witnesses NOT ALLOWED to testify by trump would have more than proven Trump was guilty as sin Was there ANY proof Trump didn't commit a crime,,,or just repub BS ? Since when do we have a trial without witnesses ?? Repubs in the senate are scared of the POS in the WH They are cowardly traitors

No, you ASSume they would have "proven" it. We've never seen any indication anyone had definitive evidence. If they had, the House should have and would have taken the time to go through the subpoena process, instead of rushing through the hearings and then deploying legal imbeciles like you to squawk and cry about how "unfair" it was that Trump didn't just immediately surrender and confess the instant Pelosi glared at him.
The House democrats recklessly impeached trump without any proof to convict him
But as you pointed out, just because they aren’t on the same ballot, doesn’t mean they aren’t opponents. Remember, you claimed Obama was Trump’s opponent.

Show me where I said that. I said that Hillary was Trump's opponent, and DumBama had a stake in the election because Hillary would have protected his stupid healthcare law.

That’s where you said it. Just now. Trump too had a stake in preventing Biden from getting elected too. Does he not?

Oh, yeah, like that's a huge worry.

Apparently. Otherwise y’all wouldn’t be going to such lengths making fools of yourselfs to go after him.

Or we're not going to any lengths, and he and the other Dems are so corrupt it bubbles to the surface like a fart in a bathtub.

Only a leftist could be brain-damaged and delusional enough to come out of the last few months thinking it's the REPUBLICANS putting out huge efforts to destroy their opponents.

You guys say that about every Democrat. Years and years of these accusations and nothing to show for it. Do you think y’all have any credibility left?
Show me where I said that. I said that Hillary was Trump's opponent, and DumBama had a stake in the election because Hillary would have protected his stupid healthcare law.

That’s where you said it. Just now. Trump too had a stake in preventing Biden from getting elected too. Does he not?

Oh, yeah, like that's a huge worry.

Apparently. Otherwise y’all wouldn’t be going to such lengths making fools of yourselfs to go after him.

Or we're not going to any lengths, and he and the other Dems are so corrupt it bubbles to the surface like a fart in a bathtub.

Only a leftist could be brain-damaged and delusional enough to come out of the last few months thinking it's the REPUBLICANS putting out huge efforts to destroy their opponents.

You guys say that about every Democrat. Years and years of these accusations and nothing to show for it. Do you think y’all have any credibility left?
Cecilie doesn't give a fart in the wind about how trump and repubs in the senate besmirch and defecate on everything that made America great They are liars hypocrites and corrupt cowards.....and I'm being kind
Cecille Did you know that KC was in Kansas too like the dumb ass in the WH does?

First of all, since my name is Cecilie, it's right there in front of you on the computer screen, and you STILL can't get it right, I don't think you have any room to call anyone else "dumbass".

Second of all, Kansas City IS in Kansas, Mensa Boy. It's also in Missouri, since it straddles the state line.

Kansas City metropolitan area - Wikipedia

Now, if your major claim to superior intelligence is to know which half of the KC metro area the fucking football team is located in - when you don't know how subpoenas work, that the Clinton impeachment didn't have live witnesses, or virtually anything about basic American civics and government - I'm afraid I'm going to have to laugh at you.

It's like you think the President has as much free time on his hands as your unemployed ass.
Cecille Did you know that KC was in Kansas too like the dumb ass in the WH does?

First of all, since my name is Cecilie, it's right there in front of you on the computer screen, and you STILL can't get it right, I don't think you have any room to call anyone else "dumbass".

Second of all, Kansas City IS in Kansas, Mensa Boy. It's also in Missouri, since it straddles the state line.

Kansas City metropolitan area - Wikipedia

Now, if your major claim to superior intelligence is to know which half of the KC metro area the fucking football team is located in - when you don't know how subpoenas work, that the Clinton impeachment didn't have live witnesses, or virtually anything about basic American civics and government - I'm afraid I'm going to have to laugh at you.

It's like you think the President has as much free time on his hands as your unemployed ass.
Cecille Did you know that KC was in Kansas too like the dumb ass in the WH does?

First of all, since my name is Cecilie, it's right there in front of you on the computer screen, and you STILL can't get it right, I don't think you have any room to call anyone else "dumbass".

Second of all, Kansas City IS in Kansas, Mensa Boy. It's also in Missouri, since it straddles the state line.

Kansas City metropolitan area - Wikipedia

Now, if your major claim to superior intelligence is to know which half of the KC metro area the fucking football team is located in - when you don't know how subpoenas work, that the Clinton impeachment didn't have live witnesses, or virtually anything about basic American civics and government - I'm afraid I'm going to have to laugh at you.

It's like you think the President has as much free time on his hands as your unemployed ass.

Granted, Kansas City does straddle the line between Kansas and Missouri.

However......................the stadium (home port of the Chiefs) is in the part of the city on the Missouri side.

Arrowhead Stadium - Wikipedia

Arrowhead Stadium is an American football stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. It primarily serves as the home venue of the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL).

It is part of the Truman Sports Complex with adjacent Kauffman Stadium, the home of the Kansas City Royals of Major League Baseball (MLB). Arrowhead Stadium has a seating capacity of 76,416, making it the 27th largest stadium in the United States and the sixth largest NFL stadium. It is also the largest sports facility by capacity in the state of Missouri. A $375 million renovation was completed in 2010.

If you guys are going to bitch about Obama saying 57 states, we can bitch about Trump not knowing what he's talking about when it comes to football.
Show me where I said that. I said that Hillary was Trump's opponent, and DumBama had a stake in the election because Hillary would have protected his stupid healthcare law.

That’s where you said it. Just now. Trump too had a stake in preventing Biden from getting elected too. Does he not?

Oh, yeah, like that's a huge worry.

Apparently. Otherwise y’all wouldn’t be going to such lengths making fools of yourselfs to go after him.

Or we're not going to any lengths, and he and the other Dems are so corrupt it bubbles to the surface like a fart in a bathtub.

Only a leftist could be brain-damaged and delusional enough to come out of the last few months thinking it's the REPUBLICANS putting out huge efforts to destroy their opponents.

You guys say that about every Democrat. Years and years of these accusations and nothing to show for it. Do you think y’all have any credibility left?

Who is "you guys"? I've checked my pockets, and there are no mice in any of them. There's just me here.
That’s where you said it. Just now. Trump too had a stake in preventing Biden from getting elected too. Does he not?

Oh, yeah, like that's a huge worry.

Apparently. Otherwise y’all wouldn’t be going to such lengths making fools of yourselfs to go after him.

Or we're not going to any lengths, and he and the other Dems are so corrupt it bubbles to the surface like a fart in a bathtub.

Only a leftist could be brain-damaged and delusional enough to come out of the last few months thinking it's the REPUBLICANS putting out huge efforts to destroy their opponents.

You guys say that about every Democrat. Years and years of these accusations and nothing to show for it. Do you think y’all have any credibility left?

Who is "you guys"? I've checked my pockets, and there are no mice in any of them. There's just me here.
Ever hear """power corrupts,,, absolute power corrupts absolutely?? "" Trump is not the GD king

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