mcconnell Does It Again

Democrats want to kick the can down the road without negotiating about the government shutdown and their idiotic minions blame the Senate majority leader because he is a republican. No surprises here.

Oddly..Republicans have had both Houses of Congress AND the White House for two years...but this is all of a sudden on the Dems?


False... They did not have the house for the past 2 years... They had a marginal majority not a super majority. Really really big difference there.


The house only requires a simple majority to pass legislation.

And yes republicans had a good majority. There was 190 something democrats to 200 and something republicans. That's not a slim majority. They could literally pass legislation without one single democratic vote. Republicans had full control of writing all legislation and which bills are put to a vote in committee or on the full house floor.

So stop lying about what happened. The republicans had full control of the government for trump's first 2 years. The republicans denied trump money for his wall and he was fine with it.

Bullsht.... You're overly simplistic break down along two categories is a Farce. Add the never Trump section of the Republican party to the Democrats and you have a voting disparity that cannot be overcome by a simple majority. The real dishonesty is you ignoring the fact that Trump had to battle both the Democrats and the Republicans to get something done. So why don't you stop lying!
mcconnell Does It Again

Does it again? You mean turn down another of Nancy's BS "all me" faux horse trader deals designed for morons like you to say the government can open so long as our president gets NOTHING of what he wants where the nation gets boned?
Democrats want to kick the can down the road without negotiating about the government shutdown and their idiotic minions blame the Senate majority leader because he is a republican. No surprises here.

Obama could have bent a nine-year-old boy over on the White House lawn and rather than condemning him they would have cheered him on as a brave pioneer for NAMBLA.

We are often condemned of the same bias when it comes to Trump. However I always notice whatever board on posting on....that the conservatives tend to be a lot more honest in their observations of their chosen heroes. Sometimes we hold our noses when we vote because we know it's best.

Not so with the left. Rather than to have a balanced viewpoint they troll merrily along pretending that their leaders are perfect and that they make absolutely no mistakes at all. This in and of itself is a dead giveaway of their blind morality.


Usually it's the republicans who go after underage boys. Remember hastert and foley?
McConnell has blocked legislation to reopen and fund the government again.

Once again the democrats tried to get the bill on the floor for a vote and once again, mcconnell denied democracy.

People are getting very ticked off. I just saw an article that people are now protesting at mcconnell's office.

The republicans should admit they are losing on this big time. They aren't going to win. The more the government is shutdown, the more people don't want even one penny for a wall.

McConnell blocks bill to reopen most of government
It's about hundreds of thousands of American victims of ilkegal aliens crimes.

They are hurting and killing and costing us more than you know.

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Democrats want to kick the can down the road without negotiating about the government shutdown and their idiotic minions blame the Senate majority leader because he is a republican. No surprises here.

Obama could have bent a nine-year-old boy over on the White House lawn and rather than condemning him they would have cheered him on as a brave pioneer for NAMBLA.

We are often condemned of the same bias when it comes to Trump. However I always notice whatever board on posting on....that the conservatives tend to be a lot more honest in their observations of their chosen heroes. Sometimes we hold our noses when we vote because we know it's best.

Not so with the left. Rather than to have a balanced viewpoint they troll merrily along pretending that their leaders are perfect and that they make absolutely no mistakes at all. This in and of itself is a dead giveaway of their blind morality.


Usually it's the republicans who go after underage boys. Remember hastert and foley?

Yes I do. Neither the D nor the R guarantees that low scum of entrenched DC POLITICOS
is not present. However nobody gets the boot faster than a perverted Republican.
The Democrats promote them.

Trying to get a vote on a bill the Democrats know full well the President won't sign even if it got his desk and who's veto they can't override is not really trying to fix the problem.


The problem is no vote and no signature.
The problem is trying to put bills up for a vote you know won't get a signature that's why you compromise so you can get both.

The refusal to sign is the problem.
McConnell has blocked legislation to reopen and fund the government again.

Once again the democrats tried to get the bill on the floor for a vote and once again, mcconnell denied democracy.

People are getting very ticked off. I just saw an article that people are now protesting at mcconnell's office.

The republicans should admit they are losing on this big time. They aren't going to win. The more the government is shutdown, the more people don't want even one penny for a wall.

McConnell blocks bill to reopen most of government

I would guess that just as many are happy he is sticking to his guns.
I would guess that just as many are happy he is sticking to his guns.

Not at all.

Democrats want to kick the can down the road without negotiating about the government shutdown and their idiotic minions blame the Senate majority leader because he is a republican. No surprises here.

Oddly..Republicans have had both Houses of Congress AND the White House for two years...but this is all of a sudden on the Dems?


False... They did not have the house for the past 2 years... They had a marginal majority not a super majority. Really really big difference there.


Not really a difference at all when Republicans didn't support it either.
Democrats want to kick the can down the road without negotiating about the government shutdown and their idiotic minions blame the Senate majority leader because he is a republican. No surprises here.

Oddly..Republicans have had both Houses of Congress AND the White House for two years...but this is all of a sudden on the Dems?


False... They did not have the house for the past 2 years... They had a marginal majority not a super majority. Really really big difference there.


The house only requires a simple majority to pass legislation.

And yes republicans had a good majority. There was 190 something democrats to 200 and something republicans. That's not a slim majority. They could literally pass legislation without one single democratic vote. Republicans had full control of writing all legislation and which bills are put to a vote in committee or on the full house floor.

So stop lying about what happened. The republicans had full control of the government for trump's first 2 years. The republicans denied trump money for his wall and he was fine with it.

Bullsht.... You're overly simplistic break down along two categories is a Farce. Add the never Trump section of the Republican party to the Democrats and you have a voting disparity that cannot be overcome by a simple majority. The real dishonesty is you ignoring the fact that Trump had to battle both the Democrats and the Republicans to get something done. So why don't you stop lying!

Read and look at the vote totals.
There is no support for a wall in congress. Period. Trump has failed to gain support for his promise.

House Republicans’ bad faith push to pass immigration reform is dead
I had an idea for some legislation. Not that I'm confident it's good, but an idea.

Reps should propose a bill as follows:

Government reopens immediately without wall funding.

The bill will specify that the house has 3 months to come up with a bill that will secure the border once and for all.

If the bill is sound and will actually secure the border, then they have another 6 months to implement the program.

If after the 3 months the house has not proposed a bill that will secure the border, then funds to build the wall will automatically be approved.

*shrug* it's an idea anyway. This way, the government opens, the house has an opportunity to secure the border via their own method, and if they dont, the wall gets built.


This shutdown has nothing to do with "securing the border".

We can quadruple the amount of border agents, give them every piece of technology available to stop immigrants from illegally crossing the border, and Trump won't agree to it unless it includes "wall" or some kind of physical barrier.

This is 100% about Trump avoiding humiliation regarding the ridiculous campaign promise that he made.


Then he's breaking his promise.

trump promised that Mexico would pay for that wall.

He has broken that promise.
Correct, he would be breaking a promise, but, border security would be happening.

Campaign promises are broken by every president.
Bullsht.... You're overly simplistic break down along two categories is a Farce. Add the never Trump section of the Republican party to the Democrats and you have a voting disparity that cannot be overcome by a simple majority. The real dishonesty is you ignoring the fact that Trump had to battle both the Democrats and the Republicans to get something done. So why don't you stop lying!

All the Trumper is saying is that even reasonable Republicans don't support this bullshit.

It's only the Trump cult

And Trump needs that cult in the upcoming impeachment hearings. It's his only real protection
And how did Trump come by that 5.7 billion figure?

The same way kidnappers do.

They calculate how much they think the hostages are worth

There is no plan. There is no cost analysis. There are no funding requests that this is based on.

Trump pulled that ouuta hiz azz
Border Security money has been offered time and again.

This is about symbolism for the Trump cultists
Our President has made it crystal clear that any bill without a wall is a non-starter. Why should McConnell waste his time on something that isn't going anywhere?

because it passed with over 90 senate votes. combine that with a (D) majority house & it would be veto proof. either turtleboy is compromised... he is the largest recipient of NRA cash (& they are in deep do do regarding possible russian ties) not to mention his wife got a gig at the dept of transporation... or he's terrified of trump.

i'm willing to bet it's both,

Just because someone would vote for a bill, doesn't mean they would vote to override their own President's veto.

In fact, I don't think many Republicans would, the party made a pledge to build the wall.

The math is simple for us, so lets help the Libs prince figure it out----------->

No Democrat that votes in ANY election, is going to vote for a Republican, or very few anyway.

Any Republican who votes to BYPASS the wall, will NOT receive 1 republican vote, or very few anyway. Most will stay home.

THEREFORE, what the Democrats are making a case to the Republicans for is------------->we want to politically cut your throats, and we want YOU to help us cut it!

Who remembers HW Bush? You know, "read my lips." Every Democrat wanted higher taxes in congress, then pushed HW to raise them. When he did, during election season, did they laud him for being reasonable to them?

NOPE! They hammered him that he broke the "read my lips" promise, and sent him packing. Republicans/conservatives have learned this lesson; and it was taught with great political aplomb and viciousness by Democrats.

Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us; fool us several times and we are dumber than you. We aren't, so it is NOT, GOING, TO HAPPEN-)
Our President has made it crystal clear that any bill without a wall is a non-starter. Why should McConnell waste his time on something that isn't going anywhere?

because it passed with over 90 senate votes. combine that with a (D) majority house & it would be veto proof. either turtleboy is compromised... he is the largest recipient of NRA cash (& they are in deep do do regarding possible russian ties) not to mention his wife got a gig at the dept of transporation... or he's terrified of trump.

i'm willing to bet it's both,

Just because someone would vote for a bill, doesn't mean they would vote to override their own President's veto.

In fact, I don't think many Republicans would, the party made a pledge to build the wall.

The math is simple for us, so lets help the Libs prince figure it out----------->

No Democrat that votes in ANY election, is going to vote for a Republican, or very few anyway.

Any Republican who votes to BYPASS the wall, will NOT receive 1 republican vote, or very few anyway. Most will stay home.

THEREFORE, what the Democrats are making a case to the Republicans for is------------->we want to politically cut your throats, and we want YOU to help us cut it!

Who remembers HW Bush? You know, "read my lips." Every Democrat wanted higher taxes in congress, then pushed HW to raise them. When he did, during election season, did they laud him for being reasonable to them?

NOPE! They hammered him that he broke the "read my lips" promise, and sent him packing. Republicans/conservatives have learned this lesson; and it was taught with great political aplomb and viciousness by Democrats.

Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us; fool us several times and we are dumber than you. We aren't, so it is NOT, GOING, TO HAPPEN-)

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