McConnell Has Another Mental Episode

LOL this coming from a guy with biden as his avatar :lol:
I couldnt make this shit up if i tried :rofl:
That was my first thought as well.

We need some transparency on this. He's the highest ranking Republican in the Senate.

Where are the calls from Republicans for him to resign?

The calls came swiftly from this board eons ago. Pay attention.

As far as DC rats go you know they seldom abandon ship. Party & the good Ole boys system firmly in place on both sides.
We need some transparency on this. He's the highest ranking Republican in the Senate.
Where are the calls from Republicans for him to resign?

The dude is TOAST. He has no business there. And to think he is still in twice as good shape as the useless pustule "Commander In Chief" haunting the White House.
Not a Republican or Democrat, but not in favor of removal. It is obvious, he is having medical issues and it is sad to watch. I do think he should be considering, it might be time to hang up his hat, from serving the people of Kentucky, but that is for him, and the people of Kentucky.
He doesn't just serve the people of Kentucky. He is in control of legislation that impacts all of us.

He needs to go now
What is it about these elected people... they just can't let go... why?.... look at Feinstein she is a total loss but she will never quit...
Right now President Biden is once again making liars of you all, holding a press conference and doing great, without reading a thing.

Trump never did that and couldn't do that now.
He's an idiot... just yesterday a team of scientists said the hurricanes and the Maui fire had nothing to do with climate change... but here comes Joe the retarded crook and sell out saying the opposite today...
He doesn't just serve the people of Kentucky. He is in control of legislation that impacts all of us.
He needs to go now

Thing is, his symptoms may be devoutly manifest NOW, but this crap has been coming on him for YEARS, it just wasn't so undeniably obvious then.

And yes, I even have some concerns for Trump. I just don't see the spark and fire in him now that he was famous for in 2016, but then, who would have any spark or fire left after what democrats have put him through? And he is about to go through yet far more.

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