McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone



McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Senate's top Republican said Tuesday that he did not see a way for Republicans and Democrats to come to agreement on meaningful deficit reduction as long as President Obama remains in office.

Republicans are looking to cut trillions of dollars in federal spending, while Democrats are pushing for a more "balanced approach," which would include both spending cuts and higher revenue to the government.


Wow, I thought when Republicans blackmailed the president into extending the Bush tax cuts by telling him they would cut off unemployment for millions of Americans was stepping "way over" the line.

But this? Blackmailing the entire country? Threatening the American people with economic collapse simply to get the black guy out of the WHITE House?

The number of government workers is 500,000 less than when Obama took office. We went from losing 800,000 jobs a month to positive job growth for 15 straight months. The DOW has gone up over 6,000 points. Obama got Bin Laden.

So what has Obama done that's so bad? Besides being "black"? And when you say things like "Colonial Kenyan Mau Mau", there is no doubt it's all about race. No doubt at all.

I think this shows the Republican's "True Colors".
After years of discussions and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is probably unattainable,"

Just wow.

That's amazing.

His ass really needs a recall.
McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Senate's top Republican said Tuesday that he did not see a way for Republicans and Democrats to come to agreement on meaningful deficit reduction as long as President Obama remains in office.

Republicans are looking to cut trillions of dollars in federal spending, while Democrats are pushing for a more "balanced approach," which would include both spending cuts and higher revenue to the government.


Wow, I thought when Republicans blackmailed the president into extending the Bush tax cuts by telling him they would cut off unemployment for millions of Americans was stepping "way over" the line.

But this? Blackmailing the entire country? Threatening the American people with economic collapse simply to get the black guy out of the WHITE House?

The number of government workers is 500,000 less than when Obama took office. We went from losing 800,000 jobs a month to positive job growth for 15 straight months. The DOW has gone up over 6,000 points. Obama got Bin Laden.

So what has Obama done that's so bad? Besides being "black"? And when you say things like "Colonial Kenyan Mau Mau", there is no doubt it's all about race. No doubt at all.

I think this shows the Republican's "True Colors".

He speaks the truth as long as this misguided administration is in power nothing good will come of our Nation
Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:
Wow... simply sounds like this guy is saying what many of us have been saying all along... huge reductions in spending are absolutely needed... and that with a Prez like this in charge, it is highly unlikely to have such things... and that until he is gone, or some miraculous yet highly improbable change would happen in his leadership style would happen, it is doubtful that such necessary cuts would happen

And of course, the idiot OP trying to play the race card in this... completely predictable
After years of discussions and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is probably unattainable,"

Just wow.

That's amazing.

His ass really needs a recall.

How many ways can the Republicans say Fuck You America, and still remain in Congress.

That McConnell just made enough cannon fodder to bury the RNC. LMAO!!
Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

But it's not only that.

McConnell has stated he wants Obama to be a one term President..and now has stated that he won't do a deal until Obama is out of office.

Sounds like he his dictating who the American people should elect next time around.

That's not his place.
Has it ever occurred to you dingbat lieberals that McConnel might have a little more information on the subject than you have? I bet he does. People don't say shit like that unless they have a good reason. He's smart enough to know he'll have to back it up. I know I know dimwits just don't like hearing the truth and the truth is obiedoodle promised during his campaign that

Americans would pay more for gasoline, more for coal, and more for their groceries and that he intended to redistribute the wealth. I'm with McConnell there will be no agreement til obiedoodle is gone.
No Democratic politician even came close to saying anything so ridiculous and absurd about Bush. Either of them.
Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

But it's not only that.

McConnell has stated he wants Obama to be a one term President..and now has stated that he won't do a deal until Obama is out of office.

Sounds like he his dictating who the American people should elect next time around.

That's not his place.

Really? Who did he dictate that we should elect? Give me a name.
Wow... simply sounds like this guy is saying what many of us have been saying all along... huge reductions in spending are absolutely needed... and that with a Prez like this in charge, it is highly unlikely to have such things... and that until he is gone, or some miraculous yet highly improbable change would happen in his leadership style would happen, it is doubtful that such necessary cuts would happen

And of course, the idiot OP trying to play the race card in this... completely predictable

Talking shit again? Obama was willing to make cuts, you clueless dingbat.:cuckoo:
Wow, I thought when Republicans blackmailed the president into extending the Bush tax cuts by telling him they would cut off unemployment for millions of Americans was stepping "way over" the line.

But this? Blackmailing the entire country? Threatening the American people with economic collapse simply to get the black guy out of the WHITE House?

The number of government workers is 500,000 less than when Obama took office. We went from losing 800,000 jobs a month to positive job growth for 15 straight months. The DOW has gone up over 6,000 points. Obama got Bin Laden.

So what has Obama done that's so bad? Besides being "black"? And when you say things like "Colonial Kenyan Mau Mau", there is no doubt it's all about race. No doubt at all.

I think this shows the Republican's "True Colors".
Fucking bigot loser.

Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

Notice how the right wingers skipped right over this? Oh, but it's NOT about race. Sure it's not. Uh huh. Nothing to do with race.
Has it ever occurred to you dingbat lieberals that McConnel might have a little more information on the subject than you have? I bet he does. People don't say shit like that unless they have a good reason. He's smart enough to know he'll have to back it up. I know I know dimwits just don't like hearing the truth and the truth is obiedoodle promised during his campaign that

Americans would pay more for gasoline, more for coal, and more for their groceries and that he intended to redistribute the wealth. I'm with McConnell there will be no agreement til obiedoodle is gone.

LMAO! Want to wait huh? Your country will be gone before Obama finishes his second term, and you will be crying in your curdled milk dish. How about we wait until the election when your party will be gone? LMAO!:lol:
President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

But it's not only that.

McConnell has stated he wants Obama to be a one term President..and now has stated that he won't do a deal until Obama is out of office.

Sounds like he his dictating who the American people should elect next time around.

That's not his place.

Really? Who did he dictate that we should elect? Give me a name.

He just said, "McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone". What does that tell you?
President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

But it's not only that.

McConnell has stated he wants Obama to be a one term President..and now has stated that he won't do a deal until Obama is out of office.

Sounds like he his dictating who the American people should elect next time around.

That's not his place.

Really? Who did he dictate that we should elect? Give me a name.

Anyone but Obama.

Catch up.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Frank - Heinz 57 Contest (Take II)‬‏[/ame]
Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

Notice how the right wingers skipped right over this? Oh, but it's NOT about race. Sure it's not. Uh huh. Nothing to do with race.

What else can Obama do? The left doesn't want these on the table but he's doing it anyway. The sign of a "leader".
Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

he has SS on the table?:eusa_eh:

and one more time-

•Starting in 2013, the bill adds an additional 0.9% to the 2.9% Medicare tax for singles who earn more than $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000.

• For first time, the bill also applies Medicare’s 2.9% payroll tax rate to investment income, including dividends, interest income and capital gains. Added to the 0.9% payroll surcharge, that means a 3.8-percentage point tax hike on “the rich.” Oh, and these new taxes aren’t indexed for inflation, so many middle-class families will soon be considered rich and pay the surcharge as their incomes rise past $250,000 due to tax-bracket creep. Remember how the Alternative Minimum Tax was supposed to apply only to a handful of millionaires?

• Also starting in 2013 is a 2.3% excise tax on medical device manufacturers and importers. That’s estimated to raise $20 billion.

• Already underway this year is the new annual fee on “branded” drug makers and importers, which will raise $27 billion.

• Another $15.2 billion will come from raising the floor on allowable medical deductions to 10% of adjusted gross income from 7.5%.

• Starting in 2018, the bill imposes a whopping 40% “excise tax” on high-cost health insurance plans. Though it only applies to two years in the 2010-2019 window of ObamaCare’s original budget score, this tax would still raise $32 billion—and much more in future years.

• And don’t forget a new annual fee on health insurance providers starting in 2014 and estimated to raise $60 billion. This tax, like many others on this list, will be passed along to consumers in higher health-care costs.

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