McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone

McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Senate's top Republican said Tuesday that he did not see a way for Republicans and Democrats to come to agreement on meaningful deficit reduction as long as President Obama remains in office.

Republicans are looking to cut trillions of dollars in federal spending, while Democrats are pushing for a more "balanced approach," which would include both spending cuts and higher revenue to the government.

Well, what happens if Obama wins re-election then?

*shrugs* depends, if he doesn't have the house or senate, hes dead in the water, if he even has one of them, same really....

and if you read my note in the other thread...I know theres like 5, on this, well, he will be around to ask for another debt ceiling request, won't he? should we roll over then too?
Wow, sounds good to me... Maybe the GOP really wants to do meaningful cuts, that would be a nice change.

President Obama currently has medicaid, medicare, and social security cuts on the table. Meanwhile, the GOP won't even close tax loopholes or cut the defense budget. And you think they want to do meaningful cuts? :rofl:

He does not.

What he put on the table, and the Democrats actually rejected out of hand, was a plan to change the way benefits are tied to the cost of living. This is actually a common sense adjustment that should have been done years ago, but the Democrats are unwilling to put common sense and the country ahead of playing politics. Maybe if we had a real president in office he could control his own party.
Why exactly is a chained CPI "common sense" for seniors?
The president offered 4 trillion dollars worth of cuts.

He offered the larger cuts to entitlements than any president in history.

(Larger than ANYTHING proposed by Reagan)

(Much larger than anything proposed by Bush)

(The GOP leadership is insane. They don't care about the budget (which was evident under Bush). They only care about fighting Obama. If Obama agrees to spending cuts, they don't want 'em)

These people really are out for total destruction of this country.
What else can Obama do? The left doesn't want these on the table but he's doing it anyway. The sign of a "leader".

a "Leader" who has divided the Country even more, than what the Asshole before him had already done.....some "Leader"......where the hell is Bill Clinton?.......

And just how is it HIS fault that the country's gotten so divided? WTF is he supposed to do to unite people who obviously don't want to be united right now?

a "Leader" knows how to bring people dont lead by bad mouthing the other side......your the fucking President of everyone not just your "side"....after OBL was killed Obama was looking pretty would think he would have used that to build a bridge or two with the Moderate and Liberal Republicans (the Far Right wont respect him no matter what he does....IMO)....what does this guy do?.....he goes in front of a Latino Conference and says the Republicans are your enemies......that aint leadership....there is a difference between Criticizing and Bad President you dont bad mouth the other side and then expect them to respect you and want to follow your dont work that way......
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What else can Obama do? The left doesn't want these on the table but he's doing it anyway. The sign of a "leader".

a "Leader" who has divided the Country even more, than what the Asshole before him had already done.....some "Leader"......where the hell is Bill Clinton?.......

Obama didn't divide the country. Right wingers rejected the winner of the last presidential election.

when Clinton was President there was a divide as usual......but you can still see the other side and talk......when Bush got in he turned the most this Country has maybe ever been together into a Chasm a mile you can hardly see the other side and have to yell to talk to since Obamas been there that Chasm has become the Fucking Grand Canyon and you need Binoculars and a phone to communicate...... the Far Right and Left will never accept a President that isnt one of them....but the folks in the Middle will .......i have NEVER in my Life felt a President wasnt including me in when he talks....until Bush and now Obama.....they talk to their supporters......everyone else?.....a President whether he or i or you like it or not.....IS PRESIDENT FOR EVERYONE not just those who follow your every move,and has to conduct Himself as such.....if he doesnt.....he aint a "Leader" dont bad mouth the other side and expect them to respect you and at least listen to what you have to just keeps the divide growing....
Just more proof from the GnOP that they care nothing for this country and only care about themselves. Anything to win...from running fake Democrats to sinking America's economy.
a "Leader" who has divided the Country even more, than what the Asshole before him had already done.....some "Leader"......where the hell is Bill Clinton?.......

Obama didn't divide the country. Right wingers rejected the winner of the last presidential election.

when Clinton was President there was a divide as usual......but you can still see the other side and talk......when Bush got in he turned the most this Country has maybe ever been together into a Chasm a mile you can hardly see the other side and have to yell to talk to since Obamas been there that Chasm has become the Fucking Grand Canyon and you need Binoculars and a phone to communicate...... the Far Right and Left will never accept a President that isnt one of them....but the folks in the Middle will .......i have NEVER in my Life felt a President wasnt including me in when he talks....until Bush and now Obama.....they talk to their supporters......everyone else?.....a President whether he or i or you like it or not.....IS PRESIDENT FOR EVERYONE not just those who follow your every move,and has to conduct Himself as such.....if he doesnt.....he aint a "Leader" dont bad mouth the other side and expect them to respect you and at least listen to what you have to just keeps the divide growing....

Remember we are the "enemy" Or how about DHS Declaring most Americans (those that didn't vote for Obama) Terrorists Its been extremely clear that this Resident in the White House does not Speak for this Nation he speaks against the very fabric of it.
Just more proof from the GnOP that they care nothing for this country and only care about themselves. Anything to win...from running fake Democrats to sinking America's economy.

You may not recognize it....but most if not ALL politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle have their priorities in this order:

1) political career
2) Party
3) what is best for the country

To think it is only one party that has their priorities in that order is nothing more than partisanship in my eyes.

Likewise....I dont think any elected official on either side of the aisle is a "nutbar", an "idiot", "stupid" or a "whacko"......they are all well educated, intelligent. articulate individuals.

Many are ideologues...but it is our choice to vote them in.

They just lie about what their priorities are.
Obama didn't divide the country. Right wingers rejected the winner of the last presidential election.

when Clinton was President there was a divide as usual......but you can still see the other side and talk......when Bush got in he turned the most this Country has maybe ever been together into a Chasm a mile you can hardly see the other side and have to yell to talk to since Obamas been there that Chasm has become the Fucking Grand Canyon and you need Binoculars and a phone to communicate...... the Far Right and Left will never accept a President that isnt one of them....but the folks in the Middle will .......i have NEVER in my Life felt a President wasnt including me in when he talks....until Bush and now Obama.....they talk to their supporters......everyone else?.....a President whether he or i or you like it or not.....IS PRESIDENT FOR EVERYONE not just those who follow your every move,and has to conduct Himself as such.....if he doesnt.....he aint a "Leader" dont bad mouth the other side and expect them to respect you and at least listen to what you have to just keeps the divide growing....

Remember we are the "enemy" Or how about DHS Declaring most Americans (those that didn't vote for Obama) Terrorists Its been extremely clear that this Resident in the White House does not Speak for this Nation he speaks against the very fabric of it.

Why ya gotta make shit up? That DHS report was commissioned and completed under G.W. Bush, released under Obama.

You are also not telling the truth about what was in the report. Is this just message board hyperbole or do you really believe the malarky you are spewing about President Obama declaring people that didn't vote for him were "terrorists".

Can you dispute ANY of the FACTS presented in the DHS report? I didn't think so...
McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone

Read that as

Give us the White House or the macroeconomy dies.

Fucking extortionist

Or someone with an open non-partisan mind can read that as:

"The President hs taken a stance that is making it impossible for us to come to terms, and seeing as he is willing to reject whatever we brng to the table, I dont see how it is possible to make a deal until he is out of office."

Which is equal to him saying:

"we want it our way and he wants it his way and netih one of us are going to budge."

I choose to take this more rational explananation of what he meant....but either way, it is nothing more than political rhetoric.
Just more proof from the GnOP that they care nothing for this country and only care about themselves. Anything to win...from running fake Democrats to sinking America's economy.

You may not recognize it....but most if not ALL politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle have their priorities in this order:

1) political career
2) Party
3) what is best for the country

To think it is only one party that has their priorities in that order is nothing more than partisanship in my eyes.

Likewise....I dont think any elected official on either side of the aisle is a "nutbar", an "idiot", "stupid" or a "whacko"......they are all well educated, intelligent. articulate individuals.

Many are ideologues...but it is our choice to vote them in.

They just lie about what their priorities are.

Sorry, but the "two sides" aren't the same no matter how many times right leaning "independents" try to say they are. There are no statements similar to those made by RWers coming from the left. No one on the left said that their only goal was making Bush a one term President.

When you have President Obama saying "if this makes me a one term President, so be it" when trying to do right by the American people and the RW consistently saying they just want him to fail regardless of what it does to the country...the two sides aren't the same.
Just more proof from the GnOP that they care nothing for this country and only care about themselves. Anything to win...from running fake Democrats to sinking America's economy.

You may not recognize it....but most if not ALL politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle have their priorities in this order:

1) political career
2) Party
3) what is best for the country

To think it is only one party that has their priorities in that order is nothing more than partisanship in my eyes.

Likewise....I dont think any elected official on either side of the aisle is a "nutbar", an "idiot", "stupid" or a "whacko"......they are all well educated, intelligent. articulate individuals.

Many are ideologues...but it is our choice to vote them in.

They just lie about what their priorities are.

Sorry, but the "two sides" aren't the same no matter how many times right leaning "independents" try to say they are. There are no statements similar to those made by RWers coming from the left. No one on the left said that their only goal was making Bush a one term President.

When you have President Obama saying "if this makes me a one term President, so be it" when trying to do right by the American people and the RW consistently saying they just want him to fail regardless of what it does to the country...the two sides aren't the same.

it was your choice to interpret what they meant the way you interpreted it.
I intertpreted the "we want him to fail" as saying exactly what I felt....
"we do not want his policies to be successful as it will change the face of America as we see it...and as conservatives, we do not want the face of America changed"

And I guess you seem to forget the rhetoric of the left during the Bush years:

He cherry picked intel
He lied
The war is lost
he is a war monger
he was involved in planning 9-11

Not to mention the more recent rhetoric such as:

"die quickly"
"dont care about anyone but the wealthy"

Sorry.....I like your approach, but I do not agree with your sentiments about politics. Unlike you, I see right through the rhetoric....and I expect it from both sides of the aisle...hear it from both sides of the aisle...and ignore it from both sides of the aisle.
No Democratic politician even came close to saying anything so ridiculous and absurd about Bush. Either of them.

lol, yeah surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre:eusa_liar:

He seemed to have forgotten about the most prominant democratic politicians (Hillary for example) claiming that Bush cherry picked intel so he can send 4000 soldiers to their death.

Of course, such was siad to protect their own careers when they were criticized for voting for the war then being against it.

Naturally, if it were true, there would have been extensive hearings about a CiC lying to congress so he can play army.

But, alas, there werent.
McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone

Read that as

Give us the White House or the macroeconomy dies.

Fucking extortionist

Or someone with an open non-partisan mind can read that as:

"The President hs taken a stance that is making it impossible for us to come to terms, and seeing as he is willing to reject whatever we brng to the table, I dont see how it is possible to make a deal until he is out of office."

Which is equal to him saying:

"we want it our way and he wants it his way and netih one of us are going to budge."

I choose to take this more rational explananation of what he meant....but either way, it is nothing more than political rhetoric.

I believe that the stalemate problem in Congress versus President Obama is traceable to the results of the last midterm election. In the House of Representatives, the first term moderate Democrats lost, to be replaced by doctrinaire Republicans. Ironically, the doctrinaire liberal Democrats held on to their Congressional seats. The election therefore resulted in a greater proportion of doctrinaire representatives (in both political parties) and less moderate representatives that are willing to compromise.
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What else can Obama do? The left doesn't want these on the table but he's doing it anyway. The sign of a "leader".

a "Leader" who has divided the Country even more, than what the Asshole before him had already done.....some "Leader"......where the hell is Bill Clinton?.......

And just how is it HIS fault that the country's gotten so divided? WTF is he supposed to do to unite people who obviously don't want to be united right now?

LOL, LIKE the LEFT wanted to be UNITED when Bush was in office.?
Obama HAS been a divider plain and simple. He is a fear mongering thug, nothing more.

Read that as

Give us the White House or the macroeconomy dies.

Fucking extortionist

Or someone with an open non-partisan mind can read that as:

"The President hs taken a stance that is making it impossible for us to come to terms, and seeing as he is willing to reject whatever we brng to the table, I dont see how it is possible to make a deal until he is out of office."

Which is equal to him saying:

"we want it our way and he wants it his way and netih one of us are going to budge."

I choose to take this more rational explananation of what he meant....but either way, it is nothing more than political rhetoric.

I believe that the stalemate problem in Congress versus President Obama is traceable to the results of the last midterm election. In the House of Representatives, the first term moderate Democrats lost, to be replaced by doctrinaire Republicans. Ironically, the doctrinaire liberal Democrats held on to their Congressional seats. The electron therefore resulted in a greater proportion of doctrinaire representatives (in both political parties) and less moderate representatives that are willing to compromise.

Oh yes...I agree 100%.

We now have a large handful of far left and a large handful of far right.....and those that are more moderate are getting pressure from the far wings of their respective parties as those far wings have the wieght.

We are entering a very dangerous political time in our history.

Bear in mind...we saw Bush blasted for discussing moderate policies (such as amnesty) and we see Obama blasted for discussing moderate policies (such as extension of the Bush cuts).
What else can Obama do? The left doesn't want these on the table but he's doing it anyway. The sign of a "leader".

a "Leader" who has divided the Country even more, than what the Asshole before him had already done.....some "Leader"......where the hell is Bill Clinton?.......

And just how is it HIS fault that the country's gotten so divided? WTF is he supposed to do to unite people who obviously don't want to be united right now?

How about Obama Divisive Politics?
Krauthammer on Obama

Divisive Obama undercuts the presidency

There are so many instances of him acting to divide the nation that its close to being pointless listing them

You may not recognize it....but most if not ALL politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle have their priorities in this order:

1) political career
2) Party
3) what is best for the country

To think it is only one party that has their priorities in that order is nothing more than partisanship in my eyes.

Likewise....I dont think any elected official on either side of the aisle is a "nutbar", an "idiot", "stupid" or a "whacko"......they are all well educated, intelligent. articulate individuals.

Many are ideologues...but it is our choice to vote them in.

They just lie about what their priorities are.

Sorry, but the "two sides" aren't the same no matter how many times right leaning "independents" try to say they are. There are no statements similar to those made by RWers coming from the left. No one on the left said that their only goal was making Bush a one term President.

When you have President Obama saying "if this makes me a one term President, so be it" when trying to do right by the American people and the RW consistently saying they just want him to fail regardless of what it does to the country...the two sides aren't the same.

it was your choice to interpret what they meant the way you interpreted it.
I intertpreted the "we want him to fail" as saying exactly what I felt....
"we do not want his policies to be successful as it will change the face of America as we see it...and as conservatives, we do not want the face of America changed"

And I guess you seem to forget the rhetoric of the left during the Bush years:

He cherry picked intel
He lied
The war is lost
he is a war monger
he was involved in planning 9-11

Not to mention the more recent rhetoric such as:

"die quickly"
"dont care about anyone but the wealthy"

Sorry.....I like your approach, but I do not agree with your sentiments about politics. Unlike you, I see right through the rhetoric....and I expect it from both sides of the aisle...hear it from both sides of the aisle...and ignore it from both sides of the aisle.

What I bolded is true. Bush did lie. He lied in his state of the union address about aluminium tubing being used for centrifuges. The CIA distinctly told him not to include that..and he did it anyway. And he did cherry pick intel. He was showing pictures of bases and installations that existed prior to the first American invasion of Iraq. After the invasion, Iraq was devastated and in no condition to attack anyone.

And the "die quickly" thing? You just have to take a look at Republican Governor Jan Brewer and her defunding of 2 procedures that killed two people. And it's obvious that conservatives are only concerned for the wealthy. They have no trouble funneling tax payer money to the private sector if it increases wealth..and cutting taxes on the wealthy.

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