McConnell Warns ‘Unacceptable’ GOP Candidates Could Spoil The Fun For Everyone

Did your big brother help you? So now tell me if the idiots blaming Biden for a price spike at the pump are justified?
Newp...I just know shit that you don't.

Xiden and his congressional cronies (along with an alarming number of idiot RINOs) have set to printing up over $3 trillion this year alone, with absolutely no corresponding increase in production.

Sucks to be you.
I happen to think the decisions not to prosecute certain crimes is a mistake. But that doesn't make the deeply flawed candidates Repubs put up any less flawed. However, your deflection is noted.
Quote where I praise Republicans.
Newp...I just know shit that you don't.
You keep saying that. When are you going to write anything that displays an understanding of economics beyond elementary level stuff? Tell me why the market reacted so strongly when the Fed announced it would be more aggressive in ending its QE program?
You keep saying that. When are you going to write anything that displays an understanding of economics beyond elementary level stuff? Tell me why the market reacted so strongly when the Fed announced it would be more aggressive in ending its QE program?
Elementary level stuff is all I need to make you look like the fucking fool that you are.

Prices (including those of securities) always go up when the money supply is increased....QE has made the insanely wealthy even more insanely wealthy, which you stupid fucks claim to be against doing.

Are you tired of looking like a total ignoramus yet?
The thread is about the poor quality of Repub candidates. Show me where you offered an opinion about the actual topic at hand.
Establishment Rs cause as much damage as Establishment Ds but Ds will throw us a welfare check.
The big new problem is that Establishment Ds won’t prosecute criminal behavior and publicly encourage sexual perversity.
The thread is about the poor quality of Repub candidates.
This might be true?

In all honesty, I don't see the quality of candidates offered by the DNC as any better. They tend to pander to an absolutely a bazaar agenda.

Candidates are all owned. None of them give a shit about the people, not really. They don't get the nomination unless they bend the knee to the parties, and the parties are owned by an establishment that does not have the interests of America in mind anymore.. . .
Establishment Rs cause as much damage as Establishment Ds but Ds will throw us a welfare check.
The big new problem is that Establishment Ds won’t prosecute criminal behavior and publicly encourage sexual perversity.
Another deflection. What's your opinion of Greitens, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Walker, Gohmert, etc?
"There’s still plenty of room for error, especially when your hopes might have to hinge on someone who insists you call him by his TV character name (Dr. Oz) or someone who may not know what cocaine is (Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC)).

During an event in Kentucky today, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) voiced plenty of muted optimism about his party’s chances of taking back the Senate in the fall, nodding at an oft-cited, ironclad rule of American politics — the party in the White House will almost certainly lose ground in the Midterms.

“From an atmospheric point of view, it’s a perfect storm of problems for the Democrats,” McConnell mused on Tuesday, according to The Hill, before acknowledging that Republicans haven’t always done as well as they could have, especially when a few “unacceptable” folks get in the way.

“How could you screw this up? It’s actually possible. And we’ve had some experience with that in the past,” he said. “In the Senate, if you look at where we have to compete in order to get into a majority, there are places that are competitive in the general election. So you can’t nominate somebody who’s just sort of unacceptable to a broader group of people and win. We had that experience in 2010 and 2012.”

The number of unacceptable candidates almost being too numerous to count. Cawthorn, Boebert, Greene, Gohmert, Cruz, Jordan, being among the most obvious ones. But what about these guys?

In Walker's case, a turbulent past being a euphemism for multiple personality disorder and holding a gun to his ex-wife's head. Grossman has said she was long a victim of Walker’s impulses. When his book was released, she told ABC News that at one point during their marriage, her husband pointed a pistol at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

Buy hey, mental disorders, committing acts of physical abuse, belief in QAnon, prior arrests, espousing lunacy, these are features.......not bugs........for today's POT (Party of Trump). That's what follows when the leader of your party is an adulterous, lying, incompetent, self-serving, fraudulent, traitorous criminal who has been gaslighting the country for years.
Unacceptable to Mc Connell amounts to him campaigning for these people.
In all honesty, I don't see the quality of candidates offered by the DNC as any better.
That opinion is not supported by objective reality. What Dem candidate or current office holder espouses belief in the crap spewed by QAnon? Or is under investigation for having sex with a minor? Or believes in batshyte crazy conspiracy theories like Trump won the election?
Another deflection. What's you opinion of Greitens, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Walker, Gohmert, etc?
What deflection?
I hate all a Democrats and I hate all Republicans.
I know your brain is exploding because you can’t tolerate the fact that I am well aware that you suck up to the party that sends you your welfare check.
That opinion is not supported by objective reality. What Dem candidate or current office holder espouses belief in the crap spewed by QAnon? Or is under investigation for having sex with a minor? Or believes in batshyte crazy conspiracy theories like Trump won the election?

That opinion is not supported by objective reality. What Dem candidate or current office holder espouses belief in the crap spewed by QAnon? Or is under investigation for having sex with a minor? Or believes in batshyte crazy conspiracy theories like Trump won the election?
What Dem candidate is calling for law enforcement, Mr Bullshit?
Without some serious, undetected funny shit going on?

If the GOP can pin down that illegal voting that was done by illegal aliens, especially the stuff that Zuckerberg funded that they now have positive proof of?

If they can prevent that from happening?

I have seen a definitive shift in both the Black community and the Hispanic community. . hell, it has been covered on even the lefty channels. IF ONLY the legal citizen votes are counted next time? As Clinton said. . . "it is the economy stupid." Folks are not going to tolerate this inflation.

I seriously doubt that Trump would lose.

And? I also have a sneaking suspicion, that there are elements within the Deep State that do not want him to lose next time either. . .

The best way to get that domestic terror legislation out of committee? It is probably not to depend on the hard right zealots, but upon the hard left zealots. These folks will destroy the bill of rights yet.

Shit. . . look that last NY subway shooter, that happened during Biden's admin. And now I hear they want to charge him as a "terrorist?" :rolleyes: If these folks can get a national law? We are still seeing a lot of discontent, and agitation, more from the left than the right. The right is running scared and paranoid of the Deep State, the left? They are too dumb, and they don't care. They will still be emboldened to burn the cities down. . . Especially if they see a Trump victory.

You just wait, watch, and see. Then they will unleash Trump like they hadn't before. You will see so much free coverage of him. . . it wouldn't surprise me if Elon gets him back on Twitter. . . things seem to be coalescing.
George Wallace ( D) was the Democrat Controlled Senate’s prefered Candidate in the 1972 POTUS primaries

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