McConnell Warns ‘Unacceptable’ GOP Candidates Could Spoil The Fun For Everyone

What deflection?
I hate all a Democrats and I hate all Republicans.
I know your brain is exploding because you can’t tolerate the fact that I am well aware that you suck up to the party that sends you your welfare check.
You know nothing about my financial position. But I understand your inability to make a convincing argument leads you to make shit up. It happens to conservatives all the time. The other debate technique they employ is the false equivalence. Like saying, "they're all the same" when you can't find any Dem to credibly compare with MTG.
You know nothing about my financial position. But I understand your inability to make a convincing argument leads you to make shit up. It happens to conservatives all the time. The other debate technique they employ is the false equivalence. Like saying, "they're all the same" when you can't find any Dem to credibly compare with MTG.
Stick your bullshit up your delusional ass.
If you aren’t aware of Democrats advocating crime then you a liar or psychotic.
McConnell is a RINO.

The GTP could care less what he has to say…
Without some serious, undetected funny shit going on?
Yes. Just like November 3, 2020. No serious undetected funny $hit occurred then either, to an extent sufficient and substantial enough to overturn an election.
If the GOP can pin down that illegal voting that was done by illegal aliens, especially the stuff that Zuckerberg funded that they now have positive proof of?
Positive proof? Present it then, in the law courts. Let's see if the allegations hold up under a closer scrutiny. Do it. Please.
I have seen a definitive shift in both the Black community and the Hispanic community. . hell, it has been covered on even the lefty channels. IF ONLY the legal citizen votes are counted next time? As Clinton said. . . "it is the economy stupid." Folks are not going to tolerate this inflation.
Indeed. The Dems should be downright scared of the present Inflation. But that has zero bearing upon large-scale cheating.
I seriously doubt that Trump would lose.
After January 6, 2021? Believe it. Your next Victory depends upon it.
And? I also have a sneaking suspicion, that there are elements within the Deep State that do not want him to lose next time either. . .
Deep State? Not that I buy into that particular Kornspiracy Theory, but... wasn't it you guys who were complaining about it being anti-Trump, the past 5 years?
You just wait, watch, and see. Then they will unleash Trump like they hadn't before. You will see so much free coverage of him. . . it wouldn't surprise me if Elon gets him back on Twitter. . . things seem to be coalescing.
Cling to that misguided belief if it comforts you, however... if you want to win in 2024, you need to re-think that position. Sorry.
Yes. Just like November 3, 2020. No serious undetected funny $hit occurred then either, to an extent sufficient and substantial enough to overturn an election.

Positive proof? Present it then, in the law courts. Let's see if the allegations hold up under a closer scrutiny. Do it. Please.

Indeed. The Dems should be downright scared of the present Inflation. But that has zero bearing upon large-scale cheating.

After January 6, 2021? Believe it. Your next Victory depends upon it.

Deep State? Not that I buy into that particular Kornspiracy Theory, but... wasn't it you guys who were complaining about it being anti-Trump, the past 5 years?

Cling to that misguided belief if it comforts you, however... if you want to win in 2024, you need to re-think that position. Sorry.
It sure did occur. More evidence comes out almost daily proving fraud or total lack of integrity.. Your lies have been taken out at the knees.
There are almost no Republicans left, Democrat's either, Why we have let both party's turn into old crazy people with zero connection to the vast reality of what our country needs to stay strong and stable. Most all fight to hold personal power & make money for them self's and their donners. Business is in the business of making money for that business. Few care how it effects the majority of the population. Where are the smart educated people who have the talent & the will to work for us?
Yes. Just like November 3, 2020. No serious undetected funny $hit occurred then either, to an extent sufficient and substantial enough to overturn an election.

Positive proof? Present it then, in the law courts. Let's see if the allegations hold up under a closer scrutiny. Do it. Please.

Indeed. The Dems should be downright scared of the present Inflation. But that has zero bearing upon large-scale cheating.

After January 6, 2021? Believe it. Your next Victory depends upon it.

Deep State? Not that I buy into that particular Kornspiracy Theory, but... wasn't it you guys who were complaining about it being anti-Trump, the past 5 years?

Cling to that misguided belief if it comforts you, however... if you want to win in 2024, you need to re-think that position. Sorry.
I've seen all I need to see after that Wisconsin report. . .
Stick your bullshit up your delusional ass.
If you aren’t aware of Democrats advocating crime then you a liar or psychotic.
I see you're ramping up the gratuitous insults. A sure sign of frustration from the fact your indefensible arguments lack coherency.
What is the message this lib screed is trying to convey to republican voters?

Dont vote for your first choice

instead vote for the blowdried, focus group tested swamp rat we tell you to vote for
A Crackpot Found Under a Cracked Pot

McConnell is a fossil some archeologist dug up in Timbuktu.

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