McDaniel Loses Again


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Will the crybaby teabagger give up now?



FWIW: I really don't want McDaniel to lose...he's trailing the Dem candidate by 2pts. :)
I see you support a useless RINO. An insignificant old fuck that has done NOTHING for the state of Mississippi, a state you've never visited, nor care about. Moreover, you support the race based agenda that allowed Nad Cock Ran to defeat a real human by playing that card. You support the "there is a dumb ****** born every minute" rule. You hate Christians etc, and so on blah, blah, blah.

You are a magnificent pile of human shit .
I see you support a useless RINO. An insignificant old fuck that has done NOTHING for the state of Mississippi, a state you've never visited, nor care about. Moreover, you support the race based agenda that allowed Nad Cock Ran to defeat a real human by playing that card. You support the "there is a dumb ****** born every minute" rule. You hate Christians etc, and so on blah, blah, blah.

You are a magnificent pile of human shit .

Please show me where I said I support Cochran. In fact, dumbfuck, I said exactly the opposite.
Where does it say he lost? Did you even read what you posted or did you just trust HuffPo? Or wherever you got it from?

The Writ of Mandamus was denied (Order from a Higher Court forcing a Judge to do what he/she is SUPPOSED to do)

What IS going to happen is that they're gonna' have a Rule 33 Conference.

Look that up OP.
There is no hope left for America.

Addle minded old fossils, like Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Thad Cochrane, Charlie Rangels, Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, etc. etc. rule America, with no decency and brains to realize that their 'best before' date has long passed.

America has no hope for the future, because these dinosaurs would never agree to term limits, would never give up the power to raise their own totally unearned salaries and perks, would never concede that new blood is required, would never, ever admit that it was their stupidity that guided America to the dire straights she is in.

America, though, might have a hope, perhaps, if the people decided to set their own term limits for these bastards and vote ALL incumbents out.
Where does it say he lost? Did you even read what you posted or did you just trust HuffPo? Or wherever you got it from?

The Writ of Mandamus was denied (Order from a Higher Court forcing a Judge to do what he/she is SUPPOSED to do)

What IS going to happen is that they're gonna' have a Rule 33 Conference.

Look that up OP.

The parties will a Rule 33 conference, wowee! Really look it up, that means -0-.
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Where does it say he lost? Did you even read what you posted or did you just trust HuffPo? Or wherever you got it from?

The Writ of Mandamus was denied (Order from a Higher Court forcing a Judge to do what he/she is SUPPOSED to do)

What IS going to happen is that they're gonna' have a Rule 33 Conference.

Look that up OP.

howey is just a dumb troll who can't read a simple court order.
Where does it say he lost? Did you even read what you posted or did you just trust HuffPo? Or wherever you got it from?

The Writ of Mandamus was denied (Order from a Higher Court forcing a Judge to do what he/she is SUPPOSED to do)

What IS going to happen is that they're gonna' have a Rule 33 Conference.

Look that up OP.

howey is just a dumb troll who can't read a simple court order.

The Court will hold a pretrial conference IF the record supports same. Gee, a big victory for McDaniel. Nothing special, required by MRAP, te whole case can be junked at that point, though it would be good to see McDaniel win, for the laughs.
Where does it say he lost? Did you even read what you posted or did you just trust HuffPo? Or wherever you got it from?

The Writ of Mandamus was denied (Order from a Higher Court forcing a Judge to do what he/she is SUPPOSED to do)

What IS going to happen is that they're gonna' have a Rule 33 Conference.

Look that up OP.

howey is just a dumb troll who can't read a simple court order.

The Court will hold a pretrial conference IF the record supports same. Gee, a big victory for McDaniel. Nothing special, required by MRAP, te whole case can be junked at that point, though it would be good to see McDaniel win, for the laughs.

the court merely ruled here that the information they were seeking was overbroad and needs to be blacked out.

this was nothing. howey wet his pants because he read some far left wing hack title and didn't bother to actually read it for himself. either that, or his just plain stupid.

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