McDaniel to challenge Primary Results

I have no idea why Democrats should be allowed to vote in a Republican primary anyway.
And the same for Republicans being allowed to vote in a Democrat primary.
And what really gets me are the lefties ragging on the tea party candidate
when it took votes from Democrats to beat him.

Maybe because the Tea Party is the Klan.
McDaniel was proud of his white sheet
Not hard to figure out, actually

Hey dummy the Klan were and are democrats ....please go learn some history of your party.
Dems preferred the regular the Klan sympathizer..

...The district wasnt going Democratic unless the GOP splits the vote..

GOP wins...Dems keep the anti-government Klan guy out of office...

McDaniel gets time on FOX

Its a win win

Have you got proof that McDaniels is KKK? That's a serious charge.
Why? It isn't illegal to be in the KKK.

waiting for your sheet and hood from the cleaners ?
I have no idea why Democrats should be allowed to vote in a Republican primary anyway.
And the same for Republicans being allowed to vote in a Democrat primary.
And what really gets me are the lefties ragging on the tea party candidate
when it took votes from Democrats to beat him.

Maybe because the Tea Party is the Klan.
McDaniel was proud of his white sheet
Not hard to figure out, actually

Hey dummy the Klan were and are democrats ....please go learn some history of your party.

That isn't true. We're the ones who voted in the first Black president -- Twice!

There may have been a few Southern democrats who were in the KKK but they certainly aren't now and haven't been for a long long time.

When you know better, you do better. I guess the Republicans just don't know any better yet.
Hey look, I live here and don't like Thad Cochran too much. But McDaniel's association with hate groups in not a secret. He's cagy about it, and used code on his radio show to never explicitly use a N word, but the people in his campaign are bad people. And THAT's why Cochran survived.

The guy's just another clown candidate, and it's getting very old.
I have no idea why Democrats should be allowed to vote in a Republican primary anyway.
And the same for Republicans being allowed to vote in a Democrat primary.

And what really gets me are the lefties ragging on the tea party candidate
when it took votes from Democrats to beat him.

Duh, it's called an "open primary"...
Scratch a "conservative" and find a dictator.

I'm kind of hoping one of them campaigns on outlawing open primaries.

Weren't open primaries a "conservative" idea?

So along with Gerrymandering, they could choose weak Democrats?


Remember Rush initiating "Operation Chaos"? :badgrin:
Duh, it's called an "open primary"...
Scratch a "conservative" and find a dictator.

I'm kind of hoping one of them campaigns on outlawing open primaries.

Weren't open primaries a "conservative" idea?

So along with Gerrymandering, they could choose weak Democrats?


Remember Rush initiating "Operation Chaos"? :badgrin:

And folks, we have a bona fide case of voter intimidation. Watch the rightwingloons that melted down over the phoney black panther intimidation pretend this didn't happen.

Voter intimidation reported at Canton precinct - Madison County Journal - Madison County Mississippi
Duh, it's called an "open primary"...
Scratch a "conservative" and find a dictator.

I'm kind of hoping one of them campaigns on outlawing open primaries.

Weren't open primaries a "conservative" idea?

So along with Gerrymandering, they could choose weak Democrats?


Remember Rush initiating "Operation Chaos"? :badgrin:

Yes, with Hillary. I don't think even Repubs even trusted him on that one.
Cochran said to the black folks....
I need help ya'all.
I can't beat a tea party guy by myself.
And in return I wont screw ya over half as bad as he will.....

With me ya'all will still get some free stuff.
Cochran said to the black folks....
I need help ya'all.
I can't beat a tea party guy by myself.
And in return I wont screw ya over half as bad as he will.....

With me ya'all will still get some free stuff.

To some degree. But that really doesn't explain, by itself, why African Americans would cross over. Candidates matter. As haley barbour said.
Cochran said to the black folks....
I need help ya'all.
I can't beat a tea party guy by myself.
And in return I wont screw ya over half as bad as he will.....

With me ya'all will still get some free stuff.

To some degree. But that really doesn't explain, by itself, why African Americans would cross over. Candidates matter. As haley barbour said.

He never said anything about free stuff. That's Roz's racist belief (and probably McDaniel's, come to think of it).
Maybe Democrats have given up on the general election and Cochran is gonna win...
Kiss his ass now and get some payback.
Better the devil you know.
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Maybe Democrats have given up on the generaal election and Cochran is gonna win...
Kiss his ass now and get some payback.
Better the devil you know.

Possibly. BTW, why do you have an avatar of a super bright young man when you are so dumb?
It's pretty clear that whomever the gop ran was going to win. There was an open seat race in 2000, with Obama running, and the dems still lost by over 200K votes. Childers only hope was McDaniel winning and then shooting himself in the foot, and give the TPM history in Nev. Conn and Ind that was not such a longshot. There's no doubt that McDaniel was so toxic that some dems decided it wasn't worth the risk. But to say Cochran promised them something misses the point. It's pretty clear that Cochran is unlikely to serve out his term. The gop has mainstream, non-racist, candidates who chose not to run when Cochran surprised them by running again. Most likely that is so Haley Barbour and the state establishment can hand pick the next senator. This wasn't about Cochran promising something beyond not being McDaniel
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The Associated Press called the race for Cochran, who is up 6,880 votes with 99.9 percent of precincts reporting.
A source close to McDaniel told Breitbart News that he is considering legal challenges over ballots. Democrats who voted for Cochran on Tuesday but voted three weeks ago in the Democratic primary in the state were not allowed to vote in Tuesday’s election.
Election results indicate Cochran's late appeal to Democratic voters paid off, with the incumbent senator picking up sizable vote totals in precincts with heavily black populations. Partisanship in Mississippi is largely polarized on racial lines, and Cochran allies paid key Democratic operatives to help turn out the vote.

Cochran Wins, But McDaniel Camp Eying Legal Challenges

We support you Chris McDaniel!

Another reason for strict voter ID laws. Wonder how many times people voted twice for Chuck Rengal in NYC? but this is no surprise. Because of the hiring quotas that the federal government has federal Dept. of Defense jobs (civilian workers on military bases) it would be no surprise that large numbers of African-American's that work in those facilities would vote for Cochran as he brings home Dept. of Defense $$$$.
I'm not gonna spend too much more time on this.
The Tea party guy got screwed.This is what happens with an open primary.
Cochran knew he couldn't beat the tea party guy straight up so he
gets help from the enemy.

I bet the black folks who voted for Cochran have no idea why they did it other then being told to.
Cochran Wins, But McDaniel Camp Eying Legal Challenges

His supporters rally!!!

The Associated Press called the race for Cochran, who is up 6,880 votes with 99.9 percent of precincts reporting.
A source close to McDaniel told Breitbart News that he is considering legal challenges over ballots. Democrats who voted for Cochran on Tuesday but voted three weeks ago in the Democratic primary in the state were not allowed to vote in Tuesday’s election.
Election results indicate Cochran's late appeal to Democratic voters paid off, with the incumbent senator picking up sizable vote totals in precincts with heavily black populations. Partisanship in Mississippi is largely polarized on racial lines, and Cochran allies paid key Democratic operatives to help turn out the vote.

Cochran Wins, But McDaniel Camp Eying Legal Challenges

We support you Chris McDaniel!

Another reason for strict voter ID laws. Wonder how many times people voted twice for Chuck Rengal in NYC? but this is no surprise. Because of the hiring quotas that the federal government has federal Dept. of Defense jobs (civilian workers on military bases) it would be no surprise that large numbers of African-American's that work in those facilities would vote for Cochran as he brings home Dept. of Defense $$$$.

We have voter ID here. There's no fraud. And the faux cry about the blacks is ..... racist. The dem party here is 98% black and 11% white. Some blacks crossed over. But there's no way to tell how much of the extra turnout was white medical, educational, govt workers. Cochran got something like 30-35K new votes. That's not a hell of a lot.
I'm not gonna spend too much more time on this.
The Tea party guy got screwed.This is what happens with an open primary.
Cochran knew he couldn't beat the tea party guy straight up so he
gets help from the enemy.

I bet the black folks who voted for Cochran have no idea why they did it other then being told to.

And your attitude shows why they switched over to keep a guy like you out.

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