McDonnald's is closing restaurants.

Samuel Nixon

Active Member
May 20, 2015
McDonald s Shrinks In America For The First Time In Decades - BuzzFeed News

People will always be hurrying and always hungry. McDonnald's is one of the cheapest food chains in the world. So why then the number one Global fast food chain is shuttering 59 restaurants within the USA just this year?
More over there's a prediction that the company will close about 700 underperforming restaurants around the world. It's important to notice that the chain has never decreased the amount of restaurants for 45 years already!
What has happened to people? Did they start living (eating) better or it's just the global economy crisis affects McD?
Who knows??

I eat at McDonald's may by once every few months or so. Perhaps others are getting the same idea.
It would be interesting if the increase in minimum hourly wages has anything to do with it. That would cut into the profits of a marginal operation.
I believe this was predicted to happen on USMB here back when McDonalds came out and said they were going to raise min wage themselves. It doesn't help that McD has been having losses in profit to begin with, it's been a rough recession, not all franchises could make it. Doesn't bode well for other businesses in the big picture, but no one really gives a shit about small businesses going under (unless it's homosexually related of course heh,) they won't stop until the /big/ businesses fail, all of them. No one should make /any/ money in the "new" America...
"McDonnald's is one of the cheapest food chains in the world." Lead
Says who?
Last time I bought a Big Mac I was on the Mass. Pike. I just wanted to get in & get out, and eat something without surprises (too much curry, or whatever).
That Big Mac cost me over $5.oo
and I haven't been back to McD's since.

I haven't done the test. But I'd like to weigh $5.oo worth of food from McD's, and compare it to $5.oo worth at Burger King, Wendy's, Subway, Taco Bell, etc.
I suspect McD's is among the more expensive. And it wouldn't surprise me if they've priced themselves out of their own market.
It's possible, but their dollar menu isn't out of the market and a lot of people hit that up.

I pretty much don't go to McDonalds anymore because the assholes get all pissy that I hate onions and tomatoes make me sick. Only thing I get from them is Sausage McMuffins, I love those things, they can charge me as much as they want heh
Sensible. I like McMuffins too.
But they always try to package it up with sodapop, which I don't drink. It's a HUGE $money $maker for them. It's flavored water, and they make a $bundle on it.

I'm a fairly active 60 year old man, ~165 lbs, and the dollar menu doesn't work well for me. I can buy five $1.oo sandwiches I suppose. I've done that @BK.
But I'd rather just go to Subway and get a $5.oo sandwich.

And actually, Campbell's makes two products called Sirloin Burger. They might call it soup. But it's rather more like stew.
The one with the green on the label has 2,160mg of potassium.
The salt content isn't way out of line. And you don't even need a can-opener to open it.
Keep a few of those in the car, and a spoon, and it's an adequate meal you can eat faster than you can eat @McD's. The can costs about $2.oo
Where's the downside?
Sensible. I like McMuffins too.
But they always try to package it up with sodapop, which I don't drink. It's a HUGE $money $maker for them. It's flavored water, and they make a $bundle on it.

I'm a fairly active 60 year old man, ~165 lbs, and the dollar menu doesn't work well for me. I can buy five $1.oo sandwiches I suppose. I've done that @BK.
But I'd rather just go to Subway and get a $5.oo sandwich.

And actually, Campbell's makes two products called Sirloin Burger. They might call it soup. But it's rather more like stew.
The one with the green on the label has 2,160mg of potassium.
The salt content isn't way out of line. And you don't even need a can-opener to open it.
Keep a few of those in the car, and a spoon, and it's an adequate meal you can eat faster than you can eat @McD's. The can costs about $2.oo
Where's the downside?

Ah see I kind of cheat; my husband loves the coffee and I'll eat the hashbrown slathered in butter lol

We only have Carl's JR and Arby's (who are zero competition for a budget consumer,) Taco Bell which is kind of a "special time" flavor (like everything they serve uses their taco meat, so most folks can't eat there all the time), Subway is alright but kind of the same thing with repetition for me (not that I personally would ever get my money's worth there - always end up with nothing but a pound of mayo some turkey and lettuce.)

I'm actually the opposite on the salt thing, well most "eating healthy" things. My only "problematic" health issue is that I have low blood pressure so extra salt is actually good for me to regulate that. Doc's aren't sure why, because I don't exercise one bit, but I have the blood pressure of a training athlete. I can only guess it's got something to do with my super high metabolism, ADHD, or synesthesia, something in there borks me out of what is "typically normal." I probably chow down two, maybe even three times, the recommended salt intake on a daily basis and my [blood] pipes are still squeaky clean.

That said, Campbell's chunky version has some great stew/soups. I really like their chicken dumpling one and yea they have one beef stew thing I really like (don't know if it's the sirloin or not.) Though if I really want stew, it's gotta be Dinty Moore, whip up some bisquick dumplings, and I'm happy. I'm "weird" though, I have the money to eat anything I want everyday but I always reach for the $0.99 Banquet chicken pot pies and Mariuechan (sp) noodles lol

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