McDonnald's is closing restaurants.

How many of those places will be in those cities with the NEW 15 dollar an hour wage?
There are no McDonald's or any restaurant that had automatically increase MW to $15. If you read the post 700 worldwide. Several McDonald's had closed in California and they have not even started the MW increase yet. Same here in Florida.
So what in the world are you all talking about? Maybe people are getting sick of McDonald's or more competition.
I know couple of McDonald's owners with total 14 stores in California but cannot pinpoint the exact reason why customers are decreasing. He closes 3 because of low sales. Chipotle and panera are doing very well.
Olive Garden was also in trouble most of 2014 but owner Darden restaurant was able to turn it around this year.
I just just recall reading where 1,000 service workers in Seattle will be cut because of it. Chain or not if you are barely making it 15 dollars an hour kills you.
I did eat there about once a week a decade ago. When high school kids worked there and most had decent parents who taught them to do the right thing.

Now? Rednecks and thugs...usually managed by a drunk middle aged pedophile or something. Food is shitty. Customer service is worse.

Last time I ate there...was greeted at the cash register by a hood rat who walked up rolled her eyes, did the "teeth suck/lick" smirk and just said "whuch you want". Ummm.... nothing. Nevermind.
I heard you. I remember those years. It's very rare that I go to McDonald's unless my grandkids ask for it. Now I don't even want to bring my grandkids when an ugly dude asking me what I want.
Maybe they need to bring those young teens to make it more appealing to customers. I think it's too late.
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
Well apparently I've got it better off here in Alaska, our local McDonald's is just a bunch of snotty rich kids who don't want to be bothered. They do the glance up from their gossip/texting on the cell phone, eye roll sigh, then at least ask if they can help you and "try" to pretend to care. heh
Good news, I can't wait these shitty eateries to close. In the end I would like to see a clip with the scene of burying Ronald McDonald.
McD's is where a growing number of retirees spend a part of the day to get out of the house. I remember when their burgers were twice the size of the sliders they sell today and cost 19 cents.....I still enjoy a couple little double-cheeseburgers with their fries and a vanilla shake on's fast, cheap, and tasty.
McD's is where a growing number of retirees spend a part of the day to get out of the house. I remember when their burgers were twice the size of the sliders they sell today and cost 19 cents.....I still enjoy a couple little double-cheeseburgers with their fries and a vanilla shake on's fast, cheap, and tasty.

The 4 oz patty used today is the same size as the 4 oz patty use in 1948.
The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.
McDonald s Shrinks In America For The First Time In Decades - BuzzFeed News

People will always be hurrying and always hungry. McDonnald's is one of the cheapest food chains in the world. So why then the number one Global fast food chain is shuttering 59 restaurants within the USA just this year?
More over there's a prediction that the company will close about 700 underperforming restaurants around the world. It's important to notice that the chain has never decreased the amount of restaurants for 45 years already!
What has happened to people? Did they start living (eating) better or it's just the global economy crisis affects McD?
McDonld's has become the symbolic scapegoat for anyone wanting to use a generic word to describe obesity or health problems. In China and in the Asia Pacific, accusations of poor quality, contaminated meats, and a huge growth in completion has resulted in an 8% reduction in revenue and and over 350 announced store closing.

McDonald's has a large base of customers who want cheap, high caloric food, and could care less about how healthy the food is. However, there is large growing number of customers who do care. They are demanding not just healthier food but a more diverse offering. This is creating a major problems for the food food chain that is build on a cookie cutter offering.
The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.

When the McDonald's brothers cooked up the idea for a burger place with their friend Harry Snyder, they had a strict philosophy - do one thing and do it well, The menu was a hamburger, a cheese burger, french fries, soda, and shakes. All patties were 4 ounce, and everything was made identical. Bun, two pickle slices, squirt of ketchup, squirt of mustard, dry onion flakes. In 1948, 8 cents for a hamburger, 9 for a cheeseburger. People would buy in lots of 20 and 30 at a time.

This is what had people lined up around the block - the choice was simple, how many do you want? The crook Ray Crock changed the formula, Snyder and his In-N-Out never did.
The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.
I don't see anyway that McDonald's can do to turn this around. Healthier, good tasting food will mean higher prices, slower service. They would lose their customers that crave, cheap, high caloric, fast food. To provide both means a complex menu which would slow down service and make the operation less efficient and costly.
The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.
I don't see anyway that McDonald's can do to turn this around. Healthier, good tasting food will mean higher prices, slower service. They would lose their customers that crave, cheap, high caloric, fast food. To provide both means a complex menu which would slow down service and make the operation less efficient and costly.

Frankly, I am surprised that this didn't happen years ago. They are just too damned big, and they can not go on growing forever. Also, there seems to be a life cycle for all major retail businesses. Wards has been gone for decades, and Sear's is on life support. I think that Dairy Queen is dying. Almost all the budget steak houses are gone, and so are the fish and chips places, and the roast beef sandwich places (other than Arby's, which has become too expensive for most people's taste). Arthur Teacher's, Roy Rogers, Frostop, etc. Even my favorite chain, Black Eyed Pea, is gone. it is kind of scary, because I can still remember the first McDonald's in Atlanta, which was about 1963. That was back when they used to cook their fries in lard.
Where do you eat?

For fast food I like Farmer Boy's and El Pollo Loco. I'm a Californian, so of course In-N-Out, the greatest hamburger on earth.

In n out is the only place I go when I want eat hamburger. Clean young vibrant servers. Hope they do not change the culture. Look like the old times of McDonald's. Sad to see if McDonald's disappear.

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