McDonnald's is closing restaurants.

I doubt it. McDondalds caters to black people. Black people and children are their core customers in America. I'd bet they are suffering in suburbia.

We must have weird McDonalds around here then. Where I live, it's Burger King that's all blacks. Black workers and customers. McDonalds is where you find all the cute white high school girls who bounce up to the counter and ask if they can help you. I just don't like the food there, except for their breakfast burritos. The big mac tastes funny to me, I'm a whopper kinda guy. Whopper is cheaper to and I always get buy-one get one free offers for Burger King. Never see that with McDonalds.
well they are a private franchise

so as with anything else if it is poorly run

it usually fails at some point
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.
I doubt it. McDondalds caters to black people. Black people and children are their core customers in America. I'd bet they are suffering in suburbia.

We must have weird McDonalds around here then. Where I live, it's Burger King that's all blacks. Black workers and customers. McDonalds is where you find all the cute white high school girls who bounce up to the counter and ask if they can help you. I just don't like the food there, except for their breakfast burritos. The big mac tastes funny to me, I'm a whopper kinda guy. Whopper is cheaper to and I always get buy-one get one free offers for Burger King. Never see that with McDonalds.
BK is awful. I can taste the freezer burn on their patties. It's why I like Wendy's... no freezing product.

But the truth is, they're all getting too expensive and because the Left thinks that people should be able to work their entire lives there, raise a family, buy a home, etc, it's going to get even more expensive.
think its the wage increases , that'd make me shut down if I could . Also heard that , think its Wendys is going to automation , probably to avoid some of the wage increases and employee demands . Probably going to be lots of job losses .
There are - like - 15,000 Mickey-Dees in the US.

A net closing of 59 stores is miniscule...

59 closings / 15,000 total = 4/10 of 1% (rounded) --- four-tenths of one percent --- whoop-teee-dooo...
K3 #86

BUT !!

That's hardly the point.

a) It means employed persons will likely become unemployed persons. In a tepid economic recovery, that's not good news.

b) McD's has been expanding for decades. This is the first significant store count contraction I know of in McD's history.
AND that means something else is going on here.

- Millennials prefer sushi?

- Chipoltle's the better bargain?

- The enviro-weenies are getting their way, and talking our culture away from munching cattle, and toward rabbit food?

If your narrow gaze is on a few store closings K3, you're missing the bigger picture. This is the tip of the iceberg.

The real issue is, what does the rest of the iceberg look like.

I tell you what!! If you got any McD's stock, dump it NOW!
It's headed south.
There are - like - 15,000 Mickey-Dees in the US.

A net closing of 59 stores is miniscule...

59 closings / 15,000 total = 4/10 of 1% (rounded) --- four-tenths of one percent --- whoop-teee-dooo...
Any store closing at McDonald's is a big deal because it has been a model for franchising and growth in the fast food industry for over 50 years. When McDonald's falters, it's a clear sign of change. People want not just healthier foods, but more ethnic and specialty food such as found at Chipotle's, Subway, Chick-fil-A, and many regional changes.
...Any store closing at McDonald's is a big deal because it has been a model for franchising and growth in the fast food industry for over 50 years...
What goes up must come down.

Even if it takes 50 years between Peaks and Valleys in the cycle.

...When McDonald's falters, it's a clear sign of change...
Four-tenths of one-percent is hardly a 'clear sign' of change.

It is a slightly stubbed toe that is barely noticed, as Mickee-Dees continues to march into the future.

...People want not just healthier foods, but more ethnic and specialty food such as found at Chipotle's, Subway, Chick-fil-A, and many regional changes.
Oh, nolo contendere.

But I don't think the impact is anywhere near as dramatic as you're making it out to be.

Rather than a harbinger, we're looking at a hiccup... a blip on the scope.. a flea... a pimple... MEH.

When they've racked-up a history of three or four or five years of consecutive shrinkage, over a percentage point or two each year, then, and only then, will you be on to something.

For now - and in all collegiality, at the moment - I think you're reading too much into far too little historical data.

You might very well be predicting the future correctly.

But the jury's still out, and will be, for quite some time to come.

It's only noteworthy at the moment because it marks a first blip on their growth scope.
McDonald s Shrinks In America For The First Time In Decades - BuzzFeed News

People will always be hurrying and always hungry. McDonnald's is one of the cheapest food chains in the world. So why then the number one Global fast food chain is shuttering 59 restaurants within the USA just this year?
More over there's a prediction that the company will close about 700 underperforming restaurants around the world. It's important to notice that the chain has never decreased the amount of restaurants for 45 years already!
What has happened to people? Did they start living (eating) better or it's just the global economy crisis affects McD?

There are many more options today. Some are healthier, some are not. Either way, there are just more options. I love a Big Mac every now and then, but I would not eat there often.
"Four-tenths of one-percent is hardly a 'clear sign' of change." K3 #89
Four-tenths of one-percent OF of WHAT is hardly a 'clear sign' of change.

How much did the Anola Gay impose on the global barometric pressure before it changed everything? 0.00002%?
"Four-tenths of one-percent is hardly a 'clear sign' of change." K3 #89
Four-tenths of one-percent OF of WHAT is hardly a 'clear sign' of change...
A net loss of 59 restaurants out of a sampling universe of 15,000 locations in the US = 59/15000 = ..039% (rounded up to four-tenths of one percent of their operating base).

...How much did the Anola Gay impose on the global barometric pressure before it changed everything? 0.00002%?
A net loss of 59 restaurants doesn't drop a nuke on Mickey-Dee's bidness... it's not even a drop in the proverbial bucket.
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.

Aside from being ignorant. Can you prove here that a McDonald's closed because of minimum wage?
There are - like - 15,000 Mickey-Dees in the US.

A net closing of 59 stores is miniscule...

59 closings / 15,000 total = 4/10 of 1% (rounded) --- four-tenths of one percent --- whoop-teee-dooo...
Any store closing at McDonald's is a big deal because it has been a model for franchising and growth in the fast food industry for over 50 years. When McDonald's falters, it's a clear sign of change. People want not just healthier foods, but more ethnic and specialty food such as found at Chipotle's, Subway, Chick-fil-A, and many regional changes.
Agree. Competition in last 4 or 5 years has become really fierce.
K3 #86

BUT !!

That's hardly the point.

a) It means employed persons will likely become unemployed persons. In a tepid economic recovery, that's not good news.

b) McD's has been expanding for decades. This is the first significant store count contraction I know of in McD's history.
AND that means something else is going on here.

- Millennials prefer sushi?

- Chipoltle's the better bargain?

- The enviro-weenies are getting their way, and talking our culture away from munching cattle, and toward rabbit food?

If your narrow gaze is on a few store closings K3, you're missing the bigger picture. This is the tip of the iceberg.

The real issue is, what does the rest of the iceberg look like.

I tell you what!! If you got any McD's stock, dump it NOW!
It's headed south.
I dumped it Jan 14.
Who knows??

I eat at McDonald's may by once every few months or so. Perhaps others are getting the same idea.
Yea. And I'm not paying $5.30 for a big mac fries and drink. The only time I go I get a $1 mcdouble and small fry. It use to be $2.12 but they upped the price of both so now it's like $3 for a fry and burger. So I go less often.

But there are a lot of lazy bad parents in America and this is what they feed their kids. Burger King, Wendy, Taco Bell, Arby's, etc.

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