McDonnald's is closing restaurants.

McDonald s Shrinks In America For The First Time In Decades - BuzzFeed News

People will always be hurrying and always hungry. McDonnald's is one of the cheapest food chains in the world. So why then the number one Global fast food chain is shuttering 59 restaurants within the USA just this year?
More over there's a prediction that the company will close about 700 underperforming restaurants around the world. It's important to notice that the chain has never decreased the amount of restaurants for 45 years already!
What has happened to people? Did they start living (eating) better or it's just the global economy crisis affects McD?
Probably market saturation. McDonald's has over 35,000 restaurants worldwide, with about 15,000 in the US. Closing 59 is not even a drop in the bucket.

There is a town near where I live that has a population of about 7,000 people and it has three Starbucks and three mom and pop coffee-to-go outlets. WTF?
Please be very careful about treating yourself with high sodium intake. "A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient."

What might make much more sense is to get AT MINIMUM the RDA of Potassium and Magnesium into your diet each day for a few weeks.
Once your body stabilize at that "new normal *" get your blood-pressure checked.

It's WEIGH healthier to provide your body the nutrition it craves, than to treat the symptoms of not getting it.
I'm not an MD. But I began to get symptoms, and seem to have stabilized them w/ boosting my Potassium, and Magnesium.
Eat bananas, raisins, etc.
There's even a beverage named: Glaceau revive fruit punch / vitamin water. One 20 oz. bottle has 880 mg Potassium in it.

* Doing it for one day won't work. You'll have to get your RDA every day for two weeks.
Live long and proper.
It would be interesting if the increase in minimum hourly wages has anything to do with it. That would cut into the profits of a marginal operation.

It would depend on what margin the marginal operation is operating. For instance, Walmart and McDonalds operate at a 20+% margin.
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."

Lots of folks are on the unemployment line. BushCo, corporate America, Republicans crashed the economy in 2008.
Please be very careful about treating yourself with high sodium intake. "A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient."

What might make much more sense is to get AT MINIMUM the RDA of Potassium and Magnesium into your diet each day for a few weeks.
Once your body stabilize at that "new normal *" get your blood-pressure checked.

It's WEIGH healthier to provide your body the nutrition it craves, than to treat the symptoms of not getting it.
I'm not an MD. But I began to get symptoms, and seem to have stabilized them w/ boosting my Potassium, and Magnesium.
Eat bananas, raisins, etc.
There's even a beverage named: Glaceau revive fruit punch / vitamin water. One 20 oz. bottle has 880 mg Potassium in it.

* Doing it for one day won't work. You'll have to get your RDA every day for two weeks.
Live long and proper.

heh yea I'm 43, been seeing the same doc since I was a teen, friend of the family and all so I trust him with my life. He's sent me to so many specialists I can't even remember them all, I've been on way too many "go see x specialist vacations" to count heh I spent 3 months with a neurosurgeon just over my synesthesia alone; although a lot of that was medical research - felt like some kind of alien species, constantly getting poked and prodded for reactions, but hopefully some good came of it all for someone else who's got less "acceptable" wiring. Anyway, I get a barrage of tests every few months or so - he's dead convinced I'm going to get diabetes like most of my family, but so far nothing. I almost think it pisses him off that he's wrong :p
In the south, especially where I live, I don't give a crap what time a day it is, what day it is, including Xmas and the 4th of July.....especially thanksgiving....that place have a line of cars a mile long....all filled with fat ni***** and trash.......incredible as it seems. Micky D's has the worst food in the country and the only thing they got going for them are their fries....I however haven't eatin in a MD in almost 10 years and don't miss it a bit.
I like Ponderosa.

They cook the food.
The service is SPECTACULAR!! (it's a buffet)
It's all you can eat.
And I couldn't get the food any cheaper if I bought it myself at the supermarket, and then prepared it myself.
And I don't even have to wash the dishes.
When you see a chain closing non performing outlets they mean in minority neighborhoods.
I did eat there about once a week a decade ago. When high school kids worked there and most had decent parents who taught them to do the right thing.

Now? Rednecks and thugs...usually managed by a drunk middle aged pedophile or something. Food is shitty. Customer service is worse.

Last time I ate there...was greeted at the cash register by a hood rat who walked up rolled her eyes, did the "teeth suck/lick" smirk and just said "whuch you want". Ummm.... nothing. Nevermind.
How many of those places will be in those cities with the NEW 15 dollar an hour wage?
There are no McDonald's or any restaurant that had automatically increase MW to $15. If you read the post 700 worldwide. Several McDonald's had closed in California and they have not even started the MW increase yet. Same here in Florida.
So what in the world are you all talking about? Maybe people are getting sick of McDonald's or more competition.
I know couple of McDonald's owners with total 14 stores in California but cannot pinpoint the exact reason why customers are decreasing. He closes 3 because of low sales. Chipotle and panera are doing very well.
Olive Garden was also in trouble most of 2014 but owner Darden restaurant was able to turn it around this year.

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