McDonnald's is closing restaurants.

The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.
I don't see anyway that McDonald's can do to turn this around. Healthier, good tasting food will mean higher prices, slower service. They would lose their customers that crave, cheap, high caloric, fast food. To provide both means a complex menu which would slow down service and make the operation less efficient and costly.

Frankly, I am surprised that this didn't happen years ago. They are just too damned big, and they can not go on growing forever. Also, there seems to be a life cycle for all major retail businesses. Wards has been gone for decades, and Sear's is on life support. I think that Dairy Queen is dying. Almost all the budget steak houses are gone, and so are the fish and chips places, and the roast beef sandwich places (other than Arby's, which has become too expensive for most people's taste). Arthur Teacher's, Roy Rogers, Frostop, etc. Even my favorite chain, Black Eyed Pea, is gone. it is kind of scary, because I can still remember the first McDonald's in Atlanta, which was about 1963. That was back when they used to cook their fries in lard.
My friend that owns McDonald's franchise told me they noticed the trend in 2011 that sales are declining. All over US. The mystery is, why is this happening overseas.
The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.
I don't see anyway that McDonald's can do to turn this around. Healthier, good tasting food will mean higher prices, slower service. They would lose their customers that crave, cheap, high caloric, fast food. To provide both means a complex menu which would slow down service and make the operation less efficient and costly.

Frankly, I am surprised that this didn't happen years ago. They are just too damned big, and they can not go on growing forever. Also, there seems to be a life cycle for all major retail businesses. Wards has been gone for decades, and Sear's is on life support. I think that Dairy Queen is dying. Almost all the budget steak houses are gone, and so are the fish and chips places, and the roast beef sandwich places (other than Arby's, which has become too expensive for most people's taste). Arthur Teacher's, Roy Rogers, Frostop, etc. Even my favorite chain, Black Eyed Pea, is gone. it is kind of scary, because I can still remember the first McDonald's in Atlanta, which was about 1963. That was back when they used to cook their fries in lard.
McDonald's was a product of the 1950's and 60's. Populations were becoming more mobile, more women in the workplace, and people were traveling further to their place of work. People were on the go and needed a place to get a quick meal at a low price which is what McDonald's offered. In the mid 20th century, there was little interest in healthy foods. Times have changed.
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
Its because McDonald's used to be the one fast food place where you could go and eat relatively cheap, even compared to other fast food places. They have had price creap for a long time now and there is no extra value to going to McDonald's.

But let's face it, their fries are still epic.
Its because McDonald's used to be the one fast food place where you could go and eat relatively cheap, even compared to other fast food places. They have had price creap for a long time now and there is no extra value to going to McDonald's.

But let's face it, their fries are still epic.

Secret to their fries IS.....

They soak them in glucose. The sugar browns and crisps as they fry.
Its because McDonald's used to be the one fast food place where you could go and eat relatively cheap, even compared to other fast food places. They have had price creap for a long time now and there is no extra value to going to McDonald's.

But let's face it, their fries are still epic.
Because they change their fry vats often. Anything tastes amazing with fresh oil, not a big secret. But you're right, people start looking for alternatives when lunch at McDonalds costs around $9.00.

Like Starbucks, who is also closing a lot of stores, McDonalds got too greedy.
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.
McD's is where a growing number of retirees spend a part of the day to get out of the house. I remember when their burgers were twice the size of the sliders they sell today and cost 19 cents.....I still enjoy a couple little double-cheeseburgers with their fries and a vanilla shake on's fast, cheap, and tasty.

That's very true, before my husband and I moved (like 20 years ago) we used to stop in at McD's every morning and chat with the seniors. They'd read the paper, have some coffee, and talk politics, kids, grandkids, and home stuff, just chat. For a lot of these folks it was the only "regular" contact they had with anyone else, their wives/husbands had passed away, the kids had moved out of state, etc.
How many of those places will be in those cities with the NEW 15 dollar an hour wage?
Great minds...

More like no minds, much less inquiring.

The Magical World Where McDonald's Pays $15 an Hour? It's Australia
Even in countries with a high minimum wage, the golden arches manage to turn a profit. Here's how.
The Magical World Where McDonald s Pays 15 an Hour It s Australia - The Atlantic

Denmark McDonald's Workers Get Paid Vastly Higher Wages
Read more: Denmark McDonald s Pays 20 An Hour - Business Insider
"In Denmark, McDonald's workers over the age of eighteen earn more than $20 an hour — they are also unionized — and the price of a Big Mac is only thirty-five cents more than it is in the United States," Finnegan writes.
In the south, especially where I live, I don't give a crap what time a day it is, what day it is, including Xmas and the 4th of July.....especially thanksgiving....that place have a line of cars a mile long.
The McDonald's in my area are still closed on Christmas and Thanksgiving Day.

I think that Dairy Queen is dying.
My area used to have a Dairy Queen, but it closed a few years ago. It was recently said though in our newspaper that a new one is going to be built.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

The problem with McDonald's is multi-leveled. First, it takes about 10 minutes to read the damned menu. That dramatically slowed down service, and increased preparation costs. I understand that they have cut about 40% of it out, recently.

Second, the food really sucks. It is tasteless. Burger King burgers taste like they are char-broiled. That is probably just an additive, but at least it has a taste. I can't tell the difference between the McDonald burger and the styrofoam container.

Third, they have finally added some upscale burgers to their menu, like Carl's has, but they are very pricy. When people start charging around $7.00, including tax, for a upscale burger, I ditching them and going to places like Five Guys, Burgers and Fries, or Culver's.

Fourth, people are sick of burgers and want something else, like Chipotles, or Panella's.
I don't see anyway that McDonald's can do to turn this around. Healthier, good tasting food will mean higher prices, slower service. They would lose their customers that crave, cheap, high caloric, fast food. To provide both means a complex menu which would slow down service and make the operation less efficient and costly.

Frankly, I am surprised that this didn't happen years ago. They are just too damned big, and they can not go on growing forever. Also, there seems to be a life cycle for all major retail businesses. Wards has been gone for decades, and Sear's is on life support. I think that Dairy Queen is dying. Almost all the budget steak houses are gone, and so are the fish and chips places, and the roast beef sandwich places (other than Arby's, which has become too expensive for most people's taste). Arthur Teacher's, Roy Rogers, Frostop, etc. Even my favorite chain, Black Eyed Pea, is gone. it is kind of scary, because I can still remember the first McDonald's in Atlanta, which was about 1963. That was back when they used to cook their fries in lard.
My friend that owns McDonald's franchise told me they noticed the trend in 2011 that sales are declining. All over US. The mystery is, why is this happening overseas.
In China where revenues are down 8%, completion has grown rapidly. When McDonald's first appeared, people stood in long lines to eat the western food with a Chinese slant. China unlike the US, has strong preferences in food that varies by region. Local chains have been able to delivery food that is more traditional to the area at comparable prices. I would think at least part of the downturn in revenues is due the slump in the Chinese economy.
In the south, especially where I live, I don't give a crap what time a day it is, what day it is, including Xmas and the 4th of July.....especially thanksgiving....that place have a line of cars a mile long.
The McDonald's in my area are still closed on Christmas and Thanksgiving Day.

I think that Dairy Queen is dying.
My area used to have a Dairy Queen, but it closed a few years ago. It was recently said though in our newspaper that a new one is going to be built.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

DQ has managed to increase sales for the last 3 years. Berkshire Hathaway owns DQ.

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