McDonnald's is closing restaurants.

IDK if Americans are eating healthier, I think there are simply more choices for disgusting fat filled food. I recently went to a PA restaurant and ordered a turkey sandwich. The menu said it came with Fries and coleslaw. I guess I should have examined the pictures on the menu better because silly me assumed the fries would be served on the side with the coleslaw. Sandwich came and it was a turkey sandwich with the slaw and fries piled on the turkey in one be heap on a bun. I'm Like WTF I check some things out and yup that's actually the way it was supposed to be served. So it looks gross but I figured by the way the restaurant is packed maybe it tasted good that way. Nope it was the most disgusting sandwich I ever tasted. I was wishing we'd gone to McDonalds. Americans are coming up with new ways to consume high calorie food regardless of the way it tastes. McD's is old school now. Give me a Subway Veggie delight any day over any of these grease filled Dagwood sandwiches they are coming up with. :cheeky-smiley-018:
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.

Aside from being ignorant. Can you prove here that a McDonald's closed because of minimum wage?
Labor is a major consideration in any business. In the case of retailers like McDonalds, it comes second only to product cost. Contrary to popular opinion, although some CEO is making millions off of McDonald's, at the restaurant level, profits are razor thin and forced wage hikes necessarily raise the cost of its food. When people refuse to pay those prices, the restaurant goes out of business. Is McDonalds going to come right out and say it? Probably not, but since Leftists like yourself don't know how a business much less an economy runs, you'll have to trust conservatives who are more educated on how the world works.
well they are a private franchise

so as with anything else if it is poorly run

it usually fails at some point

McDonald's franchises has been around since the 80s. Some or most that are still doing well are owned by franchises. I'm not sure about poorly run.

if it is poorly run the money dries up like anything else
Agree but we have not seen that in this case. All are underperforming franchises.
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.

Aside from being ignorant. Can you prove here that a McDonald's closed because of minimum wage?
Labor is a major consideration in any business. In the case of retailers like McDonalds, it comes second only to product cost. Contrary to popular opinion, although some CEO is making millions off of McDonald's, at the restaurant level, profits are razor thin and forced wage hikes necessarily raise the cost of its food. When people refuse to pay those prices, the restaurant goes out of business. Is McDonalds going to come right out and say it? Probably not, but since Leftists like yourself don't know how a business much less an economy runs, you'll have to trust conservatives who are more educated on how the world works.

You really amused me with your wrong headed 3rd grader opinion.
I asked you a very simple question. Show me a proof that a Minimum Wage causes these McDonald's to close. You cannot came up nothing. Then you start attacking me with your mambo dumbo sewer opinion. You are BULLSHIT.
I'm a business ownerS (with S ) that includes overseas in last 30 years and my parents before that.
McDonald's closures is all over US that has not even touch by MW increases. How about RadioShack did they closed because of minimum wage?
I was born on the right side but people like you disgust me and make me puke. And I will never vote for a republican again caused by GOPs and people like you.
Wrong. This is entire USA and overseas. Did they have MW hike in Nashville? Are you all misinformed?
The truth is I've been asking everyone to give me a name of an establishment that closes because of MW. Maybe you're not even aware this is incremental. Read my post #40.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.

Aside from being ignorant. Can you prove here that a McDonald's closed because of minimum wage?
Labor is a major consideration in any business. In the case of retailers like McDonalds, it comes second only to product cost. Contrary to popular opinion, although some CEO is making millions off of McDonald's, at the restaurant level, profits are razor thin and forced wage hikes necessarily raise the cost of its food. When people refuse to pay those prices, the restaurant goes out of business. Is McDonalds going to come right out and say it? Probably not, but since Leftists like yourself don't know how a business much less an economy runs, you'll have to trust conservatives who are more educated on how the world works.

SHIT YOU ARE A TRUCK DRIVER? Did you even graduate high school? What the hell do you know about business or economy. Keep your eyes on the road you might hurt yourself.
It would be interesting to see exactly where these closures are happening.
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.

Aside from being ignorant. Can you prove here that a McDonald's closed because of minimum wage?
Labor is a major consideration in any business. In the case of retailers like McDonalds, it comes second only to product cost. Contrary to popular opinion, although some CEO is making millions off of McDonald's, at the restaurant level, profits are razor thin and forced wage hikes necessarily raise the cost of its food. When people refuse to pay those prices, the restaurant goes out of business. Is McDonalds going to come right out and say it? Probably not, but since Leftists like yourself don't know how a business much less an economy runs, you'll have to trust conservatives who are more educated on how the world works.

You really amused me with your wrong headed 3rd grader opinion.
I asked you a very simple question. Show me a proof that a Minimum Wage causes these McDonald's to close. You cannot came up nothing. Then you start attacking me with your mambo dumbo sewer opinion. You are BULLSHIT.
I'm a business ownerS (with S ) that includes overseas in last 30 years and my parents before that.
McDonald's closures is all over US that has not even touch by MW increases. How about RadioShack did they closed because of minimum wage?
I was born on the right side but people like you disgust me and make me puke. And I will never vote for a republican again caused by GOPs and people like you.
I don't believe you. Real business owners know that labor costs can spell the difference between sink or swim. You exhibit the typical Leftist ignorance of this reality, denying that minimum wage hikes have consequences and assuming that higher labor costs can be absorbed ad infinitum.

Even people who make shit up on the internet can be outed by conservatives who know how the world works, so stop lying.
I call those places the 1000 cow joints , a bunch of cow meat mixed from a thousand other cows , tasteless on a white bread bun the only thing you taste is the ketchup and mustard
Each egg Mc Muffin total cost 85 cents, labor ingredients overhead etc..sells for $2.15 each
...How did you come out with 59 closings? If there is I missed it. But do you have one?
The 'net 59 closings' figure appeared in both the OP and the article that it references...

McDonald s Shrinks In America For The First Time In Decades - BuzzFeed News

Hope that helps.

Yes. I do not dispute the 59 but confuses the heck out of me. I myself counted 7 that included the three I mentioned in my post #40. Wondering if 59 includes stores that were already closed this year and last year or on top.
The seven I mentioned is only from Seattle area and Southern California. I called my friends this afternoon that own franchises here in southern ca.. Mentioned in my post #40. They told me the 59 is way too low.
Anyway it's sad for me to see any of these establishments close.
Can someone please fix the title of this thread... it's driving me crazy!!!
McDonald's closures is all over the country. Not because of MW that rwingers claimed.

Aside from being ignorant. Can you prove here that a McDonald's closed because of minimum wage?
Labor is a major consideration in any business. In the case of retailers like McDonalds, it comes second only to product cost. Contrary to popular opinion, although some CEO is making millions off of McDonald's, at the restaurant level, profits are razor thin and forced wage hikes necessarily raise the cost of its food. When people refuse to pay those prices, the restaurant goes out of business. Is McDonalds going to come right out and say it? Probably not, but since Leftists like yourself don't know how a business much less an economy runs, you'll have to trust conservatives who are more educated on how the world works.

You really amused me with your wrong headed 3rd grader opinion.
I asked you a very simple question. Show me a proof that a Minimum Wage causes these McDonald's to close. You cannot came up nothing. Then you start attacking me with your mambo dumbo sewer opinion. You are BULLSHIT.
I'm a business ownerS (with S ) that includes overseas in last 30 years and my parents before that.
McDonald's closures is all over US that has not even touch by MW increases. How about RadioShack did they closed because of minimum wage?
I was born on the right side but people like you disgust me and make me puke. And I will never vote for a republican again caused by GOPs and people like you.
I don't believe you. Real business owners know that labor costs can spell the difference between sink or swim. You exhibit the typical Leftist ignorance of this reality, denying that minimum wage hikes have consequences and assuming that higher labor costs can be absorbed ad infinitum.

Even people who make shit up on the internet can be outed by conservatives who know how the world works, so stop lying.

You really amused with you truck driver knowledge.
1. Where in my post that I mentioned or deny or ignore that labor cost can make a business sink or swim.
2. Where in my post denying that a MW hikes don't have consequences.
I am asking you a very simple question. Let me repeat it again so you engrave that in your thick skull.
3. Show me a proof that a business close because of MW increase.
Stop going around. Now answer or show me a proof of #1, 2 and 3.
I could careless if you believe me or not it doesn't matter to me. Aside from your parasitic opinion you can now drive your truck.

I do not bullshit like you. I do not make anything up on Internet. I don't have or need to. I'm as real as you can get. Do you go to California? Send me an email here and I will prove it to you or anybody. I'm waiting.
Also heard Wendy's are closing a bunch
So it looks like minimum wage might have something to do with it. Now, instead of giving a "livable wage"... they are out in the unemployment line. If you don't mind me saying, "I told you so."

Lots of folks are on the unemployment line. BushCo, corporate America, Republicans crashed the economy in 2008.

Do you ever get tired of repeating the same chants ?

Are you indian or middle eastern ?
Are they gonna connect all the closed MDs to all those closed walmarts with tunnels for when the gubment takes over?
...Yes. I do not dispute the 59 but confuses the heck out of me. I myself counted 7 that included the three I mentioned in my post #40. Wondering if 59 includes stores that were already closed this year and last year or on top. The seven I mentioned is only from Seattle area and Southern California. I called my friends this afternoon that own franchises here in southern ca.. Mentioned in my post #40. They told me the 59 is way too low. Anyway it's sad for me to see any of these establishments close.
The 59 is the NET gain or loss (in this case, a net loss [net closure] of 59), all across the US, in 2015.

The formula is: 125 New Openings - 184 Closures = (-59) Net [a net loss of 59 closures], nationwide in the US, for 2015

The formula is 125 - 184 = (-59).

Hopefully, that will put the confusion to rest.

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