McMaster: Donald Trump has the intelligence of a "kindergartener"

There is nothing to defend. Trump is the President. We just followed Saint Obama's advice.....

"If you, uh, don't, um, like it....well uh...go out and um, win some elections"
-Saint Barack

poor snowflake

Poor? wrong.

Snowflake? Not even close.

I am thrilled with Trump. You and your ilk are the ones starting dozens of "Trump wears poopy pants" threads every single day for the last 2 years. Please, do continue!!
There is nothing to defend. Trump is the President. We just followed Saint Obama's advice.....

"If you, uh, don't, um, like it....well uh...go out and um, win some elections"
-Saint Barack

poor snowflake

Poor? wrong.

Snowflake? Not even close.

I am thrilled with Trump. You and your ilk are the ones starting dozens of "Trump wears poopy pants" threads every single day for the last 2 years. Please, do continue!!

"Thrilled with Trump"

Haha, sure you are.
Nothing to really indicate that his intelligence is much higher.....believe me
There is nothing to defend. Trump is the President. We just followed Saint Obama's advice.....

"If you, uh, don't, um, like it....well uh...go out and um, win some elections"
-Saint Barack

poor snowflake

Poor? wrong.

Snowflake? Not even close.

I am thrilled with Trump. You and your ilk are the ones starting dozens of "Trump wears poopy pants" threads every single day for the last 2 years. Please, do continue!!

awwwww... like you whined for 8 years when someone who was actually elected by the majority of voters in the country was president?

if Donald ever did anything right, I'd say so. you love him for his incompetence.

There is nothing to defend. Trump is the President. We just followed Saint Obama's advice.....

"If you, uh, don't, um, like it....well uh...go out and um, win some elections"
-Saint Barack

poor snowflake

Poor? wrong.

Snowflake? Not even close.

I am thrilled with Trump. You and your ilk are the ones starting dozens of "Trump wears poopy pants" threads every single day for the last 2 years. Please, do continue!!

awwwww... like you whined for 8 years when someone who was actually elected by the majority of voters in the country was president?

if Donald ever did anything right, I'd say so. you love him for his incompetence.


5 sources directly heard Donald Trump's National Security advisor Steve McMaster state that mr. Trump is an "idiot" whose intelligence is equivalent to that of a kindergartener.

A kindergartner who has made billions of dollars. I'll take that deal.

It's not about whether or not Trump is pleased with himself, it's about everyone else on the planet. Which, no doubt, would probably raise and give him another billion dollars to resign and retire to some island in the Pacific.

He could have done that without running for president.
I 100% disagree.

I taught Kindergarten for 2 years and the children were definitely more intelligent and had a wider range of vocabulary than Trump. Saying Trump has the same level of intellect is an insult to 5 year olds.
5 sources directly heard Donald Trump's National Security advisor Steve McMaster state that mr. Trump is an "idiot" whose intelligence is equivalent to that of a kindergartener.

A kindergartner who has made billions of dollars. I'll take that deal.

It's not about whether or not Trump is pleased with himself, it's about everyone else on the planet. Which, no doubt, would probably raise and give him another billion dollars to resign and retire to some island in the Pacific.

He could have done that without running for president.

Doubtful. That's why he was doing tv shows.
Uninformed sources told me that a guys who built a real estate empire from scratch and has been on Forbes 400 for 3 decades is like dumb or something
He did not build it from scratch. He inherited it, along with a wealth of connection, also from hid dad.

He was a billionaire on Forbes 400 for over a decade when he "inherited" it


Yes you're correct, Fred Trump passed away in 1999 and Donald first made the list in 1982, so it's more than a decade
Trump brought down both the Clinton and Busy dynasties.

Way to go for a kindergartener.

Jeb Bush has no viability in the current republic party.

Hillary was not a good candidate and now has millions of people regretting a vote for a kindergartener.
Uninformed sources told me that a guys who built a real estate empire from scratch and has been on Forbes 400 for 3 decades is like dumb or something
He did not build it from scratch. He inherited it, along with a wealth of connection, also from hid dad.

He was a billionaire on Forbes 400 for over a decade when he "inherited" it


Yes you're correct, Fred Trump passed away in 1999 and Donald first made the list in 1982, so it's more than a decade

You're delusional. He was handed millions in startup capital, which he promptly lost. He was then saved by joining daddy's business. And those assets were then handed to him.
5 sources directly heard Donald Trump's National Security advisor Steve McMaster state that mr. Trump is an "idiot" whose intelligence is equivalent to that of a kindergartener.
A 6th source who did not directly hear the statement said that McMaster separately told him that Trump "lacks the necessary brainpower" to understand foreign policy issues:

Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.
Sources: McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner

The "adults in the room" don't look good when the mock the man-child Donny.

Still, they're the only thing holding it all together, so we cut them a little slack.
5 sources directly heard Donald Trump's National Security advisor Steve McMaster state that mr. Trump is an "idiot" whose intelligence is equivalent to that of a kindergartener.
A 6th source who did not directly hear the statement said that McMaster separately told him that Trump "lacks the necessary brainpower" to understand foreign policy issues:

Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.
Sources: McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner
Note to McMaster....tell us something we don't know
McMaster was a respected General
In agreeing to work in the Trump administration he must be asking.....WTF was I thinking? this guy is a freak'n moron
Uninformed sources told me that a guys who built a real estate empire from scratch and has been on Forbes 400 for 3 decades is like dumb or something

From scratch? Are you on drugs? That is daddy’s company that was worth close to a billion dollars in today’s money that he is over.

From scratch? That is the funniest thing I have read I a long time.

Amazing how ill-informed people are, and you are still allowed to vote

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His Daddy was a middle and low market developer and gave Donald maybe $1 million, not $1 Billion. Fred Trump never dreamed of converting the bankrupt Commodore Hotel to a Hyatt or developing Trump Towers on the site formerly own by Tiffany.

The million was just the money his daddy gave him in cash, the business was worth way more than that. It was worth about $200 million when he took it over in 1971. Which in today's dollars is about a billion.

What's your point? Fred and Donald were related, got it. Are you saying Fred Trump converted the Commodore Hotel or developed Trump Tower?

I am saying that Trump did not start anything from "scratch" as you falsely claimed.

Early Donald Trump was able to do what he did because of his daddy's reputation and his daddy's contacts, oh and the money and business that he was handed.'re Fred Trumps boy
Come on in.....what can we do for you?

Yea.....Donald Trump did it all on his own

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