Meadows Flips?

You dont expect dems to go after dems do you?
Dems can't get a word in with all the screaming the MAGAT LOSERS are doing!
Try finding some actual evidence instead of lying allegations!
By the way, POS45 told his supporters not to vote next year, he already has enough votes! So you can stay home! POS45's orders!🤣🤣🤣
LOL, you mad bro? I call out your bullshit lie that anyone was going to “hang Pence”, as if political protests don’t often have effigies to be hanged.

You got called out on this total Fake News lie about “gallows” when it’s a miniature gallows. But stupid fucks like you just gobble up corporate media and their lies.

Now shut the fuck up before I embarrass you even more.
Damn! If you embarrassed him you will need to repeat it! No one read any embarrassing statement in your post!
Your Mom must be so proud!
OK. Why is that "the big one?"
Because, obviously, Meadows was Trump's Chief of Staff, and there is no one on the planet who knows a President's actions and mindset better. His "right hand man".

He is Number 2 in this whole thing. Just like the way Sammy "The Bull" Gravano flipped on John Gotti. Just like that.

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Dems can't get a word in with all the screaming the MAGAT LOSERS are doing!
Try finding some actual evidence instead of lying allegations!
By the way, POS45 told his supporters not to vote next year, he already has enough votes! So you can stay home! POS45's orders!🤣🤣🤣
To find evidence we need the ability to investigate

and the Deep State does not share that power with the common citizens that it rules over
Immunity is big. He can’t refuse to answer any questions based on self incrimination.

Now he answers all questions truthfully or goes to jail.
Truthfully? How much will it cost for him to "tell the truth" I guarantee these people are being paid, and set for life.
To find evidence we need the ability to investigate

and the Deep State does not share that power with the common citizens that it rules over
You have the House! Too bad you elect incompetent boobs to run it!
If you know about "THE DEEP STATE" , it must not be too effective in being the all-powerful force for evil you LOSERS think it is. Try for a newer, more powerful boogieman!
You're welcome.
You have the House! Too bad you elect incompetent boobs to run it!
If you know about "THE DEEP STATE" , it must not be too effective in being the all-powerful force for evil you LOSERS think it is. Try for a newer, more powerful boogieman!
You're welcome.
The Deep State has become so entrenched snd powerful it doesn't even bother to hide anymore.
If true, this is the big one. Period.

But, as described to ABC News, Meadows privately told Smith's investigators that -- to this day -- he has yet to see any evidence of fraud that would have kept now-president Joe Biden from the White House, and he told them he agrees with a government assessment at the time that the 2020 presidential election was the most secure election in U.S. history.
Here is what pisses me off. They are all going to swear under oath Trump truly believes the election was stolen from him. That will be Trump's defense.
The Deep State has become so entrenched snd powerful it doesn't even bother to hide anymore.
Really? Name the leader! Who is on the operating committee? Just list them. That Shouldn't be hard. Show this board.
Or continue crying.
Yeah, they say that proving intent is always the toughest thing. If they want to save their own skin, that's where they can fudge.

Still the judge will take back their immunity if they don't testify what they know. And the prosecutors/judge already know what they know. The schemes, actions, lies, etc.

At least America will see everyone around Trump told him the election wasn't stolen, and Trump is such a meglomaniac he couldn't accept that. They may even like that in him. They'll look at it like he refuses to lose/give up.

Did you see that Trump lawyer crying in shame of going along with his coup? She now realizes how serious her actions were. And she's going to testify the shady shit she was told to do. But even she will testify Trump believed it and convinced her. I can't wait to hear what he said to convince her that the deep state stole 5 swing states from him. Was she a part of Sidney Powell breaking into voting machines? That alone is a serious serious crime she and Sidney were facing. What will they say about that? What were they doing breaking into that super conservative voting precinct and hacking into voting machines in the middle of the night.
Still the judge will take back their immunity if they don't testify what they know. And the prosecutors/judge already know what they know. The schemes, actions, lies, etc.

At least America will see everyone around Trump told him the election wasn't stolen, and Trump is such a meglomaniac he couldn't accept that. They may even like that in him. They'll look at it like he refuses to lose/give up.

Did you see that Trump lawyer crying in shame of going along with his coup? She now realizes how serious her actions were. And she's going to testify the shady shit she was told to do. But even she will testify Trump believed it and convinced her. I can't wait to hear what he said to convince her that the deep state stole 5 swing states from him. Was she a part of Sidney Powell breaking into voting machines? That alone is a serious serious crime she and Sidney were facing. What will they say about that? What were they doing breaking into that super conservative voting precinct and hacking into voting machines in the middle of the night.
Well, the rubes aren't going to admit anything, period.

I do wonder: She knows now that she was lied to by voices she trusted, and that she ran with that lie. Will any Trumpsters see that that's exactly what has happened to them?
Really? Name the leader! Who is on the operating committee? Just list them. That Shouldn't be hard. Show this board.
Or continue crying.
I dont know who is pulling the strings

It could be s ruling junta of foreigners like george soros and the mullahs in iran

Or domestic power brokers as yet unnamed

More likely there are various special interests driving the bus

I’m just a regular guy and not in a position to know

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