Meadows Flips?

Or, arrest Trump. Did you know that idiot Trump made doing this a more serious crime? You can't go back and charge Hillary for a law passed after she disappeared. But the statue of limitation hasn't run out on Ivanka and Trump himself is being charged. You get that right?
Congress can pass a law that extends the statute of limitations, like New York did to allow Trump to be sued by Jean Carroll.
oh, that's a shame. lol

It sounds to me like they're saying they need to be able to go through all of Hunter's private emails and business records for the last 20 years.

Will they give us the same access to Trump's?

Did you hear Michael Cohen testify yesterday? He confirmed Trump knew he was over inflating the value of his properties in order to get more favorable loans.

With Trump sitting feet away, Trumpā€™s one-time lawyer and fixer described how he manipulated Trumpā€™s financial statements ā€“ ā€œreverse-engineeringā€ them to hit an arbitrary net worth. Cohen explained how he would inflate the value of Trumpā€™s properties along with the Trump Organizationā€™s chief financial officer.

Cohen explained that when Trump would look at the financial statements, he would ā€œlook at the total assets and he would say ā€˜Iā€™m actually not worth 4.5 billion, Iā€™m really worth more like six.ā€™ He would then direct Allen and I to go back to Allenā€™s office and return after we achieved the desired goal.ā€

Judge Arthur Engoron said trial testimony and financial documents about Trumpā€™s $1 billion bid to buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014 could be included as evidence because they support the attorney generalā€™s claims that Trump had a fraudulent pattern and practice when reporting his worth.

The financial documents with claims in them that Trump had an $8 billion net worth at the time ā€œarguably tends to show pattern and practice of fraud, to use a loaded term,ā€ Engoron said, overruling an objection from Trumpā€™s attorneys who said the document is not relevant to the case.
Not exactly.

18 U.S. Code Ā§ 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

No evidence has ever been produced showing that anyone conspired to overthrow the government. And had anyone attempted to overthrow the government they would have been charged with insurrection.

Yes, there was evidence they wanted the government overthrown. Their plan was to go to war at the Capitol with Antifa to provide Trump an excuse to declare Martial law.

I also note that hundreds of those idiots were charged with delaying Congress' joint session to certify the election who were not charged with seditious conspiracy.
ā€œStollenā€ LOL

It's unlikely he was lying, and it's likely he was telling the truth, considering there is a lot of evidence out there, including at lest one hidden camera video of deceptive shenannigans going on after they made sure the Republicans went home. And the vote changed by 3 am.


By "shenanigans," you mean counting all the legitimate votes.
If true, this is the big one. Period.

But, as described to ABC News, Meadows privately told Smith's investigators that -- to this day -- he has yet to see any evidence of fraud that would have kept now-president Joe Biden from the White House, and he told them he agrees with a government assessment at the time that the 2020 presidential election was the most secure election in U.S. history.
It's not a big one at all. It's a nothingburger. How exactly did Meadows flip? He's willing to testify that Trump knew the election wasn't stolen but said so anyway? So what? Democrats have been doing that for decades.

Trump lost by 7 million votes.

154.6 million votes were cast in 50 states. By midnight, it's clear that Trump won with a startling percentage. How convenient it is to know how many votes you have to come up with by 3 am to ensure anybody else running "won." And that someone was someone nobody liked: Basement Dementia Joe who plagiarized others' ideas in his speeches.

Poor Faun loves the faery tale prince Joe Biden could win by 7 million votes after the official cutoff time was seemingly ignored. Trump didn't lose. The American voters were put aside so the Democrats could rule by oligarchy while casting Joe Biden into a pitiful place in history with a 7-million illegal "late" votes that were written in the same two or three hands. Gee, open borders and votes supplemental to make the loser look like the winner in a smackdown of President Trump who had prospered America, convinced employers to raise salaries of people of color given the opportunity to be equal forever more. If my understanding of how this presidential race was run is true, President Trump would have guaranteed with his business skills would have avoided two serious wars that could set the world on fire with nukes, and it isn't without nuclear threats from the usual suspects. :rolleyes-41:

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