Meadows Flips?

There is no “fake electors scheme”. Appointing alternate electors in case some states results change is perfectly legal and expected.

Ken Chesebro pleaded guilty to a felony charge of conspiracy to appoint unofficial electors, not to arrange an alternate slate of electors.

Prosecutors said in court that Chesebro acknowledged in the plea that he “created and distributed false Electoral College documents” to Trump operatives in Georgia and other states, and that he worked “in coordination with” the Trump campaign.​

But you probably don’t know that because precious snowflake media bubble.
154.6 million votes were cast in 50 states. By midnight, it's clear that Trump won with a startling percentage. How convenient it is to know how many votes you have to come up with by 3 am to ensure anybody else running "won." And that someone was someone nobody liked: Basement Dementia Joe who plagiarized others' ideas in his speeches.

Poor Faun loves the faery tale prince Joe Biden could win by 7 million votes after the official cutoff time was seemingly ignored. Trump didn't lose. The American voters were put aside so the Democrats could rule by oligarchy while casting Joe Biden into a pitiful place in history with a 7-million illegal "late" votes that were written in the same two or three hands. Gee, open borders and votes supplemental to make the loser look like the winner in a smackdown of President Trump who had prospered America, convinced employers to raise salaries of people of color given the opportunity to be equal forever more. If my understanding of how this presidential race was run is true, President Trump would have guaranteed with his business skills would have avoided two serious wars that could set the world on fire with nukes, and it isn't without nuclear threats from the usual suspects. :rolleyes-41:

There were not 7 million illegal votes. You're out of your fucking mind.

How can you people continue to support Trump as irrefutable evidence mounts.
You cannot be that stupid. There is something else going on. I think the MAGA supporters and the MAGA politicians want to take the USA down.
MAGAts love their orange sexual abuser because he gives them permission to stop pretending to be decent human beings.
LOL, you mad bro? I call out your bullshit lie that anyone was going to “hang Pence”, as if political protests don’t often have effigies to be hanged.

You got called out on this total Fake News lie about “gallows” when it’s a miniature gallows. But stupid fucks like you just gobble up corporate media and their lies.

Now shut the fuck up before I embarrass you even more.

Oh Dear.....Oh My.....Oh for fuck sake.

You're very shrill right now. You remind of Henny Penny and the whole sky is falling.

You have no clue, all you are doing is repeating worn out sound bites.

Oh, the pic of "mini" gallows was shot from behind, facing the U.S. Capitol building. But what the fuck, you tried to make point or you tried to own a lib or whatever else lame shit reason you have.

Each and every word you have used is downright, outright fucking lie. But as MAGA MAGGOT you only so much material you can use.

Hint, try making sense, I know you are spoon fed your lies but for once in your life try thinking for yourself.
Because, obviously, Meadows was Trump's Chief of Staff, and there is no one on the planet who knows a President's actions and mindset better. His "right hand man".

He is Number 2 in this whole thing. Just like the way Sammy "The Bull" Gravano flipped on John Gotti. Just like that.

SO where's the "flipping" part? What has he told Comrade Smith that is sending Trump to prison?

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