Meadows Flips?

Well, the rubes aren't going to admit anything, period.

I do wonder: She knows now that she was lied to by voices she trusted, and that she ran with that lie. Will any Trumpsters see that that's exactly what has happened to them?
We need to ask Trump and all the guys who want to be speaker to please explain to us how 2020 was stolen. To be speaker you must be a conspiracy theorist. They tried last night to nominate a RINO but no chance.

And how come the House isn't investigating that instead all their focus is on Hunter, and they can't PROVE any corruption with that one. You think they would be all about exposing the deep state.
The Deep State has become so entrenched snd powerful it doesn't even bother to hide anymore.
several were charged with sedition....seditious conspiracy for 1/6 and were found guilty and got almost twenty years in prison, sentences! :eek:
Seditious conspiracy is not insurrection. They were convicted of seditious conspiracy for obstructing Congress. The same thing Jamal Bowman did, though we all know that he won't be charged.
Democrats still support Bowman so seditious conspiracy isn't an issue for either side.
Whatever that means. Is this another example of if Hillary can use private emails then Trump can mishandle classified information? And that's putting it mildly. Telling Russian and Australian business men and any one else who will listen everything he knows?
Whatever that means. Is this another example of if Hillary can use private emails then Trump can mishandle classified information? And that's putting it mildly. Telling Russian and Australian business men and any one else who will listen everything he knows?
Trump should try Hillary's excuse. He got a widdle bump on his widdle head and couldn't remember how to handle classified material.
There is no “fake electors scheme”. Appointing alternate electors in case some states results change is perfectly legal and expected.

Yeah, just like George Floyd was being arrested for buying a pack of cigarettes with an alternate $20 bill.
Trump should try Hillary's excuse. He got a widdle bump on his widdle head and couldn't remember how to handle classified material.

As soon as Trump became president he and his team used private emails, phones and servers.

Do you remember this headline from 2018?

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year​

As soon as Trump became president he and his team used private emails, phones and servers.

Do you remember this headline from 2018?

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year​

So arrest her an Hillary and charge them both. They can share the same cell.
So arrest her an Hillary and charge them both. They can share the same cell.
Or, arrest Trump. Did you know that idiot Trump made doing this a more serious crime? You can't go back and charge Hillary for a law passed after she disappeared. But the statue of limitation hasn't run out on Ivanka and Trump himself is being charged. You get that right?
Seditious conspiracy is the planning or incitement of insurrection.
Not exactly.

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

No evidence has ever been produced showing that anyone conspired to overthrow the government. And had anyone attempted to overthrow the government they would have been charged with insurrection.

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