Meanwhile, The REGIME just handed down their longest POLITICAL VENGEANCE sentence ever, 18 YEARS.

Or maybe you are another foreigner trolling a US message board.....
The nationalist xenophobes hyperventilate when they think there is non-US commentary.
Folks who may have a different perspective are to be feared.
Or so it seems.

the Capitol Police pulled back the barricades and opened the Capitol doors.

And here we have pics of J6 Jackasses being invited into the Capitol:

I'm talking about regimes that take political prisoners and make a mockery out of "justice". Are you telling me Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro didn't do that? I never thought in my worst nightmares that would happen in the US but here we are thanks to the ChinaCrats.
People aren't being charged for having dissenting political views, or half this forum would be taken away. They are being charged with actions that run contrary to law.

You can march down to Lafayette Square today with a big sign saying "Impeach Biden, Election Stolen, Trump for King forever!" and spend all day walking back and forth in front of the White House, you won't get arrested despite the dissenting political views. Stalin was arresting people just for being related to previous power regardless of their (lack of) actions, Pol Pot was executing people for wearing glasses. Entirely different than people being arrested for forcing their way into a building to disrupt a political process.
Yeah, you read that right, 18 FUKKING YEARS!! We are being run by a Kabal of anti-Americans. I don't care who runs for the GOP in 2024, it is NOT about the candidate, it is about removing THE REGIME from power.

Defending criminals like the criminal you are.
There was no coup attempt. Who tries a coup unarmed? Duh.

130 or so officers were injured, and one died because of the events of Jan 6. Many of the injured officers are still feeling the effects of this attack. This happened because they had or found weapons. A hockey stick can be a weapon.
You know that several people have already been charged with bringing a gun onto the capital grounds that day right?

This is in addition to things like baseball bat, a hockey stick, a rebar, a flagpole, stolen police shields, a stun gun, fire extinguisher, etc.

No molotovs?

Can't be a real riot.
People aren't being charged for having dissenting political views, or half this forum would be taken away. They are being charged with actions that run contrary to law.


If that were true, the entirety of BLM would be in jail right now, along with half the Democratic party.
Yeah, you read that right, 18 FUKKING YEARS!! We are being run by a Kabal of anti-Americans. I don't care who runs for the GOP in 2024, it is NOT about the candidate, it is about removing THE REGIME from power.

Good.....were you there at the Capitol on Jan 6th?
The nationalist xenophobes hyperventilate when they think there is non-US commentary.
Folks who may have a different perspective are to be feared.
Or so it seems.

And here we have pics of J6 Jackasses being invited into the Capitol:

View attachment 824526 View attachment 824527
Are you saying you haven't seen the videos of the Capitol Police pulling back the barricades?
Yeah, you read that right, 18 FUKKING YEARS!! We are being run by a Kabal of anti-Americans. I don't care who runs for the GOP in 2024, it is NOT about the candidate, it is about removing THE REGIME from power.

Another win for the good guys
Yeah, you read that right, 18 FUKKING YEARS!! We are being run by a Kabal of anti-Americans. I don't care who runs for the GOP in 2024, it is NOT about the candidate, it is about removing THE REGIME from power.

We're living in a banana republic.

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