Measles eradicated in 2000. Michael Savage says Obama's open borders have brought it back

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
Documented or undocumented, there is no requirement for immunization documentation to enter the US.

Health Information for Travelers to United States - Traveler view Travelers Health CDC
it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
Documented or undocumented, there is no requirement for immunization documentation to enter the US.

Health Information for Travelers to United States - Traveler view Travelers Health CDC
well that's a both tourists and illegals can bring in infections...
Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?

Your idol, Savage, claims that the measles outbreaks are due to our 'open Southern Border' and directly Obama's responsibility.

As you have now noted, there is nothing to indicate that this outbreak has anything to do with our Southern Border- and as the CDC says is likely to be from either a foreign tourist or an American tourist returning.

The premise of this entire threads is another one of Savage's xenophobic lying rants, eaten up by his worshipful audience.
What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
Documented or undocumented, there is no requirement for immunization documentation to enter the US.

Health Information for Travelers to United States - Traveler view Travelers Health CDC
well that's a both tourists and illegals can bring in infections...

And 'legals' and Americans.....
Why would liberals scoff at the notion that illegal aliens who never saw a real doctor in their lives might be spreading infectious diseases that had all but been eradicated in the U.S.? Because they hate Michael Savage?
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

children huh, did you see the pictures of them climbing over our boarder? Very few were "children" the majority of them were teens to adults who brought a few children with them.....You're a raving savage nut case. How many "children" did you happen to house at your families home? pay for their keep, Pay for them to get vaccinated?
My guess is you didn't. all you do is sit on a message board calling the American citizen names
read it and weep. this was brought to you by this administration NOW YOU are the one getting to PAY for it. with sick children, on top of having to pay for 100's of thousands illegal invaders with the fact that Obama had them flown all over the country and dumped them in your states

Breaking: Measles Outbreak in Chicago Suburbs – Five Babies Infected
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 5, 2015, 12:22 PM

Five babies in Palatine, Illinois have been diagnosed with Measles.
The Chicago Tribune reported:

Five children at a KinderCare Learning Center in northwest suburban Palatine have been diagnosed with measles, Illinois and Cook County health officials announced Thursday.

Public health officials are investigating the cluster of measles cases at KinderCare Learning Center, 929 E. Palatine Road, according to a statement. Two of the cases have been confirmed with laboratory testing while the other three diagnoses are pending test results, according to a joint statement from health officials.

All five children are under the age of 1.

The announcement comes about a week after Cook County officials announced the state’s first confirmed case this year of the respiratory disease, traced to a suburban Cook County resident that officials would only identify as being older than 18.

Cook County officials say it’s not clear if the adult’s diagnosis is linked to the children at the day care or to the outbreak associated with Disneyland, which has grown to more than 100 cases, many of them in California.

Students and staff at the Palatine facility have been notified, and anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated with the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine has been instructed to remain at home.

In 2011, there were 222 confirmed Measles cases in the United States, 200 were linked with importations, including 72 that were linked with importations from other countries.

So is this latest outbreak linked to the influx of illegal immigrant children welcomed to America by the Obama administration?
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet
warned about this possibility at The Monitor back in June 2014:

A flood of illegals has massively surged at our Southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona.

Why are such swarms now entering the United States illegally, particularly children? Newspapers in Mexico and Central and South America are actually describing U.S. “open borders,” encouraging people to come with promises of food stamps or “amnesty.” It is textbook Cloward-Piven strategy to overwhelm and collapse the economic and social systems, in order to replace them with a “new socialist order” under federal control.

Carried by this tsunami of illegals are the invisible “travelers” our politicians don’t like to mention: diseases the United States had controlled or virtually eradicated: tuberculosis (TB), Chagas disease, dengue fever, hepatitis, malaria and measles. I have been working on medical projects in Central and South America since 2009, so I am aware of problems these countries face from such diseases…

…Vaccine-preventable diseases like chicken pox, measles and whooping cough spread like wildfire among unvaccinated children. Other illnesses, along with scabies and head lice, also thrive as children are transported by bus and herded into crowded shelters — courtesy of the federal government. And treatment costs are borne by taxpayers.

There are many unanswered questions about this invasion of illegals with unaccompanied children:

ALL of it here:
Breaking Measles Outbreak in Chicago Suburbs 8211 Five Babies Infected The Gateway Pundit
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

children huh, did you see the pictures of them climbing over our boarder? Very few were "children" the majority of them were teens to adults who brought a few children with them.....You're a raving savage nut case. How many "children" did you happen to house at your families home? pay for their keep, Pay for them to get vaccinated?
My guess is you didn't. all you do is sit on a message board calling the American citizen names

I wasn't who brought up children- that would be one of your fellow travellers:

Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children

But he did reinforce one point- it wasn't until far right whackos heard about children invading that suddenly they discovered that were terrified of illegal immigration....
read it and weep. this was brought to you by this administration NOW YOU are the one getting to PAY for it. with sick children, on top of having to pay for 100's of thousands illegal invaders with the fact that Obama had them flown all over the country and dumped them in your states

Breaking: Measles Outbreak in Chicago Suburbs – Five Babies Infected
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, February 5, 2015, 12:22 PMt

And once again- the far right blames illegal immigrants without a single bit of evidence.

CDC 102 measles cases in January most stemming from Disney outbreak -

(CNN)Health officials say 102 people in 14 states were reported to have measles in January, most of them stemming from "a large, ongoing multi-state outbreak linked to" Disneyland in California in mid-December.

The report comes a week after the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionissued an advisory to provide guidance for the nation's health care facilities and public health departments

The disease outbreak became apparent when visitors reported coming down with measles after visiting the park from December 15 to December 20.

Measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000, which means it is no longer native to the United States but continues to be brought in by international travelers.

Since 2001, the number of cases has topped 100 only five times, and there were more than 200 cases in 2011, the CDC says.

However, last year, the number spiked to 644 cases, the agency reported.

Measles is a highly communicable respiratory disease caused by a virus and spread through the air. Measles starts with a fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes and sore throat, the CDC says.
America can also thank rich shitlibs for the measles outbreak in Los Angeles. From what I read, in Los Angeles, the issue there isn't illegal immigrants or hispanics getting their vaccines, but rich westside swpls and jews. Its all due to this absurd anti-vaccine nonsense. So much for liberals being the arbiters of SCIENCE!

Whether it’s measles or pertussis, the local children statistically at the greatest risk for infection aren’t, as one might imagine, the least privileged — far from it. An examination by The Hollywood Reporter of immunization records submitted to the state by educational facilities suggests that wealthy Westside kids — particularly those attending exclusive, entertainment-industry-favored child care centers, preschools and kindergartens — are far more likely to get sick (and potentially infect their siblings and playmates) than other kids in L.A. The reason is at once painfully simple and utterly complex: More parents in this demographic are choosing not to vaccinate their children as medical experts advise. They express their noncompliance by submitting a form known as a personal belief exemption (PBE) instead of paperwork documenting a completed shot schedule.

The number of PBEs being filed is scary. The region stretching from Malibu south to Marina del Rey and inland as far as La Cienega Boulevard (and including Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills) averaged a 9.1 percent PBE level among preschoolers for the 2013-14 school year — a 26 percent jump from two years earlier. By comparison, L.A. County at large measured 2.2 percent in that period. Many preschools in this area spiked far higher, including Kabbalah Children’s Academy in Beverly Hills (57 percent) and the Waldorf Early Childhood Center in Santa Monica (68 percent). According to World Health Organization data, such numbers are in line with immunization rates in developing countries like Chad and South Sudan. These two schools aren’t outliers; dozens more — including Seven Arrows, Turning Point and Calvary Christian — report PBE levels that are five times the county average. And THR has found that administrators at many of these facilities are hardly alarmed.

Los Angeles Vaccination Rates 2014
and jews.

I didn't get any further than that......

The number of PBEs being filed is scary. The region stretching from Malibu south to Marina del Rey and inland as far as La Cienega Boulevard (and including Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills) averaged a 9.1 percent PBE level among preschoolers for the 2013-14 school year — a 26 percent jump from two years earlier. By comparison, L.A. County at large measured 2.2 percent in that period. Many preschools in this area spiked far higher, including Kabbalah Children’s Academy in Beverly Hills (57 percent) and the Waldorf Early Childhood Center in Santa Monica (68 percent).

But I guess pointing out that the Westside of Los Angeles is heavily liberal and jewish is bigoted or something?

Yea, you better not read further, the facts could offend your shitlib sensibilities.

I thought liberals were "pro SCIENCE!", what gives?
and jews.

I didn't get any further than that......

The number of PBEs being filed is scary. The region stretching from Malibu south to Marina del Rey and inland as far as La Cienega Boulevard (and including Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills) averaged a 9.1 percent PBE level among preschoolers for the 2013-14 school year — a 26 percent jump from two years earlier. By comparison, L.A. County at large measured 2.2 percent in that period. Many preschools in this area spiked far higher, including Kabbalah Children’s Academy in Beverly Hills (57 percent) and the Waldorf Early Childhood Center in Santa Monica (68 percent).

But I guess pointing out that the Westside of Los Angeles is....... and jewish is bigoted or something?

Yeah- actually it is.
and jews.

I didn't get any further than that......

The number of PBEs being filed is scary. The region stretching from Malibu south to Marina del Rey and inland as far as La Cienega Boulevard (and including Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills) averaged a 9.1 percent PBE level among preschoolers for the 2013-14 school year — a 26 percent jump from two years earlier. By comparison, L.A. County at large measured 2.2 percent in that period. Many preschools in this area spiked far higher, including Kabbalah Children’s Academy in Beverly Hills (57 percent) and the Waldorf Early Childhood Center in Santa Monica (68 percent).

But I guess pointing out that the Westside of Los Angeles is....... and jewish is bigoted or something?

Yeah- actually it is.
Lol. Facts are hateful!
As you have now noted, there is nothing to indicate that this outbreak has anything to do with our Southern Border- and as the CDC says is likely to be from either a foreign tourist or an American tourist returning.

Hey einstein. By definition illegals are unscreened. There's all the evidence you need. As for the CDC, they are govt which means obama and he's a pathological liar.
Someone in congress needs to step up and say our policy should be to deport all captured illegals - no exceptions. Let's enforce the law.
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....
That's like saying if it didn't rain, we wouldn't need rain gear.

Every year there are over 100 million legal visitors and that doesn't count Americans returning from abroad, nor routine daily crossing from Mexico and Canada. These legal visitors aren't required to have any inoculations for anything. They come from countries that have ongoing epidemics of measles and countries with vaccination rates 25% of the US rate. To assume measles comes 700,000 illegal immigrants that enter the US each year and not the 100 million legal visitors is a real stretch.
What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
Documented or undocumented, there is no requirement for immunization documentation to enter the US.

Health Information for Travelers to United States - Traveler view Travelers Health CDC
well that's a both tourists and illegals can bring in infections...
Absolutely. The most important factors in determining risk is the vaccination rate in countries where the visitors originate. Most countries including Mexico have a vaccination rate nearly the same as the US. In fact, 113 countries have higher vaccination rates for one 1-year-olds than the US.. That's what comes when we give idiots a choice in over 20 states..

Map 113 countries have higher measles immunization rates than the U.S. for 1-year-olds - The Washington Post
As you have now noted, there is nothing to indicate that this outbreak has anything to do with our Southern Border- and as the CDC says is likely to be from either a foreign tourist or an American tourist returning.

Hey einstein. By definition illegals are unscreened. There's all the evidence you need. As for the CDC, they are govt which means obama and he's a pathological liar.
We don't do health screenings of any legal visitors to the US, except in the countries with Ebola or do we require any vaccinations.

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