Measles eradicated in 2000. Michael Savage says Obama's open borders have brought it back


It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.


No evidence??? These are UNSCREENED people coming from third world sewers. It's near certain they are bringing in diseases. Why take a chance?. They're not allowed to be here so don't let them come.
the flood of illegals from south of the border has been going on since....
...since America defeated Messico !

Mexican-American War, also called Mexican War, Spanish Guerra de 1847 or Guerra de Estados Unidos a Mexico (“War of the United States Against Mexico”), war between the United States and Mexico (April 1846–February 1848) stemming from the United States’ annexation of Rio Grande (U.S. claim). The war—in which U.S. forces were consistently victorious—resulted in the United States’ acquisition of more than 500,000 square miles (1,300,000 square km) of Mexican territory extending westward from the Rio Grande to the Pacific Ocean.
conservatives ignore the facts?
show "your" facts.., which will be more lies. :up:

the FACT is those little brown vermin and
maggots from around the world have brought more diseases into the United States of America than Chitcago and NYC's alley rats !!
hey man, how dare you blame those poor innocent illegal Invaders of our country that is coming from third world countries...

that CDC lays all the blame on YOU the American citizens.

so get off accusing those poor innocent people crashing our border under you Dear wonderful leader, Obama
Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

We know how to solve the immigration problem. Stop giving them jobs and freebies. What's lacking is the will. Both parties are taking huge corporate bribes to let the invaders stay. THINK
No evidence??? These are UNSCREENED people coming from third world sewers. It's near certain they are bringing in diseases. Why take a chance?. They're not allowed to be here so don't let them come.

You are an idiot.

HAHAHA. All the liberals ever have is namecalling. Even they know letting 40 million illegals invade america is indefensible.
At the very least we have to keep these unscreened people out of schools. In 1982 the SCOTUS wrote a law (something they're not allowed to do) forcing schools to take in all illegals. States need to defy that.

Savage Disneyland measles part of Obama 8217 s 8216 medical genocide 8217

jan 30 2015

“Immigrants and epidemics – I’ve been sounding the alarm bell on this since I began in radio in 1994,” Savage wrote to WND. “The socialist government, media, academic, medical apparatchiks have looked the other way or changed the origin of numerous illnesses which were once eradicated in our once-first world nation.”

Savage, who holds a Ph.D in nutritional ethnomedicine, continued: “Measles had been nearly eradicated until about 15 years ago. When Clinton busted our border with Mexico, the floodgates were opened to infected migrants. Measles, TB, even malaria is returning! This is a form of medical genocide.”

He continued: “These illegal migrants may have a greater resistance to these illnesses owing to the fact they live in the midst of the infecting organisms. Our population is nearly ‘virgin’ to these infectious organisms. The killer flu raging through our population, measles, TB are all the result of this anti-American government.”

Lee Hieb, M.D., author of “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare,” was similarly unsurprised that the measles outbreak may have come from overseas.

“I’ve been saying this for a while, as many other doctors have been,” Hieb said. “When you open your borders without medical screening to these illegals, you’re not just bringing measles. Measles is just the overt thing. You’re bringing a lot of diseases, and this is going to be one of them.”

it started in disneyland where people from all over the world fly in, i doubt that people who snuck over the boarder would be, or afford to go to disneyland

It started in the IT'S A SMALL WORLD ride. With that many animated foreigners in such a small place you know some of them had to be infected with all kinds of diseases. Allen West should demand an investigation into how many of them are terrorists.

That quasi commie ride outraged me at the 1964 world's fair and it's still around. I hate that damn mouse! (-:

Deviates all. Why does Mickey Mouse wear pants and no shirt while Donald Duck wears a shirt and no pants? I'll mention that to Allen too.
One set of clothing was all they could afford.
Why would liberals scoff at the notion that illegal aliens who never saw a real doctor in their lives might be spreading infectious diseases that had all but been eradicated in the U.S.? Because they hate Michael Savage?
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

many of those problems ARE due in large part to illegals...what makes you think that over 40 million illegals wouldn't have an effect on American life....?

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....
Why would liberals scoff at the notion that illegal aliens who never saw a real doctor in their lives might be spreading infectious diseases that had all but been eradicated in the U.S.? Because they hate Michael Savage?
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.
No evidence??? These are UNSCREENED people coming from third world sewers. It's near certain they are bringing in diseases. Why take a chance?. They're not allowed to be here so don't let them come.

You are an idiot.

HAHAHA. All the liberals ever have is namecalling. Even they know letting 40 million illegals invade america is indefensible.

I tried answering you with facts- but you are impervious to facts- so you are just and idiot.
Why would liberals scoff at the notion that illegal aliens who never saw a real doctor in their lives might be spreading infectious diseases that had all but been eradicated in the U.S.? Because they hate Michael Savage?
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....
Because there is absolutely no evidence that illegal aliens are responsible. According to the CDC, 383 cases in 2014 occurred in the un-vaccinated Amish community in Ohio which came from the Philippines where they have a huge epidemic. If you exclude those cases then you're left with 214 cases in the US very close to number in 2013, more the 2012 and about the same as 2011.

I don't like having illegal aliens in the US but this attempt to blame them for an outbreak of the measles is illogical, unsubstantiated, and will accomplish nothing.

It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
Gee, should we shut our borders to all people visiting from other countries of get kids the measles shot? It's toughie ..... I dunno. LOL
It is just bizarre who the xenophobes blamed illegal immigrants on Ebola- when we knew exactly who and how Ebola got into the country.

It is bizarre how they said the illegals were going to bring Ebola across the border- even though there is no Ebola in Mexico or Central America

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.

Basically they just take whatever they are scared of today- and blame it on illegals.

Its very wierd.

Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
Illegal immigrants have been blamed for increases in car accidents, swine flu, the mortgage crisis, America's drug problem, littering, California's budget deficit, worsening traffic, violence, and the increasing cost of healthcare, so why not measles? The problem with using illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for all America's problems is it distracts from the real causes of those problems while not offering any constructive solution for the immigration problem.

it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
So its ok for Americans to not be vaccinated when the more unvaccinated people the more severe an outbreak when an infected person from overseas comes here?

It is bizarre how they now want to blame illegals for Measles- even though there is no evidence to support that claim.


No evidence??? These are UNSCREENED people coming from third world sewers. It's near certain they are bringing in diseases. Why take a chance?. They're not allowed to be here so don't let them come.
That's your opinion and not a very informed one. With the exception of a few countries with Ebola outbreaks we're not screen travelers legally entering the US from third world countries or anywhere else. That includes over 200 million boarder crossing yearly from Mexico and other Central American countries. There are no required vaccinations to the enter US, not even in countries with ongoing measles epidemics .
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it's telling that the recent outbreak in Disneyland coincides with Obama's stupid plan to bring in illegal children across our southern thanks once again to the Traitor-in-Chief we have another problem to add to his long list....

What is 'telling' is that idiots keep making up this fantasy that illegal children from Central America are responsible for the latest measles outbreak, just like idiots predicted that those children would be bringing Ebola into the United States.

You people are terribly, terribly scared of children and will just listen to whatever xenophobic hate Savage spews forth.

if measles wasn't being brought into the US we wouldn't even need to vaccinate our kids....

and ps....Savage is a thousand times smarter than you....

So do we outlaw travel by Americans outside the United States? Outlaw foreign tourists from entering the United States- those are the two most likely routes of transmission of Measles into the United States

Savage may be a thousand times smarter than me- i don't know- but i am a thousand times more honest than he is- and a thousand times a better person. His heart is filled full of hate, and he uses that to sell his entertainment.
why are you blaming Americans......unless they haven't been immunized.....? anyone traveling to other countries and returning should be immunized...that's what caused the Amish breakout last year...

unfortunately we have plenty of illegals coming here who liberals like to say....UNDOCUMENTED....
that obviously means they don't come here with documented immunization papers...and they come here from all over the world....

in fact the Disneyland outbreak appears to be coming from a strain found in the Middle East...

a 'heart full of hate'...? from what pie-in-the-sky liberal idea did you get that from...?
So its ok for Americans to not be vaccinated when the more unvaccinated people the more severe an outbreak when an infected person from overseas comes here?
no....Americans should get vaccinated.....that's what virtually eliminated the measles from our country in the first place....unfortunately we can't completely eliminate the risk coming from other places....

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