Media concerned Trump is mentally unstable.

Laughed my balls off when I saw Trumps tweet this morning!! Actually, cant stop know he woke up this morning and said to himself, "Think the first thing I'll do today is yank on the nut sacks of the snowflakes!!":eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:

Sure enough........and how funny is this? You go check in on CNN and MSNBC and these people's heads are exploding...........oh God, its priceless entertainment! :up:
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.

The Media is in no credible position to judge mental stability. Look how they respond when things don’t go their way.

Very astute know what they say about mental cases = trying things over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Reminds me a bit of watching the Twilight Zone re-runs last weekend..........the episode of "THE DUMMY".........its like the media and the snowflakes are the ventriloquist guy in constant meltdown after every Trump tweet!!:deal:

Paul Krugman the psychiatrist weighs in. Now that he said it, it must be true.
Krugman is a professor at one of the best universities on the planet, Princeton. What HS did you graduate from?

Paul Krugman's area of expertise is economics. Being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in all others. I have a doctorate in law. I am an expert in the filed of law. Would you trust me to treat your hemorrhoids? Paul Krugman is not qualified to render a psychiatric opinion regarding Trump or anyone else. I'm sure NORMAN knows this but sadly you do not.

One thing that you have negligently failed to consider (or, in the alternative, intentionally avoided) is the possibility that Krugman's opinion is tainted by his political views. Informed people know that even college professors – hell, especially college professors – are, for the most part, extremely politically biased liberals. These pseudo-experts have a politically motivated agenda to discredit Trump and destroy his presidency any way they can. Biased sources are not reliable sources.

Your cheap shot at NORMAN only proves how little you know.

You have the last word. I've already given you more time than you deserve.

Professor, while being completely right you are wasting your time getting this deep in the weeds with these liberal idiots.

Your civility is admirable, I used to be civil but I gave up on it...While it may not be that productive, I prefer to just piss them off, I find it very therapeutic.

Logic has no effect on them.

Your avatar reminds of a buddy who is one of the worlds best Albert Einstein look a likes. He makes a damn good living at it...
“At Mar-a-Lago, just before the new year, a heavily made-up Trump failed to recognize a succession of old friends,” Wolff wrote about the president’s trip to his Palm Beach, Florida, resort two weeks ago.

Trump can't remember the faces of friends and has childlike fits, according to a new book

This is so fricking funny....

Have you seen Trump's latest tweets on this?

He is kicking your ass day in and day out

and he is funny as all get out doing it...

I am having the time of my life watching

you liberals going nuts...

Life is so very good...
Tweets like, "I'm like really smart"? :laugh2:

Yea, that's right....

Did Trump not beat you liberals like a drum?

Are you saying that any ole dumb ass can

make fools of you and your media?

Well I guess you may have a point there.
If you are a conservative and follow politics, did you ever think you'd have this much fun watching progressives get poked in the eye? In 40 years of following politics, its never been near this much fun. The texts I get from liberal friends.........just perpetual misery. Just impossible for them to comprehend this dynamic............its a thinking fuck up. They don't get that at least 1/2 the country breaks into a giddy dance every time Trump shoots out a tweet while their heads explode. Its priceless shit!:2up:
Who's your Daddy?

That's Right....

It's President Donald J. Trump.........

Poor Deno joined the cult.......

View attachment 170050

I couldn't stand Trump a few years ago..

But after seeing how this genius has made

fools of you liberals and all your Fake News

media while exposing the rinos for what they are....

I love the man now, I am on the Trump Train....

Trump is a Warrior for the Right...

He is stomping liberal ass like no other....

Trump is stacking the courts in our favor and

soon we will use them just like you on the left have..

I don't blame you for hating him because he

is destroying everything you believe in and

there is not a damn thing you can do about it

short of killing him. We all know you Nazi

bastards would love and support that.
The book will no doubt be wildly popular with the "keeping up with the Kardashians" segment of the population that were already buying the manure of the media by the ton. Those who stood in line early for Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9-11 will love wolff's book.

Forget the book, nitwit.........The book is just window dressing and entertainment.....Trump MAJOR problems will prove to be Mueller's meticulous investigation of a highly corrupt and devious Trump and the acolytes that regard him as a "useful idiot."

The joke is on you idiots..

This is all coming back to bite you in the ass.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
Paul Krugman Is as dumb as bag of hammers... fact
Poor, poor delusional Trump cult members.....LOL



  • upload_2018-1-6_8-2-30.png
    23.8 KB · Views: 14
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.

probably because you're not smart enough to understand that he's unstable and demented..... not that you care as long as you think he trolls normal people.

Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
Paul Krugman Is as dumb as bag of hammers... fact

because a moron like you is smarter than a Nobel prize winning economist?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

does it hurt being as stupid as you are?
The left always accuses the right of the things they themselves are guilty of such as:

“Republicans and conservatives hate women.” Then look at all the left winger lefties exposed as womanizers, cheaters, and rapists. They also promote allowing mentally ill males to take the place of women, such as on women’s sport teams and competitions. They want to take away the ability of women to defend themselves against rapists by taking away their guns. It’s the far left that hate women. That probably also explains why so many liberal men are gay.

“The right are a bunch of racists.” Yet it’s the left that openly hates whites, and promote an Agenda to eradicate white people from the face of the Earth.

“The Republicans hate poor people”. Yet unemployment for blacks is the lowest in decades under President Trump. Dems have proven they want to keep blacks on welfare and unemployed.

“The right are a bunch of religious zealots that want to force their morals into everyone else”. But it is the left that forces people to recognize gay marriage, transgenders, and any other bonkers sexual deviant thing they can think up. They also want to force their core progressive beliefs on everyone, such as the global warming scam.

“The right are fascists”. But who is preventing people from exercising their first amendment rights? It’s the left. By violently disrupting speaking events, and pushing as much censorship as possible at campuses and social media. The left have proven they don’t mind the worst aspects of fascism and communism, especially if the victims are on the right.

“The right are bullies”. Remember when Mitt Romney of all people was accused of being a bully? The left don’t think twice about getting people fired simply for having different political beliefs. They have gone after people, even their own, by expressing phony outrage over people’s actions from decades ago.

Now they want people to believe President Trump has lost his mind, when the truth is they have all lost their minds. They are so desperate now, this is all they have. The collective left are nothing more than a bunch of petulant children that will continue to scream until their demands are met.

I say let them scream. They keep showing their stupidity to the country, and that is the best advertisement for voting Republican.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
No not only the media. Anyone with eyes, ears and a brain.
Have you not listened to his fractured English, rambling incoherent sentences and invention of words that don’t exist?

You mean "fractured English" as this ?

They keep showing their stupidity to the country, and that is the best advertisement for voting Republican.


Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)
Paul Krugman the psychiatrist weighs in. Now that he said it, it must be true.
Krugman has the distinction of being 100% wrong 100% of the time.
Remember when he predicted the total collapse of the US economy the day after President Trump was inaugurated?
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
No not only the media. Anyone with eyes, ears and a brain.
Have you not listened to his fractured English, rambling incoherent sentences and invention of words that don’t exist?
Please stop talking about yourself asshole!
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.
No not only the media. Anyone with eyes, ears and a brain.
Have you not listened to his fractured English, rambling incoherent sentences and invention of words that don’t exist?

You mean "fractured English" as this ?

Physical and mental fitness of presidents......You judge



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