Media concerned Trump is mentally unstable.

Most people outside of the Trump cult is concerned about his mental health.
Tomorrow, Trump "MAY HAVE" Aids. Just depends on the garbage du jour you swallow from the resistance liars.
Gear up to spread the word little robots... while the rest of us just shake our heads at how gullible you truly are. You are a moronic marvel. You are an American embarrassment.

The debate over Trump's mental health

^ Because the bullshit Russian thing has run out of steam. And so will this, and then you will post that an alien MAY HAVE had Trump's love child.
And we'll just shake our heads some more and then go shopping with our bonuses....
The “ Russian thing has run out of steam?”
Where do you get this crazy shit from?
Oh wait. Let me guess. Your right wing Trump loving media.
You need such instant gratification that if there aren’t indictments this week you think the investigation is coming to an end?

There is info on what is happening in the Trump/ Russian scandal every single day in the news. But plug your ears, cover your don’t want to know.
The final report by Mueller will curl your toes, shake you to your core to which all you’ll be able to do is utter a weak whimper of “fake news.”
Most people outside of the Trump cult is concerned about his mental health.
Which consists of about 65% of the country..
The funny part is the bottom feeders actually think they’re in the majority.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.

I'm concerned that the lib media is mentally unstable, not to mention completely dishonest. They are just doing their jobs, you know, supporting Dems by any means necessary.

The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Can’t figure out why four in 10 Americans want him impeached and why he’s the lowest rated president in history.

Because 4 of 10 Americans are bottom feeders and low information regressives, like yourself. They believe what Fake News tells them because it’s what they want to hear. They make decisions based purely on emotion, not logic.
Trump has totally lost the independent vote, some republicans and the Dems are united against this brain damaged president..
Black women came out in droves in Alabama to send the child molester packing.
Expect to see that nationwide.
Trump is toast.

That's the kind of thinking exhibited by all the morons who said Hillary was going to win in a landslide.
You were one of the biggest supporters of the child molester which you’ll always be haunted by.
Black women kicked your racist asses all over the place and brought home a victory for Doug Jones.
The sista’s did good.
Expect them to turn out again nationwide and kick the deadbeat party out of Congress.
Democratic congressman: President Trump is "mentally unstable" - CNNPolitics

Paul Krugman calls Trump 'obviously mentally ill the moment he took office' in bizarre tweet

Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more unstable, putting US, world at 'extreme risk of danger'

The main stream media is in high dudgeon over the mental stability of the President of the United States-interesting.

Donald Trump does not use alcohol or tobacco. He has no history of illegal drug use and there is no evidence that he is under the care of physicians that prescribe legal drugs for him. Yet there are questions circulating all over liberal media about his mental stability.

This seems odd considering his predecessor, Barrack Obama, smoked enough crack cocaine/marijuana to qualify for an addiction program and combined that with enough alcohol use to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Read his book. No one how knows much LSD he might have popped along with amphetamines and opiates but It’s obvious even to a casual observer that his drug-fueled, hard-drinking lifestyle was a clear barometer for future brain damage which is probably why he couldn’t remember where he was born.

Americans got little relief from the Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate he produced that looked like a Confederate three-dollar-bill. This could be why the global community rushed to award him with a Nobel Peace Prize before he even began a bizarre political career that was little more than ideological ventriloquism with Saul Alinsky as the straight man.

The media’s concern for mental stability was conspicuously absent when Hillary Clinton was seen being loaded into a vehicle like a slobbering wino. A cover story quickly followed reporting the embarrassing incident as a “medical situation” and then the old standby, pneumonia. Unfortunately the clumsy, staggering face-plant was seen by voters as a “diplomatic hangover” that in the plebeian community is regularly referred to as falling-down-drunk.

This might explain why the confused matriarch of the Democratic Party couldn’t figure out how to set up secure internet servers and follow clear cut State Department rules forbidding the use of private emails to conduct “secure” State Dept. business.

This also might explain why the FBI leadership swung into action to exonerate an unstable candidate even before it investigated and interviewed her. Foreign enemies of the US would be licking their chops at the prospect of dealing with a deranged president who couldn’t even figure out how to responsibly use internet technology and follow the simple rules of the State Dept. that even those on the lowest rung of the ladder have no trouble with.

The media needs to take a deep breath. We’ve moved past mental instability to a real leader.

I'm concerned that the lib media is mentally unstable, not to mention completely dishonest. They are just doing their jobs, you know, supporting Dems by any means necessary.

You’re pretty much out of your cotton picking mind.
“ unstable lib media?”
Laffen at you.
This is pretty much the same playbook they used on Ron Reagan, the last real Conservative American who slipped past a mass of left wing propaganda and into the White House.

The New York Media assured us that Reagan would get us into a nuclear war; said that he was too stupid for the job.

It is standard operating procedure---admittedly a bit more visceral this time because Trump obviously doesn't take their shit gladly.

But America rates the New York Media down way below lawyers and used car salesmen; even a bit below head lice and there's that anyway.

You do realize that Raygun had Alzheimer's don't you?

How many people do you intend to fool with this.

He didn't have Alzheimer's when he was elected---which is when the principal Media attacks about his intelligence came...and the accusations that he would get us into a nuclear war came.

He didn't have Alzheimer's during his first term, which was so massively successful that he won re-election by the greatest landslide in History---only the Dumb-Asses in Minnesota (Land of Pervert Al Franken) voted against him.

These are the times the media was attacking him JUST LIKE they are now attacking Trump.


Now the reason I responded to your nonsense is too expose you as a knave or a fool.

You either already knew all that I just posted, and thought you could get away with your one little bull-shit point, hoping, I suppose, to "Deflect", as you Bolsheviks always do----in which case you are a Knave; OR you did not know all that I just posted---in which case you are a Fool.

In either case, you have done nothing to refute my allegation that the New York Media is essentially a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party who always attacks Conservative Presidents with the same discredited method---and so are disrespected and distrusted by the American People--those who are not half-wit yourself.

Get fucked.
This is pretty much the same playbook they used on Ron Reagan, the last real Conservative American who slipped past a mass of left wing propaganda and into the White House.

The New York Media assured us that Reagan would get us into a nuclear war; said that he was too stupid for the job.

It is standard operating procedure---admittedly a bit more visceral this time because Trump obviously doesn't take their shit gladly.

But America rates the New York Media down way below lawyers and used car salesmen; even a bit below head lice and there's that anyway.

You do realize that Raygun had Alzheimer's don't you?

How many people do you intend to fool with this.

He didn't have Alzheimer's when he was elected---which is when the principal Media attacks about his intelligence came...and the accusations that he would get us into a nuclear war came.

He didn't have Alzheimer's during his first term, which was so massively successful that he won re-election by the greatest landslide in History---only the Dumb-Asses in Minnesota (Land of Pervert Al Franken) voted against him.

These are the times the media was attacking him JUST LIKE they are now attacking Trump.


Now the reason I responded to your nonsense is too expose you as a knave or a fool.

You either already knew all that I just posted, and thought you could get away with your one little bull-shit point, hoping, I suppose, to "Deflect", as you Bolsheviks always do----in which case you are a Knave; OR you did not know all that I just posted---in which case you are a Fool.

In either case, you have done nothing to refute my allegation that the New York Media is essentially a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party who always attacks Conservative Presidents with the same discredited method---and so are disrespected and distrusted by the American People--those who are not half-wit yourself.

Get fucked.

I am rather sure I never said your other hero Raygun had Alzheimer's when he got elected. But there is plenty of evidence he did before he left office. Now about getting fucked, I am sure I will be banging my wife later tonight. But thank you.

So what elneanor took care of FDR, Nancy took care of Ronald and Melania will run for the hills
I’ve been around awhile and despite Reagan’s early onset Alzheimer’s while he was in office there was never this much concern about a president’s mental health during my lifetime.
If you don’t see it, you’re not paying attention.

The debate over Trump's mental health
The next seven years are going to take a tremendous toll on you. The commie agenda has suffered a serious setback that could take decades to recover to be you, "comrade".

you may be an idiot......but you're often an entertaining idiot.....LOL

Yes, anyone that isn't a leftard falls under the "idiot" category in your little book of anti-commies. I hope my name is at the top of the list.
I’ve been around awhile and despite Reagan’s early onset Alzheimer’s while he was in office there was never this much concern about a president’s mental health during my lifetime.
If you don’t see it, you’re not paying attention.

The debate over Trump's mental health

So if a person talks french are you concerned about his mental health because he doesn't talk English?

Are you concerned about blacks mental health because they talk ghetto?

Are concerned about trannys mental health because they want to wear dresses?

It doesn't appear so but your concerned about Trump's mental health because he called Elizabeth Pocahontas?

The Left and the press are throwing absolutely everything they can at this guy. Everything. We're in completely uncharted waters here.

Most likely it will work. But this is a truly ugly period in our history. "The end justifies the means" is not a way rational people behave.
The Left and the press are throwing absolutely everything they can at this guy. Everything. We're in completely uncharted waters here.

Most likely it will work. But this is a truly ugly period in our history. "The end justifies the means" is not a way rational people behave.

That’s silly. The left is demonstrating they have no hopes of winning elections on issues anymore. It’s all about character assassination now. It will blow up in their faces as usual.
Most people outside of the Trump cult is concerned about his mental health.
Which consists of about 65% of the country..
The funny part is the bottom feeders actually think they’re in the majority.

So you went from 4 out of 10 to 65% in one day?

God damn it kid


Progressives are really good at monkey math.

I burned him yesterday at the 4 out of 10 nonsense, so he stuck his thumb up his butt and now post 65%
The Left and the press are throwing absolutely everything they can at this guy. Everything. We're in completely uncharted waters here.

Most likely it will work. But this is a truly ugly period in our history. "The end justifies the means" is not a way rational people behave.

That’s silly. The left is demonstrating they have no hopes of winning elections on issues anymore. It’s all about character assassination now. It will blow up in their faces as usual.
When Trump won, we had conversations in here about what the Democrats would do with so little power. One primary conclusion was that they would go after him personally with everything they had. So we were correct there. What we probably underestimated was the media's behavior.

They're going to make 2018 and 2020 about one issue: Trump. A referendum on Trump. That's the issue.

On one hand, it could work. On the other, they could also find a way to make him a victim if they go too far.

I sure don't have a crystal ball.

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