Media concerned Trump is mentally unstable.

The current flurry of speculation has been triggered by the book Fire and Fury, in which journalist Michael Wolff writes that during the course of his access to the White House preparing the book, he witnessed people around President Trump become aware that "his mental powers were slipping".

Mr Wolff said - during the marketing campaign for the book's sale - that Mr Trump, 71, repeated himself often. Repetition can be caused by poor short-term memory, as well as by other factors. It can be a sign of dementia, which affects 5-8% of people aged 60 and over worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

"Everybody was painfully aware of the increasing pace of his repetitions," wrote Wolff.

"It used to be inside of 30 minutes he'd repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-expression, the same three stories - now it was within 10 minutes."

Go ahead and tell me deplorables you don’t notice Trump constantly repeating himself and using superlatives in almost every sentence.
If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!
Total fucking bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Supported a child molester for Congress. You’ll never live that down. Never.

Why has this child molester not been charged with anything?
The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Can’t figure out why four in 10 Americans want him impeached and why he’s the lowest rated president in history.

Because 4 of 10 Americans are bottom feeders and low information regressives, like yourself. They believe what Fake News tells them because it’s what they want to hear. They make decisions based purely on emotion, not logic.
Trump has totally lost the independent vote, some republicans and the Dems are united against this brain damaged president..
Black women came out in droves in Alabama to send the child molester packing.
Expect to see that nationwide.
Trump is toast.

The Dem beat the “child molester” by one point.

You guys going to pay women to accuse every Republican before the elections?
Idiot thinks people were paid to vote against the child molester. That lie was already debunked. Try again.
If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!
Total fucking bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Supported a child molester for Congress. You’ll never live that down. Never.

Why has this child molester not been charged with anything?
Statute of limitations.
Just think you’ll always be known for supporting a child molester. Always.
Looking back at the last year of Trump coverage it is clear where the mental instability lies. Our media is an embarrassment.

I just don't see how anyone can say this. The networks and cable channels gave an open mic and endless live coverage to Trump to say whatever he wanted to say and when he wanted to say it. It's a 24/7 operation and most of the coverage is either live or video of a politician speaking on camera. He's the one who's ducking the press, not the other way around.

This isn't 1855, and we don't rely on reporters on horseback to write up a story in Kentucky and send it back to an editor in Philadelphia by a Wells Fargo carriage.

This isn't 1942 where all Americans had was a radio and a news report from Europe that was two weeks old, and the only pictures they got from the front lines was at the local movie theatre.

You want to blame the messenger for Trump's failings because you fucking can't handle the message even when it's delivered live and in real time.
The current flurry of speculation has been triggered by the book Fire and Fury, in which journalist Michael Wolff writes that during the course of his access to the White House preparing the book, he witnessed people around President Trump become aware that "his mental powers were slipping".

Mr Wolff said - during the marketing campaign for the book's sale - that Mr Trump, 71, repeated himself often. Repetition can be caused by poor short-term memory, as well as by other factors. It can be a sign of dementia, which affects 5-8% of people aged 60 and over worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

"Everybody was painfully aware of the increasing pace of his repetitions," wrote Wolff.

"It used to be inside of 30 minutes he'd repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-expression, the same three stories - now it was within 10 minutes."

Go ahead and tell me deplorables you don’t notice Trump constantly repeating himself and using superlatives in almost every sentence.

It's obvious now you are getting your talking points from the democrap under ground..

If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!
Total fucking bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Supported a child molester for Congress. You’ll never live that down. Never.

Why has this child molester not been charged with anything?
Statute of limitations.

Are you even aware that none of those girls accused him of having sex with them?
If there are serious charges against Trump and all indications show there will be... even if he’s not impeached he’ll have no chance in 2020.
A criminal president will be strongly primaried too.

Trump has clearly showed signs of mental decline after one year. Imagine how the basket case will be in 2,3 and 4 years.
Mama Mia!
Total fucking bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Supported a child molester for Congress. You’ll never live that down. Never.

Why has this child molester not been charged with anything?
Statute of limitations.

He said she said

Looking back at the last year of Trump coverage it is clear where the mental instability lies. Our media is an embarrassment.

I just don't see how anyone can say this. The networks and cable channels gave an open mic and endless live coverage to Trump to say whatever he wanted to say and when he wanted to say it. It's a 24/7 operation and most of the coverage is either live or video of a politician speaking on camera. He's the one who's ducking the press, not the other way around.

This isn't 1855, and we don't rely on reporters on horseback to write up a story in Kentucky and send it back to an editor in Philadelphia by a Wells Fargo carriage.

This isn't 1942 where all Americans had was a radio and a news report from Europe that was two weeks old, and the only pictures they got from the front lines was at the local movie theatre.

You want to blame the messenger for Trump's failings because you fucking can't handle the message even when it's delivered live and in real time.

Ok a question what Trump failings?
The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Can’t figure out why four in 10 Americans want him impeached and why he’s the lowest rated president in history.

Because 4 of 10 Americans are bottom feeders and low information regressives, like yourself. They believe what Fake News tells them because it’s what they want to hear. They make decisions based purely on emotion, not logic.
Trump has totally lost the independent vote, some republicans and the Dems are united against this brain damaged president..
Black women came out in droves in Alabama to send the child molester packing.
Expect to see that nationwide.
Trump is toast.

The Dem beat the “child molester” by one point.

You guys going to pay women to accuse every Republican before the elections?

Obama says, "yes we can!"
Paul Krugman the psychiatrist weighs in. Now that he said it, it must be true.
Krugman is a professor at one of the best universities on the planet, Princeton. What HS did you graduate from?
Princeton is a Liberal cesspool. People go there to be brainwashed and trained in Clintonology.
HS dropout eh?
Anyone who doesn’t know the high quality of education you get at Princeton has an agenda. A deplorable agenda.
Actually any Ivy League School.
Yeah Clintonology is a prerequisite for graduation.
You’re an idiot man.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Princeton graduate:

“Why did I do this? Greed – simple greed – and I’m ashamed of that greed,” Beale told the court. He also said it was possible that he got a “rush” and a “sense of excitement" by telling people he was worked for the CIA. “It was something like an addiction,” he said.

"Beale pled guilty in September to bilking the government out of nearly $1 million in salary and other benefits over a decade. He perpetrated his fraud largely by failing to show up at the EPA for months at a time, including one 18-month stretch starting in June 2011 when he did “absolutely no work,” as his lawyer acknowledged in a sentencing memo filed last week.

"When Huvelle asked Beale what he was doing when he claimed he was working for the CIA, he said, "I spent time exercising. I spent a lot of time working on my house."

"He also said he used the time "trying to find ways to fine tune the capitalist system" to discourage companies from damaging the environment. "I spent a lot of time reading on that," said Beale."

You were saying about Princeton?

Climate change expert sentenced to 32 months for fraud, says lying was a 'rush' - NBC News
This is pretty much the same playbook they used on Ron Reagan, the last real Conservative American who slipped past a mass of left wing propaganda and into the White House.

The New York Media assured us that Reagan would get us into a nuclear war; said that he was too stupid for the job.

It is standard operating procedure---admittedly a bit more visceral this time because Trump obviously doesn't take their shit gladly.

But America rates the New York Media down way below lawyers and used car salesmen; even a bit below head lice and there's that anyway.

You do realize that Raygun had Alzheimer's don't you?

And you do realize that Eleanor Roosevelt was the the first woman president of the United states, don't you?
Some of us noticed Obama's decline as he kept repeating "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor-If you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance". He actually seemed to believe it. It was sad.
This is pretty much the same playbook they used on Ron Reagan, the last real Conservative American who slipped past a mass of left wing propaganda and into the White House.

The New York Media assured us that Reagan would get us into a nuclear war; said that he was too stupid for the job.

It is standard operating procedure---admittedly a bit more visceral this time because Trump obviously doesn't take their shit gladly.

But America rates the New York Media down way below lawyers and used car salesmen; even a bit below head lice and there's that anyway.

You do realize that Raygun had Alzheimer's don't you?

How many people do you intend to fool with this.

He didn't have Alzheimer's when he was elected---which is when the principal Media attacks about his intelligence came...and the accusations that he would get us into a nuclear war came.

He didn't have Alzheimer's during his first term, which was so massively successful that he won re-election by the greatest landslide in History---only the Dumb-Asses in Minnesota (Land of Pervert Al Franken) voted against him.

These are the times the media was attacking him JUST LIKE they are now attacking Trump.


Now the reason I responded to your nonsense is too expose you as a knave or a fool.

You either already knew all that I just posted, and thought you could get away with your one little bull-shit point, hoping, I suppose, to "Deflect", as you Bolsheviks always do----in which case you are a Knave; OR you did not know all that I just posted---in which case you are a Fool.

In either case, you have done nothing to refute my allegation that the New York Media is essentially a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party who always attacks Conservative Presidents with the same discredited method---and so are disrespected and distrusted by the American People--those who are not half-wit yourself.

Get fucked.
This is pretty much the same playbook they used on Ron Reagan, the last real Conservative American who slipped past a mass of left wing propaganda and into the White House.

The New York Media assured us that Reagan would get us into a nuclear war; said that he was too stupid for the job.

It is standard operating procedure---admittedly a bit more visceral this time because Trump obviously doesn't take their shit gladly.

But America rates the New York Media down way below lawyers and used car salesmen; even a bit below head lice and there's that anyway.

You do realize that Raygun had Alzheimer's don't you?

How many people do you intend to fool with this.

He didn't have Alzheimer's when he was elected---which is when the principal Media attacks about his intelligence came...and the accusations that he would get us into a nuclear war came.

He didn't have Alzheimer's during his first term, which was so massively successful that he won re-election by the greatest landslide in History---only the Dumb-Asses in Minnesota (Land of Pervert Al Franken) voted against him.

These are the times the media was attacking him JUST LIKE they are now attacking Trump.


Now the reason I responded to your nonsense is too expose you as a knave or a fool.

You either already knew all that I just posted, and thought you could get away with your one little bull-shit point, hoping, I suppose, to "Deflect", as you Bolsheviks always do----in which case you are a Knave; OR you did not know all that I just posted---in which case you are a Fool.

In either case, you have done nothing to refute my allegation that the New York Media is essentially a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party who always attacks Conservative Presidents with the same discredited method---and so are disrespected and distrusted by the American People--those who are not half-wit yourself.

Get fucked.
This is pretty much the same playbook they used on Ron Reagan, the last real Conservative American who slipped past a mass of left wing propaganda and into the White House.

The New York Media assured us that Reagan would get us into a nuclear war; said that he was too stupid for the job.

It is standard operating procedure---admittedly a bit more visceral this time because Trump obviously doesn't take their shit gladly.

But America rates the New York Media down way below lawyers and used car salesmen; even a bit below head lice and there's that anyway.

You do realize that Raygun had Alzheimer's don't you?

How many people do you intend to fool with this.

He didn't have Alzheimer's when he was elected---which is when the principal Media attacks about his intelligence came...and the accusations that he would get us into a nuclear war came.

He didn't have Alzheimer's during his first term, which was so massively successful that he won re-election by the greatest landslide in History---only the Dumb-Asses in Minnesota (Land of Pervert Al Franken) voted against him.

These are the times the media was attacking him JUST LIKE they are now attacking Trump.


Now the reason I responded to your nonsense is too expose you as a knave or a fool.

You either already knew all that I just posted, and thought you could get away with your one little bull-shit point, hoping, I suppose, to "Deflect", as you Bolsheviks always do----in which case you are a Knave; OR you did not know all that I just posted---in which case you are a Fool.

In either case, you have done nothing to refute my allegation that the New York Media is essentially a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party who always attacks Conservative Presidents with the same discredited method---and so are disrespected and distrusted by the American People--those who are not half-wit yourself.

Get fucked.

I am rather sure I never said your other hero Raygun had Alzheimer's when he got elected. But there is plenty of evidence he did before he left office. Now about getting fucked, I am sure I will be banging my wife later tonight. But thank you.
Tomorrow, Trump "MAY HAVE" Aids. Just depends on the garbage du jour you swallow from the resistance liars.
Gear up to spread the word little robots... while the rest of us just shake our heads at how gullible you truly are. You are a moronic marvel. You are an American embarrassment.

The debate over Trump's mental health

^ Because the bullshit Russian thing has run out of steam. And so will this, and then you will post that an alien MAY HAVE had Trump's love child.
And we'll just shake our heads some more and then go shopping with our bonuses....
It is sad to see Crooked Hillary/Crazy Bernie folks and the democrat MSM deal with their butthurtness now with Fake News Mike "Fish Lips" Wolff's book of fake quotes. Theirs is a true mental disorder as they scramble to rationalize why Prep H does not soothe the pain.
The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Can’t figure out why four in 10 Americans want him impeached and why he’s the lowest rated president in history.

Because 4 of 10 Americans are bottom feeders and low information regressives, like yourself. They believe what Fake News tells them because it’s what they want to hear. They make decisions based purely on emotion, not logic.
Trump has totally lost the independent vote, some republicans and the Dems are united against this brain damaged president..
Black women came out in droves in Alabama to send the child molester packing.
Expect to see that nationwide.
Trump is toast.

That's the kind of thinking exhibited by all the morons who said Hillary was going to win in a landslide.
The left is soooo fucking desperate to get rid of President Trump. The economy is on the right track and that SCARES the hell out of Dems. They will have nothing to run on in 2018. All they can do at this point is attack President Trump over and over. You’d think that after two years of attacking the man they would learn no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Can’t figure out why four in 10 Americans want him impeached and why he’s the lowest rated president in history.

Because 4 of 10 Americans are bottom feeders and low information regressives, like yourself. They believe what Fake News tells them because it’s what they want to hear. They make decisions based purely on emotion, not logic.
Trump has totally lost the independent vote, some republicans and the Dems are united against this brain damaged president..
Black women came out in droves in Alabama to send the child molester packing.
Expect to see that nationwide.
Trump is toast.

The Dem beat the “child molester” by one point.

You guys going to pay women to accuse every Republican before the elections?
You can bet your last dollar that they'll be trolling for bimbos.

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