Media: "Donald Trump is rude, offensive!" Has anyone mentioned that he is also RIGHT?

Trump is saying things out loud that most people are only thinking.
It's refreshing that he is not playing the pc card.
He is right, sanctuary cities have no place in the United States.
There is no way an illegal alien who was already deported 4 times should even be found inside our borders.
We need to enforce our current immigration laws and rid ourselves of sanctuary cities and the people that support them.

Then move to one of those cities, and vote against the city council.
Leftbrainers want the Stars and Bars gone, Righties want sanctuary cities gone. Sounds like an even trade.

And RW'ers want local jurisdictions to enforce Federal Law, which is both outside their jurisdiction, and their legal authority to try in their own courts. Talk it over with Sheriff Joe. he is learning all about that issue during his current rial on violation of people's civil rights.
Trump is saying things out loud that most people are only thinking.
It's refreshing that he is not playing the pc card.
He is right, sanctuary cities have no place in the United States.
There is no way an illegal alien who was already deported 4 times should even be found inside our borders.
We need to enforce our current immigration laws and rid ourselves of sanctuary cities and the people that support them.

Then move to one of those cities, and vote against the city council.
Leftbrainers want the Stars and Bars gone, Righties want sanctuary cities gone. Sounds like an even trade.

And RW'ers want local jurisdictions to enforce Federal Law, which is both outside their jurisdiction, and their legal authority to try in their own courts. Talk it over with Sheriff Joe. he is learning all about that issue during his current rial on violation of people's civil rights.
WTF does that have to do with the unconstitutional sanctuary cities?
Donald Trump recently said that illegal aliens coming across the border are bringing in diseases. The media immediately jumped all over him, screaming that his words were offensive, rude, "racist", and generally not very nice.

When will they get around to noticing that what he said was TRUE?

And when will they notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why is the media complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?

It almost seems that Trump has handed the media their salvation on a golden platter. Now they don't have to talk about the results of Democrat policies. They can divert attention to the "issue" of whether Donald Trump is a nice guy, and talk exclusively about that, while burying the truth that Democrats have created yet another disaster for the country.

They should thank him!


Article from one year ago:

Doctor Risk of Diseases Brought by Migrants Not Being Taken Seriously - Breitbart

Doctor: Risk of Diseases Brought by Migrants Not Being Taken Seriously

by Kristin Tate
27 Jun 2014

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet--an experienced physician and nationally recognized speaker--told Breitbart Texas that the risks from diseases being brought over the border are being dramatically downplayed.

Vliet said, "Many people are trying to diminish the seriousness of this. They say, 'We have these diseases in the U.S.' Well yes, we do, but they've been well controlled, we have good hygiene, and most of our parents keep children home when they're sick."

Most of the border minors are being kept in overcrowded facilities ridden with poor hygiene; this is the ideal condition for a viral outbreak, according to Vliet.

So far a slew of sicknesses have been brought into the U.S. by the recent tidal wave of illegal immigrants. Breitbart Texas recently reported on an outbreak of scabies in one housing facility for unaccompanied border minors--the infestation was contracted by numerous Border Patrol agents. Other additional illnesses have also been noted. "We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different viruses," Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera told ABC 15.

Such illnesses "keep increasing logarithmically as long as you have people to infect," Vliet said. "So once the flu bug, TB, or any infectious disease is released--once they are brought across the border--they're just going to keep infecting more people. One person can infect a thousand people, and then that thousand can infect thousands more. There is an exponential increase."

"It's a very real risk," Vliet warned. "It could get out of hand very quickly; but since these are common disease that people have heard of, the risk isn't necessarily taken seriously."

If certain illnesses spread at a rapid rate, public health facilities could become overwhelmed....
The left wing media HATES Trump....They would do anything to destroy him....They are hammering on everyone. They got to NBC/Comcast and the PGA of America...
The bottom line is while Trump may not be POTUS material, what he is saying resonates with a very large but silent majority.
Trump is saying things out loud that most people are only thinking.
It's refreshing that he is not playing the pc card.
He is right, sanctuary cities have no place in the United States.
There is no way an illegal alien who was already deported 4 times should even be found inside our borders.
We need to enforce our current immigration laws and rid ourselves of sanctuary cities and the people that support them.

Then move to one of those cities, and vote against the city council.
Leftbrainers want the Stars and Bars gone, Righties want sanctuary cities gone. Sounds like an even trade.

And RW'ers want local jurisdictions to enforce Federal Law, which is both outside their jurisdiction, and their legal authority to try in their own courts. Talk it over with Sheriff Joe. he is learning all about that issue during his current rial on violation of people's civil rights.
WTF does that have to do with the unconstitutional sanctuary cities?

There is no state or municipal law stating that it is illegal to be in a city without documentation of citizenship. It is all covered in law 101. It would be unconstitutional if there were such a law.
"what he is saying resonates with a very large but silent majority."

The mere mention of the words, "Silent Majority" sends shivers up my spine. Can't Nixon stay dead and buried, at last?
Now six pages, with dozens of posts from the usual leftist fanatics, and still not a single one of them has dared to address the subject of the thread.

"Please, PLEASE let's talk about Donald Trump! ANYTHING but the issue he raised: Illegal aliens bring in infectious diseases!!!"
These people are truly desperate.
Now nine pages and counting. And still no attempt by any leftist fanatic to address the actual topic of the thread.

Is this a record?

(Probably not. Leftists have been ducking real issues for decades.)

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important than whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why are the media (and lying sycophants like little pogo) complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?
'Media: "Donald Trump is rude, offensive!" Has anyone mentioned that he is also RIGHT?'

The media are correct and Trump is in fact wrong.

The truth is, in addition to being rude and offensive, Trump is also a racist and hateful bigot.

That many on the right seek to defend Trump's ignorance and hate is telling, and comes as no surprise.
'Media: "Donald Trump is rude, offensive!" Has anyone mentioned that he is also RIGHT?'

The media are correct and Trump is in fact wrong.

The truth is, in addition to being rude and offensive, Trump is also a racist and hateful bigot.

That many on the right seek to defend Trump's ignorance and hate is telling, and comes as no surprise.

Yes, Trumps a bigot, that's why he employs thousands of blacks, Mexicans, Asians and other minorities. Black shyster just can't carry the water of the left without getting soaking wet feet!
Reagan was an actor. Trump is a pitchman.
Is the topic somehow NOT Donald T. Rump?
See? "Let's talk about Trump, not about what he said! Please!!!"

Back to the subject:
When will the media notice that maybe the issue he raised, is more important that whether he himself is "nice"?

Have they already forgotten that just a year ago, illegal alien minors were pouring across the border and being placed in detention camps in Texas, New Mexico, California etc.? And that doctors at those facilities were describing outbreaks of everything from measles to scabies to tuberculosis? Diseases which had been well contained in the U.S. until this flood of illegals began?

Why are the media (and lying sycophants like little pogo) complaining about how rude Trump is, and not complaining about the issue he brought up?

NAILED it with that one line, Acorn: "Let's talk about Trump, not about what he said! Please!!!"

Pogo would have a hard time finding a more succinct and clear cut way of proving exactly what you had just noted even if he put his mind and full attention to that task.

Put it this way. If we stipulate that Trump doesn't come across as being all that "nice," and if we go even further and stipulate that his manner of communicating his thoughts often crosses the line into snarling bigotry or some other form of distasteful display of bias, that STILL leaves us with the question:

Yeah, but what about WHAT he is actually saying?

Is it true or is it not true that an uncontrolled influx of immigrants brings a very heightened risk of disease? Haven't we already SEEN as much?

Is it or is it not true that the influx of an uncontrolled flood of immigrants necessarily means that there is going to be far less scrutiny about the immigrants' backgrounds? And in that case, doesn't it make sense that we will be getting those with diseases and serious mental issues and criminal records in a much higher percentage than we otherwise would have had coming into our land?

Put aside the off-putting way that Trump addressed that topic. Now let's focus on the topic.

As a general rule, I vote "fuck PC." But I would gladly enroll Trump into a "Dale Carnegie" course if the Trump haters would stop their deflection bullshit and finally agree to address the substance of his message.
Trump is speaking truth & reality. Therefore he can't be allowed to be President. He goes his own way. He's too independent-minded. The NWO Globalist Elites who select American Presidents will not take a chance on him. They'd much rather go with a Clinton or Bush. So it's time to brand Trump a 'Mean ole Racist' and get him out of the way.

Fox News built a f**ked-up Frankenstein, dumb, angry and divorced from facts. Now Donald Trump will
Fox News built a f**ked-up Frankenstein, dumb, angry and divorced from facts. Now Donald Trump will devour them

Conservative media destroyed conservative politics. The right's impossible to take seriously. Then came Trump!


Fox News –and the conservative media-industrial complex – have created a Frankenstein. His name is Donald Trump, and his political success is now a huge problem for the Republican Party. In so many ways, Trump’s political existence was inevitable. For years, Fox News and the conservative talk radio machine have played to the populist Tea Party id: fomenting fear, demonizing immigrants, and enabling every nativist anxiety imaginable. Now they’re paying the price.

Donald Trump is practically a mirror image of the Fox News psyche. Most of his speeches consist of repackaged stupidities plucked right out of the conservative mediascape. It’s kind of brilliant, really. Trump knows his audience, and he beams back at them every idiotic thing they want to hear. Which, of course, is exactly what Fox News does.

The wonderful irony of all this is that the conservative media have ruined conservative politics, far more than liberals ever did. And the results speak for themselves. It’s true that Fox News has promoted the conservative brand and very likely energized grass-roots conservatism in some sense, but at what cost? The GOP, increasingly, is no longer a national party – it’s confined more and more to the South and to pockets of rural America.

The Republicans have had their share of electoral successes in recent years, and Fox News surely aided in that, but if you look closely you’ll see that the political success of conservatives have not led to policy successes. On the contrary, liberalism is winning. Obama, for instance, has been one of the most consequential presidents in modern American history. Both politically and culturally, the country is more liberal today than it was a decade ago. And this has happened in spite of the triumph of Fox News and conservative media.

Fox News built a f ked-up Frankenstein dumb angry and divorced from facts. Now Donald Trump will devour them -


Yep...that would be pretty much the definition of a "clown"......

In you fucked up world, perhaps, in NORMAL peoples world, it's called DRAWING A LIGHT onto subject that are controversial, and the POLITICIANS of both parties are scared to death to handle, as they may OFFEND some scumbags, or have one of their CORRUPT BIG DONORS STOP sending them money!
Tyrone Slothtwat reads a Salon article with which he (of course) mindlessly agrees; and so he trumpets it as though it had a shred of value.
Trump's not going along with the NWO Globalists on destroying America and its Constitution. They have no interest in securing the border. So Trump's gotta go. Branding him a 'Mean ole Racist' should do the trick.

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