Media lie to you about Fake Electors?

They did the same thing with every story they created during the Trump administration. They outed themselves totally as pure propagandists and roughly half the nation was glad to join the hate-fest and still belly up to the trough today.
They will literally cheer for the death of America if it means taking down the Bad Orange Man and the fools don't even seem to worry that they'll be burning down their own house, at the same time. what is so ruinous about

More Americans working

Producing more energy

Higher rate of economic growth

More peace/kumbaya

Falling deficit.

UE is 3.8, we have 8mm unfilled good jobs, consumer spending is very strong, and the NLPR is up.

Why is anyone bitching?
The official Unemployment Rate has been bogus ever since they stopped including people that stop looking for work after 6 months.

As for "good jobs", do these jobs pay well enough to handle current inflation (the real rate as calculated using the formula from the 80s, not the modern one)?

There are some good jobs out there that are available, but work culture in general has been damaged by the lockdowns that happened a little while ago. A lot of people don't want to work in an office and instead want to stay home. I can't blame them for desiring a work from home job, but there are only so many of those to go around.

The real "bitching" is tied to the fact that the dollar is losing its world reserve currency status, and as a consequence, inflation is high, and so are interest rates. Millions cannot enter the mortgage market as a result, and builders are understandably reluctant to increase production.

Commercial real estate is about to bust as well due to the work from home thing I mentioned above.
Lone Wanderer's opinions are not facts; his beliefs are not facts; his hopes are not facts.

The stats are real. There is no hoax.
So if the methods of measuring unemployment and inflation are manipulated to push a specific narrative, that doesn't bother you?

I'll give another example. The US's measurement of living at the poverty line is much stricter than the one used in Canada. If we used Canada's method, our poverty rate would be much higher.
So if the methods of measuring unemployment and inflation are manipulated to push a specific narrative, that doesn't bother you?

I'll give another example. The US's measurement of living at the poverty line is much stricter than the one used in Canada. If we used Canada's method, our poverty rate would be much higher.
You have to prove, not assert, that the announcment "are manipulated" in order to make your points.

Do it if you can. Your assertions are not factual evidence.
You have to prove, not assert, that the announcment "are manipulated" in order to make your points.

Do it if you can. Your assertions are not factual evidence.
I'll start with the obvious one. Why would the Unemployment Rate go from including all those of working age not working to only including those who haven't spent 6 months inactive in looking for work? That was a change made many years ago, and it twisted the perception of unemployment.
I'll start with the obvious one. Why would the Unemployment Rate go from including all those of working age not working to only including those who haven't spent 6 months inactive in looking for work? That was a change made many years ago, and it twisted the perception of unemployment.
Those are assertive questions, not evidence. Show the differences at what you are trying to define.
Those are assertive questions, not evidence. Show the differences at what you are trying to define.

And I was actually incorrect on the timeframe. You have to have been looking for work in the last 4 weeks actually. It's even stricter now than the 6 month figure that preceded it.

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