Media Matter Blames Beck!

Again I ask... Where was Vick's Vapor Rub (Beck) and his "collapse is coming" echo chamber before Jan. 20, 2009? ... Oh, that's right... to him, everything was fine then... Because somehow the implosion of America only began AFTER the deregulate-everything party skipped town ... Nevermind that the market bottomed out at the end of Boy King's term... Must have been Clinton's fault. Oh, no wait... Carter's... LOL.

Partisan morons, marching to the drum beat of their manic depressive, strangely effeminate Fox Newsy hero.

At least we can recognize that Obama is part of the problem. To you guys, the Bush League never did anything wrong. Regardless of the glacier-like amount of evidence to the contrary.
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Oh, that's right... to him, everything was fine then...

Bullshit and since you never listened or watched, you wouldn't know it.

Go away, adults are talking here.
Oh, that's right... to him, everything was fine then...

Bullshit and since you never listened or watched, you wouldn't know it.

Go away, adults are talking here.

If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I suffer and watch/listen to Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to.

He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board. He's also laughably effeminate, over dramatic, and amusingly pretentious.
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Oh, that's right... to him, everything was fine then...

Bullshit and since you never listened or watched, you wouldn't know it.

Go away, adults are talking here.

If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I watch Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to. He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board.

happy to see the indoctrinating public school system is churning out some winners like you bro.
We aim to please. :)

(OMG. What a shameless suckup...not that I blame you) :lol: :clap2:

Like the vast majority of conservatives, I'm pleased that someone wants to come here...legally...and make a better life for him/herself. We all gain by that.

Plus, she's really cute. :tongue:

Who is? I am? LMAO Hell yeah I do wanna take advantage of what the US has. What I do here in the US I would not be able to in Japan. Like for example, owning firearms, obtaining medical marijuana (I have a card) and not be discriminated against since i'm a woman. Women are treated like shit in Japan. I like it here much better here.
Oh, that's right... to him, everything was fine then...

Bullshit and since you never listened or watched, you wouldn't know it.

Go away, adults are talking here.

If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I suffer and watch/listen to Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to.

He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board. He's also laughably effeminate, over dramatic, and amusingly pretentious.
With what you've said, I can easily call bullshit on you. And as for stealing your material? Puleeze... get over your bad self.

Let me ask you this simple question. If he's such a faker and a liar, why has no one sued him for this? He's got more than enough enemies who have the money and will to do so. Fox can't afford to get busted with a scandal... Why not?
Bullshit and since you never listened or watched, you wouldn't know it.

Go away, adults are talking here.

If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I suffer and watch/listen to Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to.

He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board. He's also laughably effeminate, over dramatic, and amusingly pretentious.
With what you've said, I can easily call bullshit on you. And as for stealing your material? Puleeze... get over your bad self.

Let me ask you this simple question. If he's such a faker and a liar, why has no one sued him for this? He's got more than enough enemies who have the money and will to do so. Fox can't afford to get busted with a scandal... Why not?

Beck also is a very wealthy man..People forget the kind of money he has. He could care less of someone on a message board talkin shit about him..he has so much money he doesn't care what people think about him! hah. Who would?
If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I suffer and watch/listen to Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to.

He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board. He's also laughably effeminate, over dramatic, and amusingly pretentious.
With what you've said, I can easily call bullshit on you. And as for stealing your material? Puleeze... get over your bad self.

Let me ask you this simple question. If he's such a faker and a liar, why has no one sued him for this? He's got more than enough enemies who have the money and will to do so. Fox can't afford to get busted with a scandal... Why not?

Beck also is a very wealthy man..People forget the kind of money he has. He could care less of someone on a message board talkin shit about him..he has so much money he doesn't care what people think about him! hah. Who would?
At times I agree with a friend of mine's opinion on the nature of debate on the internet.

"Debating online is like being in the special olympics. Win or lose, you're still a retard."
Spare me. You let yourself down when you open your mouth.

if bfgrn is king dumbfuck, does that make you queen dumbfuck?

You sound like you're still in high school. And I think you must be. Only the little punky bagheads send neg reps. You're a punk!!!
and this from the grade school portion of the discussion. :rolleyes: Which do you prefer? Sticks and stones or rubber and glue?

You did exactly as predicted. No reason to whine that you don't want to be so predictable, but we knew you would do that too.
Lots of us have posted the vile and violent things he says and it goes in one ear and out the other with these idiots. Beck IS what we paint him and we are not talking about Bush. Stick to the topic or is it too hard to defend Beck??

Another idiot joins the club.

We don't have a problem defending Beck. You haven't provided a single shred of evidence that he is promoting violence.

Who would have thought that teaching history is promoting violence.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and say he teaches history?? :lol::lol::lol: I have seen his "history lessons". I guess history has changed since I was in school. :lol::lol::lol:
At times I agree with a friend of mine's opinion on the nature of debate on the internet.

"Debating online is like being in the special olympics. Win or lose, you're still a retard."

And yet, retard, you embody the practice, nearly every hour of every day. Hanging out on the internet, arguing with people. Rather poorly, I might add.

Anyhow, getting back to your retarded premise, you can't sue an entertainer for entertaining. One would think you'd be aware of basic libel/slander conditions... But then, nope....

Moron. Yes, because no one is SUING goofy-ass Glenn Beck, he couldn't possibly be full of shit. LOL.

Oh, and again, he's laughably effeminate. Perhaps that kind of flamboyant body language speaks to certain people here.
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Bullshit and since you never listened or watched, you wouldn't know it.

Go away, adults are talking here.

If you're going to steal my material, at least get it right, reactionary tool.

I suffer and watch/listen to Beck likely more often than you, clown-and-a-half. I have to.

He's an idiot, who extrapolates based on tired partisan reasoning. Well, sorta like half this board. He's also laughably effeminate, over dramatic, and amusingly pretentious.
With what you've said, I can easily call bullshit on you. And as for stealing your material? Puleeze... get over your bad self.

Let me ask you this simple question. If he's such a faker and a liar, why has no one sued him for this? He's got more than enough enemies who have the money and will to do so. Fox can't afford to get busted with a scandal... Why not?

Scandal...will THIS do?

Glenn Beck, the guy who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off buying fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Congress Formally Opens Investigation into Goldline & Other Shady Gold Dealers

New York, NY – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn) and House Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D – Chicago) formally announced a hearing of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection to investigate the business practices of Goldline International, a precious metals dealer that uses aggressive sales tactics and conservative spokespeople such as Fox News’ Glenn Beck to sell overpriced gold coins. Weiner and Rush sent a letter to Goldline requesting information in preparation for the hearing.

The announcement follows an exposé on ABC News which detailed Goldline’s business model. Additionally, the Santa Monica City Attorney’s office launched a joint investigation with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office into the possible criminal practices of Goldline International.

Fools Gold: Inside the Glenn Beck Goldline Scheme

Goldline International is under investigation by the Santa Monica City Attorney’s office, jointly with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office, as well as being the subject of a separate investigation by Congress into the possible criminal practices.

The average Goldline markup was 90% above the melt value of the coin. The largest markup on any coin was 208% above the melt value. Furthermore, the average Goldline markup is 47% higher than better-priced competitors, with some of the company’s markups going as high as 102% compared to its competitors on one of the coins they offered.

• Goldline Falsely Claims To Offer “Good” Investments

By selling gold at twice the melt value, the price of gold would need to double for consumers to break even on their “investment.”

• Goldline Salespeople Misrepresent Their Ability To Give “Investment Advice”

Sales people imply that they are “investment advisors” or “financial advisers” by offering investment advice, which insinuates that they have some sort of fiduciary responsibility to get you the most return on your investment.

However, since they are not licensed investment advisors, they have no such responsibility. In 2006, the Missouri Secretary of States’ Office, Securities Division filed formal consent order against Goldline for exactly this reason and recovered over $200k for an elderly consumer that was ripped off.

• Goldline Plays off Public Fears of Government Takeover and Has Formed an Unholy Alliance with Conservative Pundits to Drive a False Narrative

Goldline employs several conservative pundits to act as shills for its’ precious metal business, including Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, Laura Ingraham, and Fred Thompson. By drumming up public fears during financially uncertain times, conservative pundits are able to drive a false narrative. Glenn Beck for example has dedicated entire segments of his program to explaining why the U.S. money supply is destined for hyperinflation with Barack Obama as president. He will often promote the purchase of gold as the only safe investment alternative for consumers who want to safeguard their livelihoods. When the show cuts to commercial break, viewers are treated to an advertisement from Goldline.

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”
Beck also is a very wealthy man..People forget the kind of money he has. He could care less of someone on a message board talkin shit about him..he has so much money he doesn't care what people think about him! hah. Who would?

Money is irrelevant. Glenn wouldnt care what others thoughts of him even if he was broke. He got over himself a long time ago.
Lots of us have posted the vile and violent things he says and it goes in one ear and out the other with these idiots. Beck IS what we paint him and we are not talking about Bush. Stick to the topic or is it too hard to defend Beck??

Another idiot joins the club.

We don't have a problem defending Beck. You haven't provided a single shred of evidence that he is promoting violence.

Who would have thought that teaching history is promoting violence.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and say he teaches history?? :lol::lol::lol: I have seen his "history lessons". I guess history has changed since I was in school. :lol::lol::lol:

He does teach history. It's funny what you learn by looking at original records. I've always thought that was a good policy.

Isnt it funny how despite the fact that youve been given ample opportunity you still havent shown a single fact he has wrong.
Scandal...will THIS do?

Glenn Beck, the guy who has such disregard and lack of respect for his viewers that he sets them up to be ripped off buying fools gold at 90% - 208% above the MELT value.

Congress Formally Opens Investigation into Goldline & Other Shady Gold Dealers

New York, NY – Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens & Brooklyn) and House Commerce Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D – Chicago).

“Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover – this is a trifecta of terrible business practices,” Weiner said. “It’s disgraceful that this company would capitalize on financially unstable times to prey upon people’s nest eggs.”

It "will do" to discredit Goldline, but Beck doesn't work for Goldline, pea-brain.

Shit, all the sudden these guys are concerned about "People's Nest Eggs??"

Where the hell was Weiner and Rush when AIC was making wildly shakey hedgefund investments?
Who is? I am? LMAO Hell yeah I do wanna take advantage of what the US has. What I do here in the US I would not be able to in Japan. Like for example, owning firearms, obtaining medical marijuana (I have a card) and not be discriminated against since i'm a woman. Women are treated like shit in Japan. I like it here much better here.

:clap2: One of my coworkers has a German national husband. He's gone full-on redneck since they moved here -- hunting, fishing, boating, four-wheeling. All things that are difficult if not impossible to do in Germany. I don't think he wants to go back. :lol:

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